Saturday, June 11, 2016

JAPAN - Weight-er! Japan’s first naked restaurant rejects overweight diners

Japan’s first naked restaurant to be opened in Tokyo next month has issued a disclaimer warning that obese clients would be denied service and not admitted in the first place. And no tattoos, please.
The Amrita (‘Immortality’ in Sanskrit) restaurant opening July 29 is follows the trend set by other ‘naked’ restaurants in London and Melbourne, but sets stricter rules for its customers.
“If you are more than 15 kilos [33lb] above the average weight for your height, we ask you refrain from making a reservation,” regulations published on restaurant’s website say. The guests who look overweight will be asked to go to the scales, the rules maintain, advising that you should weigh yourself ahead of dining at Amrita.
Reservations are made online and the restaurant insists all payments to be made in advance. In case a client is denied entry because of being overweight, no refund would be made for a ticket priced up to 80,000 yen (US$750).
Read entire article, clicking HERE
INC News, 11/06/2016 - source:  ©RTNews

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