Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Что мониторит НАСА на орбите МКС. Расследование "России 24"
Что мониторит НАСА на орбите МКС. Расследование "России 24"
У НАСА - проблемы: их заподозрили в замалчивании информации, которая может изменить представление о Вселенной. Американские уфологи убеждены: от них скрывают факт существования инопланетян. Дело в том, что видеотрансляция с камер, которые мониторят пространство с борта МКС, неожиданно прервалась.
INC News, 30/06/2015 - via Russia 1
Неслабый пол: пауэрлифтер Наталья Трухина продемонстрировала силу своих ...
23-летняя Наталья Трухина — мастер спорта международного класса по армлифтингу и профессиональный пауэрлифтер — продемонстрировала силу своих мышц в одном из московских фитнес-клубов.
INC News 30/06/2015 - via RT
Dit is de nieuwe Efteling-achtbaan!
Morgen gaat hij open voor het grote publiek, de nieuwe achtbaan Baron 1898 in de Efteling. Vandaag werd hij gepresenteerd aan de pers en DJ Hardwell mocht als eerste een ritje nemen. U ziet het in
INC News, 30/06/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Power glove lets you carve stone - BBC News
A young designer based in London has developed a hand tool that he hopes can change the way craftsmen and women work. As part of its Future Design series, BBC News talked to Morten Grønning Nielsen about his invention, the "Happaratus" power glove.
INC News, 30/06/2015 - via BBC NEWS
Almost one-third of Brits, Germans and French want EU army instead of NATO forces
A new poll shows almost one in three citizens of the UK, Germany and France want the EU to have its own armed forces which would replace its reliance on NATO troops.
The poll was conducted by ICM Research exclusively for Sputnik the Sputnik news agency. It surveyed some 4,000 people in Germany, France and the UK.
An average of 28 percent of respondents said they would like the EU to create its own army to protect its own interests. The number was the highest of all in France, 37 percent, and one percent lower in Germany. But only 19 percent of those asked in the UK said they wanted an EU force. Most respondents, however are still happy with the fact that NATO troops are stationed in their country – the number is 47 percent for Germany and 48 percent for the UK.
Read article HERE
INC News, 30/06/2015 - via RT
TechKnow - The man who 'killed' Pluto and nature in the lab
TechKnow visits the hotbed of research at the California Institute of Technology to explore how innovation can be inspired by nature
INC News, 30/06/2015 - via Al Jazeera
UNESCO: $200m needed to repair Nepal heritage sites
More than 700 ancient monuments were destroyed in the earthquake that hit Nepal in April. At a UNESCO conference in Germany, Nepal is hoping for a bigger international role in restoring its damaged heritage. Al Jazeera's Subina Shrestha reports from Nepal's capital, Kathmandu.
INC News, 30/06/2015 - via Al Jazeera
Monday, June 29, 2015
Как правильно выбирать солнцезащитные средства - BBC Russian
Ученые британского Королевского фармацевтического общества считают, что маркировка SPF на упаковках солнцезащитных средств вводит потребителей в заблуждение.
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via BBC
Back to Sleepy Hollow, Kazakhstan (RT Documentary)
The settlement of Kalachi in Kazakhstan made international headlines because of an inexplicable “sleeping sickness” that has affected its residents for over three years. RTD pays a second visit to discover that medical science may now be on the verge of unraveling the slumbering mystery.
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via RT
"What3Words", la aplicación que te ofrece una dirección - hi-tech
Rocinha ha sido durante mucho tiempo considerada como la mayor favela de Brasil. Allí viven 70 000 personas pero solo unas cuantas calles tienen nombre oficial. Algo que complica mucho, por ejemplo, el trabajo de las empresas de distribución.
“What3Words”, una nueva aplicación diseñada por una empresa británica, puede ser la solución. “What3Words” ha asignado un nombre de tres palabras a cada parcela de tres metros cuadrados del planeta.
“Con las coordenadas que presenta un GPS es muy fácil mezclar los números de dos casas, por ejemplo. Puede ocurrir que pidas una pizza y que el repartidor se equivoque de dirección e intente entregarla en otra casa. Nuestra oficina por ejemplo está en Index, Home, Raft pero si me equivoco y escribo Index, Home, Rafts, con s , el mapa me lleva a algún lugar en Australia. Así que el chico de la pizza también puede equivocarse”, explica Chris Sheldrick, de What3Words.
En el pasado, varios países africanos intentaron establecer un sistema eficaz de calles y números de casas. Países como Ghana lo intentaron. Pero algunas casas tienen hoy, por ejemplo, hasta cinco direcciones diferentes. En este caso la aplicación “What3Words” puede ser muy útil, aseguran los responsables de la empresa.
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via Euronews
Batumi, la capital de la vida nocturna georgiana - life
Es una maravilla del Mar Negro, la capital de la vida nocturna en la región: en este nuevo episodio de Georgian Life, hemos venido a Batumi. Ciudad principal de la república autónoma de Ayaria, en el suroeste de Georgia, Batumi es donde los jóvenes vienen a buscar el agua templada del mar, clubes de moda y el espíritu unas vacaciones inacabables. Un vistazo al paseo marítimo revela una ciudad que cambia muy rápido, con nuevos y lujosos hoteles y restaurantes, esculturas modernas, fuentes y zonas de diversión por todas partes. La naturaleza en Ayaria no se parece a la del resto de Georgia. La costa delineada por los picos cubiertos de nieve es un paraíso para miles de especies de animales y plantas. El Jardín Botánico de Batumi es un lugar muy popular para descansar, respirar y disfrutar de la naturaleza como dice una de sus responsables, Marina Tatarishvili: “Tenemos plantas de todo el mundo, algunas no las puedes encontrar naturalmente en ningún lugar más del hemisferio norte. El tiempo es muy bueno durante todo el año. Estamos en el Mar Negro, así que la mitad del año hace un tiempo veraniego, e incluso en invierno florecen plantas exóticas”.
El atardecer del Mar Negro marca el comienzo de la vibrante vida nocturna con sus clubes, casinos y restaurantes. La cocina georgina depende mucho del gusto. Sus recetas elaboradas combinan las verduras frescas y frutas con nueces y especias. Platos de carne, habitualmente a la parrilla, se sirven con salsas picantes, quesos salados y vinos locales.
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via Euronews
2 Justices Say Death Penalty Is Probably Unconstitutional
A divided U.S.
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via Bloomberg
Texas AG Slammed on Gay Marriage Stance
Gay rights supporters criticized Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who called the Supreme Court decision giving same-sex couples the right to marry a "lawless ruling," saying state workers can deny marriage licenses.
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via AP
India, deragliamento alla stazione di Mumbai
Molta paura e qualche ferito ma per fortuna nessuna vittima alla stazione Churchgate di Mumbai, in India, per un pauroso deragliamento dovuto a un errore umano. Invece di frenare, il convoglio è salito sulla piattaforma terrorizzando i presenti. Cinque feriti tra i passeggeri
Forced to marry Boko Haram or die - BBC News
When “Miriam” was kidnapped by Boko Haram she was told she had the choice of marrying a member of the militant group’s fighters
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via BBC
Who was Tunisia attack gunman? BBC News
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via BBC
Women seeking rich men to pay their university fees - BBC News
Would you contemplate financing a university education, with the help of a sugar daddy? We hear from some of the growing army of young women who claim, it's a perfectly reasonable way, to make ends meet.
INC News, 29/06/2015 - via BBC
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Venerdi è stato davvero nero, per l'Europa, il Kuwait e la Tunisia, con i tre attentati dove sono morte differrenti persone. Ecco io non mi soffermo su questo di argomento per il quale potrei essere tacciato di qualunque cosa, bensì sul caos che regna nel mondo in questi ultimi mesi, sia politicamente che tecnologicamente, e chi più ne ha ne metta.
Mi riferisco al chaos che una persona può riscontrare nel leggere tutte quelle notizie che ci toccano nel nostro intimo, che possono interferire con la stessa nostra vita e/o libertà di azione/espressione. Se si scorrono le notizie dall'inizio dell'anno a ieri ci accorge che molto ordine non sembra ce ne sia. Vediamo una somma delle cose:
1-Linguistica, romanzi, filmografica, fotografia: sono ormai ben pochi coloro che scrivono la loro lingua in modo verosimilmente comprensibile, in genere i romanzi sono scritti da un computer, i films sono fatti in serie da programmi specializzati e le fotografie ormai tutte ritoccate per non far vedere la realtà.
2-Ambiente: peggio di così non si può andare, tra allagamenti, piogge, vulcani in eruzione, tornadi, alluvioni, terremoti, non si contano più nè i morti e nè i danni causati, quasi fosse tutto un progetto naturale di selezione delle persone da eliminare e delle cose da distruggere.
3-La tecnologia: stiamo osservando una escalation circa la volontà di avere a tutti i costi un androide che faccia tutto per noi, ma non solo, stiamo arrivando ad eseguire trapianti impossibili e ad applicare protesi da fantascienza, i computers stanno per essere sostituiti da altri macchinari che usano particelle anzichè circuiti, e i nuovi sistemi visivi ci mostrano una realtà che tale non è più.
4-Dulcis in fundo, pure l'uomo stesso si è messo a fare la guerra e tra attentati terroristici, incidenti aerei e automobilistici, senza dimenticare gli omicidi di ogni tipo, possiamo concludere che non si dorme certo tranquilli, neppure andando in vacanza!
Contro Madre Natura non si può andare ma aiutarla a farci vivere meglio si, e dovrebbe spettare agli uomini di comando e di scienza l'onere di guidare l'Umanità verso momenti di serenità e non di scompiglio per il magro successo di uno solo, che se poi dovesse rimanere davvero solo, a chi darebbe più gli ordini?
Mikhail Lermontov, per INC NEWS, 28/06/2015
Friday was really black, for Europe, Kuwait and Tunisia, with the three attacks where different people have died. Here I do not dwell on this topic for which I might be accused of anything, but the chaos that reigns in the world, in recent months, both politically and technologically, and so on and so forth. I refer to the chaos that a person can experience in reading all the news that affect us in our hearts and soul, which can interfere with our life and / or freedom of action / expression. If you scroll through the news since the beginning of yesterday, we find that very order does not seem to be there. Let us see a sum of things:
1-Linguistics, novels, Filmographie, photograph: they are now very few people who write their own language in a manner so presumably understandable, usually novels are written by a computer, the films are made in a series of specialized programs and photographs now all retouched so as not to see the reality.
2-Environment: worse than now you cannot go, including floods, rains, erupting volcanoes, tornadoes, flooding, earthquakes, do not count the dead and neither more nor damage, if it were all a project of natural selection of people to remove and destroy things.
3-Technology: we are seeing an escalation about the desire to have at all costs an android that does it all for us, but not only, we are coming to perform impossible transplants and to apply prosthetics as in science fiction, computers are being replaced by other machines that use particles rather than circuits, and new visual systems show us a reality that is no longer the same as before.
4-Last but not least, even the man himself, he began to make war, and from terrorist attacks, plane and car crashes, not to mention the murder of all kinds of killing, we can conclude that someone cannot sleep peacefully, even going on vacation!
Against Mother Nature we cannot go, but help her for living better yes , and should be left to men of science/politic the burden of command and to lead humanity toward a moment of peace and not of confusion for the meager success of just one, which if we were to be truly alone, who would give more orders?
Mikhail Lermontov, for INC NEWS, 28/06/2015
Greek MPs approve bailout referendum
In a historic move, the Greek parliament has voted to hold a referendum on a proposed European bailout
INC News, 28/06/2015 - via Al Jazeera
Bangladesh completes garment factory collapse probe
The investigation into the deadly collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh in 2013 has been completed. Nearly 1,200 garment workers were killed when the Rana Plaza building came crashing down
INC News, 28/06/2015 - via Al Jazeera
Saturday, June 27, 2015
According to the latest instructions issued by the new technology, our reality will not be more of what we can see now, because already this year we must speak of "augmented reality", that is not virtual reality. Special glasses, special systems, everything special for the modern man which want to live in "his" reality, that is no longer exists.
But this is not the only new we expect in 2016, which in six months it will be here. After the referendum in Ireland, now Obama gives his approval to the "family amplified", with the approval of the Supreme Court on the freedom to choose the sex of the partners with whom tie the lawful marriage.
Time passes, the history looming, the man evolves and with him everything that goes around him. According to what we are given to understand, it will have a life a little too programmed and a bit too technical. We can open the door with a single look, cook two fried eggs (but still exist the real eggs, then?) using the phone while talking with someone meanwhile you are writing to that moron upstairs to stop making noise; have a shower without touching our self because the system will wash and dry for us, and when we will go in the bedroom where is the suspicion that the person waiting us is real or not. And that would be fine. But as we will with the same-sex marriages? No one thought to the divorces between homosexuals, and even the fact that the possible offspring should come through an omelet made with female eggs and male eggs; we admit that a male homosexual couple wants a male child, who is getting married tomorrow joins another man who in turn wants a boy. If they are all males, where will find the female eggs? The same for gay female couples. Mother Nature, then, would have made a mistake, millions of years ago, conceiving the couple man + woman = another element, which can be now man and now a woman. Probably she would return, now, all as at the beginning: a civilization (civilization?) Hyper technological, where even if it were to be a human being, he would be sexless, formless, ready to disappear.
Was Artur C. Clark right, in formulating the Monolith in his book "2001: A Space Odyssey"? Or are we, the human race, we're losing the light of reason and take the heat we broke the news? We have nothing to say against same-sex marriages, and even against the technology, but we consistently, say that we are moving too fast mind than what we understand, and the risk of a cash all over the field does not seem to be a soothsayer to interpret, it is already here at the door.
Secondo le ultime indicazioni dettate dalla nuova tecnologia, la nostra realtà tale non sará più perchè già da questo anno si deve parlare di “realtà amplificata”, che non é la realtà virtuale. Occhiali speciali, sistemi speciali, tutto speciale affinchè l’uomo moderno viva in una “sua” realtà che tale non è più.
Ma non c’è solo questo, di nuovo, che ci aspetterà nel 2016, che tra sei mesi sarà qui. Dopo il referendum in Irlanda, ora anche Obama da il suo benestare alla “famiglia amplificata”, con l’approvazione da parte della Corte Suprema alla libertà di scegliere il sesso del partner con il quale/la quale convolare a giuste nozze.
Il tempo passa, la storia incombe, l’uomo si evolve e con lui tutto quello che gli gira intorno. Stando a quanto ci è dato a capire, ci aspetta una vita un pò troppo programmata e un pò troppo tecnologica. Potremo aprire la porta con il solo sguardo, cuocere due uova al tegamino (ma esisteranno ancora le vere uova, poi?) usando il cellulare mentre si parla e si sta scrivendo deficente a quello del piano di sopra che fa baccano, farci la doccia senza toccarci perchè il Sistema ci laverà e asciugherà al posto nostro e quando dovremo andare in camera da letto ci sarà il dubbio che la persona che ci aspetta sia reale o no. E questo potrebbe andare bene. Ma come la metteremo con i matrimoni omosessuali? Nessuno ha pensato ai divorzi tra omosessuali e neppure al fatto che la possibile prole dovrebbe arrivare tramite una frittata fatta con uova femminili e uova maschili; ammettiamo che una coppia omosessuale maschile voglia un figlio maschio, il quale un domani sposandosi si unisce ad un altro uomo che a sua volta vuole un maschio. Se saranno tutti maschi, dove troveranno le uova femminili? Lo stesso per le coppie gay femminili. Madre Natura, dunque, avrebbe fatto un errore, milioni di anni fa, concependo il binomio uomo+donna= altro elemento ora uomo e ora donna. E quindi vorrebbe riportare, ora, tutto come agli albori: una civilitá (civiltá?) ipertecnologica dove se ancora mai dovesse esistere l’essere umano, egli sarebbe asessuato, informe, pronto a sparire.
Che Artur C. Clark avesse ragione, nel formulare il Monolita nel suo libro “2001 Odissea nello spazio”? O siamo noi, genere umano, che stiamo perdendo il lume della ragione e ci siamo lasciati prendere dalla foga delle novitá? Non abbiamo nulla da dire contro i matrimoni omosessuali, e neppure contro la tecnologia, ma riteniamo coerente dire che stiamo correndo troppo velocemente rispetto quello che comprendiamo, e il rischio di un cash su tutto il campo non pare sia da far interpretare da un indovino, é giá qui dietro la porta.
MIRA KARBAYEVA, for INC News, 27/06/2015
Filipinos living in China aim to bridge cultural divide
China is shaking up the South Eastern region by controversially building islands in disputed waters in the South China sea, along vital trade passages also claimed, among others, by the Phillippines
INC News, 27/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Friday, June 26, 2015
Собаку хаски, которая загрызла ребенка, решили не усыплять
Собаку хаски, которая загрызла ребенка, решили не усыплять
Сегодня активно обсуждается новость о том, что сибирский хаски, который насмерть загрыз маленькую девочку в питомнике под Костромой, вернулся в свою конуру. И снова к нему подпускают детей. Сообщается: кобеля по кличке Момент отправили на специальную экспертизу после того жуткого случая и пришли к выводу: с ним все в порядке, никаких отклонений не обнаружено.
INC News, 26/06/2015 - via Russia 1
В результате теракта в Тунисе погибли 37 человек
По меньшей мере 37 человек погибли и более 30 получили ранения в результате нападения в Тунисе. Известно, что среди раненых есть гражданка России. 26 июня вооруженные люди открыли стрельбу на пляже у отеля в нескольких километрах от города Сус. Один из нападавших был убит, еще одного удалось задержать. По сообщениям местных СМИ, количество нападавших могло составлять до семи человек, однако эти данные пока не подтверждены официально. С подробностями корреспондент RT Бел Трю.
INC News, 26/06/2015 - via RT
Kuwait Shia mosque hit by deadly suicide blast - BBC News
At least 10 people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a Shia mosque in the Kuwaiti capital. Dozens of people were injured, with images circulating online of bloodied bodies on the mosque floor amid
INC News, 26/06/2015 - via BBC News
Calif. Assembly Approves Vaccine Bill
California's Assembly on Thursday approved a hotly contested bill requiring that nearly all public
INC News, 26/06/2015 - via AP
'Screech' Actor Gets Four Month Jail Sentence
Actor Dustin Diamond, who played Screech on the 1990s TV show "Saved by the Bell," is going to jail for four months. Diamond was sentenced for stabbing a man during a Christmas Day bar fight.
INC News, 26/06/2015 - via AP
Heat deaths continue despite cooler weather in Pakistan
INC News, 26/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Philippines abductions: large scale violence against women
Every day, women in parts of the Southern Philippines live in fear - fear of becoming pawns in a culture of conflict that's lasted for generations. The region is known for its fighting groups and violent clan rivalries - but the practice of kidnapping women generally goes unreported.
In the first part of a special series, Jamela Alindogan reports from the Southern Philippines.
INC News, 26/06/2015 - via Al Jazeera
Elon Musk's hyperloop begins testing
Questo potrebbe davvero essere possibile in un futuro molto prossimo, ma non ovunque.Alcuni territori infatti non permetterebbero la costruzione di simili Loops.
INC News, 26/06/2015 - via CNBC
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Столичные клиники осваивают формат онлайн-лекций
Столичные клиники осваивают формат онлайн-лекций
В столичных клиниках осваивают новый формат онлайн-лекций. Например, в Интернете теперь можно следить за тем, как проходит операция. Преимущество таких занятий налицо - присутствовать на них одновременно могут тысячи человек из любого уголка страны.
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Russia 1
Стивен Сигал показал казахстанцам, как уложить соперника на лопатки
Знаменитый актер и мастер спорта по айкидо Стивен Сигал показал астанинским школьникам, как правильно уложить соперника на лопатки. Звезда голливудских фильмов дал мастер-класс в столице в преддверии первого Фестиваля боевых искусств. Во время занятий Сигал показал несколько простых приемов, которые доступны даже ребенку.
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via TengriNews
В промзоне Мытищинского района Москвы произошел сильный пожар
В промзоне на Волковском шоссе Мытищинского района Москвы произошел сильный пожар. По предварительным данным, погибших и пострадавших нет. В тушении задействованы 20 человек и 7 единиц техники.
INC News
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Alberto Nisman: Suicide or murder? BBC News
Wyre Davies investigates the mysterious death of Alberto Nisman, the special prosecutor who had accused Argentina’s government of trying to cover up the deadliest terror attack in the country’s history. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of Buenos Aires, demanding to know how and why he died. The issue is dominating President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s final year in office.
INC News, 24/06/2015 - via BBC News
Glacier Slowly Gives Up Decades-Old Remains
Searchers are scouring a remote Alaska glacier for the remains of passengers who died in 1952 when a C-124 military transport plane crashed into a mountain near Anchorage.
INC News, 24/06/2015 - via AP
Doctors Warn Against Dangers of Skinny Jeans
Australian doctors say to take extra precaution when donning skin-tight jeans after a woman reported muscle damage and swelling from hours of squatting in her jeans.
INC News, 24/06/2015 - via AP
ISIL blows up ancient shrines near Syria's Palmyra
Se non si interviene in una qualche maniera, tutto quanto di storia avevamo
nei Paesi del Medio Oriente, verrá distrutto da mani sacrileghe e criminali.
non erano consoni alla dittatura, si fece la stessa cosa. Non si tratta quindi
di credo o religione o partito politico, si tratta delitto o scempio volontario
edito da menti malate, che ritengono tutto ció che non é opera a loro consona
o non della propria epoca, debba essere distrutto con il suo passato.
INC News, 24/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Migrants flock to Serbia-Hungary border to enter EU
After being on the road for weeks, crossing several countries, migrants hope that by crossing into Hungary, and the EU, they will have a chance to a better life
INC News, 24/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
The Stream - After Charleston, US gun control still unlikely
Per dare una idea di cosa sia il problema della vendita delle armi cosí facile,
si pensi ad una Sicilia dove, per esempio, a Palermo, ci siano due ipermarket
contentezza e le Pompe Funebri pure, perché ci sarebbero piú sparatorie di
quanto non se ne fossero fatte nel periodo del Far West, tra Geronimo e Buffalo
INC News, 24/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Millionaire Funds Rescue Missions to Save Migrants: Part 1
Se tutti coloro che sono al vertice della ricchezza, si dedicassero davvero
ad opere di aiuto o di filantropia con la redistribuzione delel ricchezze
puperflue, sicuramente avremmo meno problemi collegati alla morte di
decine d migliaia di profughi o migranti che non hanno una meta dove
INC News, 24/06/2015 - via ABC News
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
'Van De Telegraaf Winnen nog erger dan verliezen'
Zaterdag werd de 200-jarige viering van de Slag bij Waterloo afgesloten met de nabootsing van de immense veldslag. Voorop in de strijd ging onze Prins van Oranje, later Willem de tweede.
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via Detelegraaf
FRANCIA - È morta Magali Noel, la Gradisca di Fellini
La cantante e attrice francese Magali Noel, che diede il volto e il corpo alle fantasie sessuali di Federico Fellini in film come La dolce vita e interpretò il sensuale personaggio di Gradisca in Amarcord, è morta a 83 anni. Lo ha reso noto la figlia Stéphanie Vial-Noel.
INC News, 23/9=06/2015 - via Repubblica
Facebook, con See First per primi i post degli amici. Cox: “Continueremo su questa strada”
Il rumor arriva da Oltreoceano, la conferma rimbalza sulla Croisette ai Cannes Lions. News Feed, la piattaforma di Facebook che comanda le nostre bacheche, cambia ancora. L’aveva anticipato Tech Crunch, sito specializzato che ha pubblicato un’anteprima della nuova funzione, i post dei nostri amici più cari saranno visibili in preview e saranno collocati in alto nella bacheca. See First (vedi prima), il nome della novità. E lo conferma al Corriere della Sera Chris Cox, Chief Product Officer e numero tre di Facebook (sopra, nella foto), presente alla kermesse della pubblicità di Cannes. “Sì, a breve inizieremo la sperimentazione in questo senso”, spiega . In pratica sui nostri profili comparirà un nuovo tasto che permetterà agli utenti di indicare quali contatti vorranno tenere più sott’occhio andando così a modificare i contenuti che compaiono per primi quando si apre il proprio profilo. Inoltre sarà possibile avere un anteprima di questi contenuti “privilegiati”. “Non ci fermeremo qui”, continua Cox dopo aver mostrato alla platea una foto di Marshall McLuhan in versione futurista alle prese con gli Oculus. “News Feed è un laboratorio il cui obiettivo è di avvicinare sempre di più le persone e ci lavoriamo ogni giorno”, parole di cui il sociologo canadese sarebbe stato.
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via Corriere
«Черный и слабый»: жена главы МВД Израиля неудачно сравнила Обаму с кофе
Супруга министра внутренних дел Израиля — телеведущая Джуди Мозес — подверглась критике из-за шутки, которую разместила в своем Twitter. В сообщении она сравнила Барака Обаму со слабым черным кофе. После первых же гневных комментариев Мозес удалила твит и принесла извинения президенту США также на своей странице. Эксперт по вопросам национальной безопасности Айван Иланд, как и миллионы пользователей интернета по всему миру, счел шутку Мозес расистской и рассказал RT, что она и раньше размещала в сети крайне неоднозначные сообщения.
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via Russia Today
Из маткапитала можно получить единовременную выплату
Сводный индикатор деловой активности в секторе услуг и промышленности еврозоны в июне совершил самый резкий подъем за четыре года. Индекс PMI вырос с 53,6 до 54,1 пункта впервые с мая 2011. Показатель не опускается ниже 50-ти уже два года, то есть спада нет.
Весной Европейский Центробанк запустил беспрецедентную программу стимулирования экономики
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via LifeNews
ISIS Victims Recount Year of Nightmares
It's been a year now since ISIS forces rampaged through parts of Iraq and Syria. Their trail of death led to the formation of an Islamic caliphate and
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via CBN
Il cinema dice addio a Laura Antonelli: sogno degli italiani
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via Euronews
Grecia, Bruegel a Euronews:"Vicini a un terzo piano di aiuti europeo"
Per Juncker e Tusk un accordo tra Atene e i creditori europei potrebbe arrivare già a fine settimana. Tra gli analisti e gli esperti di politica economica e finanziaria, però, circola insistente l'ipotesi di un terzo piano di aiuti per la Grecia. Di stampo europeo, in grado di ridare ossigeno alle casse elleniche e di rimettere in marcia l'economia greca.
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via Euronews
Progress made in Greece debt talks
Hopes are rising of a deal to resolve the Greek debt crisis. European leaders have responded positively to new proposals from the Greek government. They are gathered in Brussels for an emergency summit, from where Phil Lavelle reports.
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
On Al Jazeera: Is friendship with America bad for Cuba's heritage?
We've launched a daily segment for our viewers: On Al Jazeera. Some of today's stories from our correspondents around the globe: - Greek protestors want their government to say no to austerity- Nepal's April earthquake continues to threaten peoples' lives- Friendship with the US could threaten Cuba's unique character.
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
UK's Russian investors undeterred by EU sanctions
The European Union has extended its sanctions against Russia over its military actions in
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
The Story of a Kitchen Disaster and an American Million Dollar Success S...
Questa storia fa venire alla memoria tantissime storie italiane di come siano
nate talune industrie alimentari. Moltissime industrie, infatti, hanno la loro
da Ferrero, che da un banale cioccolatino chiamato "Giandia" ha costruito un
vero impero del cioccolato creando "Nutella".
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via ABC News
NY Prison Escapees May Have Hidden In Hunting Camp
A leggere e sentire le notizie su questo caso sembra proprio che loro o siano
riusciti a fuggire in tempo con una macchina veloce o un mezzo aereo, oppure
questi due fuggitivi sono proprio li, nel raggio della prigione, aspettando che
Polizia ed Esercito si spostino da quella zona per dileguarsi definitivamente.
INC News, 23/06/2015 - via ABC
Monday, June 22, 2015
Новый сервис Apple Music начался со скандала - economy
Apple готова пойти на уступки исполнителям и заплатить им за использование их треков в новом стриминговом сервисе Apple Music даже за первые три месяца, когда сервис будет бесплатным для пользователей. Это подтвердил старший вице-президент корпорации Эдди Кью в своем микроблоге.
INC News, 22/06/2015 - via Euronews
Известная пианистка Валентина Лисица выступит в Донецке
22 июня известная пианистка украинского происхождения Валентина Лисица даст в Донецке концерт, посвященный Дню памяти и скорби. Ранее музыкант была исключена из концертной программы Симфонического оркестра Торонто за ее мнение о ситуации на Украине. Она открыто заявила о своем несогласии с политикой нынешнего киевского руководства, в частности, с продолжением вооруженного конфликта в Донбассе
INC News, 22/06/2015 - via RT
В России отмечают День памяти и скорби
22 июня в России отмечают День памяти и скорби. Памятные мероприятия в честь 74-ой годовщины начала Великой Отечественной войны начались еще накануне вечером. В Москве люди с горящими свечами вышли на Крымскую набережную. Сотни граждан возложили цветы к Могиле неизвестного солдата. А в Севастополе акция «Свеча памяти» прошла у мемориала героической обороны города.
INC News, 22/06/2015 - via RT
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