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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Фактор страха: британские телевизионщики запустили реалити-шоу-сенсацию
Московская соборная мечеть готовится к открытию
ОНФ: на АЗС торгуют топливом, запрещенным в РФ
В Германии открылся международный автосалон
Новые функции и возможности iOS9
Греция: миграционный поток на остров Лесбос нарастает
Владелец Zara поднял прибыль на четверть - economy
Frecia, rifugiati siriani a Lesbo: "siamo disposti a tutti pur di restar...
AB InBev verso l'offerta per SABMiller, nascerà un colosso della birra -...
Droni contro il bracconaggio in Messico - hi-tech
Is climate change to blame for this?
On the ground at the Serbian border with Hungary
'I don't know why anybody would do this to her'
Renzi presenta alla stampa i 20 direttori dei musei nazionali
Ungheria blindata, sciopero della fame al confine
Diritti gay: pace fatta tra Elton John e Putin?
Charlie Hebdo nella bufera. Pioggia di critiche per le vignette sul picc...
Jaguar car sets record for tallest loop the loop
Facebook considers "dislike" button
Merkel placates German regions over refugee numbers
Hunger strikers dig in to protest over Beirut rubbish crisis
Charlie Hebdo criticised for cartoon 'mocking drowned Syrian boy'
Refugees shun the sea for the overland route into Europe from Turkey
Sir Elton and Putin discussed gay rights on the telephone. Or did they?
Pope Francis Has Revived, Ruffled US Catholics
The Disappeared: Thousands Missing in Mexico
Serena Williams Unveils Clothing Line at New York Fashion Week | ABC News
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