Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Самолет Москва - Анталия вернулся в Домодедово с отказавшим двигателем

Режим ЧС в Алматы будет сохраняться до конца недели

Croazia e Sebia iniziano celebrazioni per ventennale fine della guerra i...

Leone Cecil: compagnie aeree Usa vietano trasporto trofei di caccia

Germania, sfiduciato il procuratore che indagava sui blogger di netzpolitik

Picasso: dogana francese sequestra in Corsica "Picasso" uscito illecitam...

India porn crackdown

Girl raises $47,000 for sick friend

Woman discovers she has carried fetus for over 60 years

some minutes of relax for our readers? Sure!

Thousands in California evacuated from their homes

Hunter slammed for viral photo

Probably it was not enough the killing of the famous lion few days ago. Now

is in charge of a woman to kill innocent animal, saying that Giraffe is a very

dangerous animal and can hurt you quickly.

INC News, 05/08/2015 - via CNN

Newborn baby girl rescued from China toilet

'Arab Spring' to ISIS: The Mideast 'Misconception'

Nurses Partner to 'Wipe Out Diaper Need'

NASA Documentary on Mars 2015 ** I bet you will watch this video OVER & ...

We propose this clip of 45 minutes, just in review imagines from Mars and

from our Planet.

INC News, 05/08/2015 - via CBCNews

Deadly mayhem outside Toronto nightclub

Atomic explosions

Levitating hoverboard unveiled by Lexus - BBC News

This hoverboard is a new product just revealed by Lexus in this video. They normally make cars but they've come up with this new magnetic levitation technology. Using magnetics and liquid nitrogen, the idea is that the force created is strong enough for a person to ride this hovering board - but as you can see it's not easy. These guys are professional skateboarders with years of experience, and even they are struggling. In case you are wondering if you could give it a try, the product is only a prototype and not yet for sale.

INC News, 05/08/2015 - via AP

Shutting Down Stereotypes | ABC News

ISIS threat forces Iraq to digitize national library

In an effort to preserve centuries of the written word from possible pillage by Islamic State militants, the Baghdad National Library is rushing to scan ancient works to create digital archives.The work undertaken by the microfilm department is truly a hefty task, as a vast proportion of the collection of manuscripts is in bad shape. Over the centuries, several have either been burned or ruined by dampness. Others have even fossilized over time and now look like large rocks.
“Those are the most difficult books to restore,” Fatma Khudair, from the museum restoration department told the AP. “We apply steam using a specialized tool to try to loosen and separate the pages.”
Khudair noted that some damage over the years is “irreversible.” Currently the library staff is working to preserve the documents dating back to the Ottoman empire.

Read article HERE
INC News, 05/08/2015 - via RT