Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Walk Among the Tombstones - Ultimate Trailer (2014) - Liam Neeson Movi...

Big Eyes Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Tim Burton, Amy Adams Movie HD

В Мюнхене стартовал ежегодный фестиваль «Октоберфест»

La grêle frappe le centre historique de Florence

Новости технологии за 1 минуту - BBC Russian

Life looks really different through an MRI machine

Germania, Stoppelkamp da record: gol da oltre 80 metri

Il giocatore del Paderborn, squadra sorpresa della Bundesliga, approfitta dell'assenza del portiere dell'Hannover, che si era spinto nell'area avversaria per cercare il gol, per infilarlo con un tiro da distanza siderale

Angelina Effect doubles breast cancer tests

Angelina and the breast operation
Angelina Jolie's surprise announcement last year that she had undergone a preventative double mastectomy has helped double referrals for genetic breast cancer tests.
The actress took the decision after testing positive for the BRCA1 gene mutation, which greatly increases the risk of getting the disease. A new study shows that in June and July last year the number of GP referrals for genetic counselling and DNA tests for breast cancer mutations in the UK increased two-and-a-half times compared with the same period in 2012.
The "Angelina effect" was long-lasting, with referrals remaining at twice the previous year's figure from August to October. But the extra women seeking help were not worrying unnecessarily - most had a family history of breast cancer, meaning they were being appropriately screened. Professor Gareth Evans, from the charity Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention and St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, who led the study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research, said: "Angelina Jolie stating she has a BRCA1 mutation and going on to have a risk-reducing mastectomy is likely to have had a bigger impact than other celebrity announcements, possibly due to her image as a glamorous and strong woman.
INC News, 20/09/2014

Alibaba Bigger Than Facebook On Market Debut

Incredible Alibaba
Stock in the Chinese e-marketplace opened at $92.70, valuing Alibaba at 14% bigger than Facebook and as the second-biggest firm on the FTSE 100 behind Royal Dutch Shell. It was the biggest flotation in US history at almost $22bn but underwriters exercised an option to buy up more shares to meet the demand frenzy meaning the sale would raise $25bn - more than the $22.1bn by China's AgBank in 2010.
Many investors received fewer shares than they had hoped for and were said to be lining up orders for millions of shares ahead of opening though a bulk were set to be disappointed.
NYSE, anxious to avoid a repeat of the glitches which marred Facebook's IPO on the rival Nasdaq exchange in 2012, said extensive testing of its systems had identified no problems ahead of the trading session. A delay in declaring the opening price was blamed purely on the demand issue. The NYSE's opening bell was rung at 2:30pm BST as Alibaba customers, brought in to launch the trading day, clapped and smiled.
The company's founder and executive chairman Jack Ma, who started the company in a one-bedroom apartment, was on hand to witness the event and looked on proudly as the opening price indications rose. He has shares that stand to be worth up to $14bn though one of the biggest winners will be Yahoo!
INC News, 20/09/2014

Oggi evento non comune, si festaggiano gli 80 anni di Sophia Loren e Brigitte Bardot!

La sua carriera ha tappe tanto precise quanto note: dapprima una quindicina di piccoli ruoli a fianco dei mostri sacri dell'epoca (memorabile la sua apparizione in "Due notti con Cleopatra"; poi il concorso di bellezza che la fa notare al produttore Carlo Ponti e il contratto di esclusiva che per lui firma nel 1951: sette anni per diventare una diva internazionale prima col nome di Sofia Lazzaro e poi come Sophia Loren. Il primo film che farà storia è "Carosello napoletano" di Ettore Giannini (1954) poi a fianco di Totò in "Tempi nostri" (Alessandro Blasetti) e infine con il suo vero pigmalione, Vittorio De Sica, in "L'oro di Napoli" e con il suo partner irripetibile, Marcello Mastroianni in "Peccato che sia una canaglia" ancora di Blasetti. Per la Loren quel '54 resterà l'anno memorabile e da lì parte tutto: il suo personaggio, la sua icona, la sua anima d'attrice. Dopo essere diventata una diva italiana, una "maggiorata" degna di rivaleggiare con Gina Lollobrigida di cui prende il posto nel terzo episodio della trilogia "Pane amore e..." (Dino Risi, 1956) arriva per lei il successo internazionale grazie alla celebre copertina di "Life" che la incorona come emblema della bellezza mediterranea. Carlo Ponti (che nel frattempo convive con lei dando scandalo perchè non può divorziare dalla prima moglie secondo la legge italiana) la accompagna nell'avventura a Hollywood dove troverà partner come Cary Grant (amico fedele e assiduo corteggiatore), Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, William Holden, Tony Perkins e perfino Marlon Brando.

Buon compleanno B.B.! Brigitte Bardot, ex icona sexy del cinema francese e fervente animalista, compie 80 anni il 28 settembre e lancia un appello al presidente Hollande. La Marianna di Francia chiede l'abolizione della macellazione rituale e la chiusura dei mattatoi per cavalli.
    "Sono le mie ultime volontà", dice. Il mito Bardot nacque con 'Et Dieu... crea la femme', film scandalo del 1956. Ne seguirono una cinquantina. Tra i suoi rimpianti, quello di non aver girato con Fellini e Bergman.

INC News, 20/09/2014-via ANSA AP

Alice Gross Police Search Is Largest Since 7/7

Alice Gross
The search for missing teenager Alice Gross is now the biggest deployment of Metropolitan Police search assets since the 7/7 terror attacks in London.
The 14-year-old from Hanwell, west London, has been missing for 24 days and police continue to make new appeals for  information.
Detectives revealed this week they are also searching for Latvian national Arnis Zalkans, 41, who disappeared from his home in nearby Ealing on September 3 - a week after Alice disappeared.It has also emerged Zalkalns was arrested in London on suspicion of indecent assault on a 14-year-old girl in 2009, but was never charged. Search teams, including dogs and divers, have been deployed across west London looking for Alice, and police say the search area is being widened.
Detective Superintendent Carl Mehta, said: "I would like to thank the local community who have shown great support to the search effort and police investigation so far. "Our officers are working through the weekend - carrying on those searches. We will not stop our hunt for Alice. Whilst we have already seized many hundreds of hours of CCTV we still need the public's help.
"If you are a shop owner, have CCTV at your home, or were out filming in the areas of Ealing and Hanwell and have footage from the afternoon of Thursday 28 August when Alice was last seen, and right up to the 3 September when Arnis Zalkalns was last seen, then please get in touch with us.

INC News, 20/09/2014

The biggest tent in the world

The Khan Shatyr in Kazakhstan shows how the tent may be the future of architecture and urban planning.
The tent may be the oldest form of human structure - easy to assemble, fast to dismantle and capable of being erected in any terrain. It's a form that's light, functional and low maintenance, and can be found in one form or another throughout much of human history. It's also possible that this oldest type of structure may hold the key to architecture's future.
The Culture Show explores how Frei Otto's designs for lightweight tent-like structures, such as the Munich Olympic Stadium, may hold the key to solving a global housing crisis and protecting the environment in these challenging economic times, and how elaborate tents like London's 02 Arena and Astana, Kazakhstan's Khan Shatyr have transformed urban spaces, according to BBC.

INC News, 20/09/2014

Brussels chocolate museum

Brussels chocolate
It likes to call itself the "country of chocolate" and now Belgium has a new treat for visitors: a museum dedicated to the confectionary featuring a Willy Wonka-style factory and cocoa tree jungle, AFP reports.
Chocolate is a national treasure in Belgium. It is home to such illustrious brands as Godiva, Neuhaus, Leonidas and Cote d'Or. And the museum opening Saturday, in a former chocolate factory in the capital Brussels, will showcase its love of the brown stuff.
"The Belgian passion for chocolate has never been denied and we have become 'the country of chocolate,'" the museum's designer Henri Dupuis said.
At the heart of the Belgian Chocolate Village, as the museum is called, cocoa trees and other tropical plants grow in a lush greenhouse.
Visitors to the museum in the northwest Brussels neighbourhood of Koekelberg can learn how the cocoa bean is harvested abroad, usually in west Africa where it was introduced by the Europeans, and then refined into chocolate in northern countries.
They are told the history of chocolate from its origin in central America where the Maya and Aztec Indians consumed cocoa in the form of a drink, to its arrival in Europe with the Spanish before it was mass produced in the industrial revolution.
It shows how chocolate sparked religious debates -- about whether it could be eaten during periods of fasting -- and children in Europe were often forbidden from having it.
INC News, 20/09/2014

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Italy celebrates 80 years of national treasure Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren turned 80 on Saturday -- a landmark birthday feted across Italy with celebrations of the beauty and talent of the country's revered cinema icon, AFP reports.
Loren herself was spending the day in Mexico City, where telecommunications magnate Carlos Slim had organised a gala dinner to mark the occasion.
Slim, one of the world's richest men, was also hosting an exhibition at his private museum entitled "Yesterday, today and tomorrow".
That is also the title of a new memoir Loren has produced to mark her octogenarian birthday and which is full of anecdotes detailing, for example, how enamoured Cary Grant was of her, and how she once resisted Marlon Brando's amorous advances by hissing at him like an angry cat.
The illegitimate daughter of an actress, Loren is adored in her homeland for that kind of feistiness -- as well as for her triumph over extremely humble origins, her acting talent and for the voluptuous good looks that made her synonomous with simmering southern sensuality.
Born Sofia Scicolone to an actress single mother, Loren was nicknamed the "toothpick" because she was so thin in her early teens. But she soon filled out sufficiently to be able to earn a living for herself and her impoverished family by winning beauty contests.
At one of them, aged 15, she met Carlo Ponti, a man two decades older than her who was to become her husband, manager and constant companion until his death in 2007.

INC News, 20/09/2014-via Tengrinews

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Evviva la serieta' delle persone

Di giorno usciva in carrozzina, mentre la sera passeggiava col cane. La Guardia di Finanza di Forlì ha smascherato una falsa invalida, ex dipendente dell'INPS, che da 10 anni riceveva 500 euro al mese di indennità di accompagnamento. La donn aveva lavorato proprio nell'ufficio che si occupa delle pensioni di invalidità.

Probabilmente il ciclista più fortunato al mondo

Immagini registrate venerdì da una telecamera di sorveglianza ad un incrocio nella città russa di Ljubercy e che documentano come un ragazzo sulla sua bici sia incredibilmente scampato alla morte. In questo incidente, che ha coinvolto un camion e un’utilitaria, nessuno è rimasto ferito in modo grave.

Er is getapt! - Oktober feest gestart!!

In München is zaterdag het Oktoberfest begonnen. Burgemeester Dieter Reiter (SPD) opende het grootste bierfeest ter wereld door het eerste vat aan te slaan. Daarna sprak hij de traditionele woorden „O'zapft is!” (Er is getapt) en proostte met premier Horst Seehofer van Beieren op een „vreedzame Wiesn”. Dit staat voor de Theresienwiese, het festivalterrein van 42 hectare waar het volksfeest tot 5 oktober wordt gehouden.
    Foto: AFP
    Foto: EPA
    Reiter had vier hamerslagen nodig om de kraan in het eerste vat te drijven. Volgens de traditie doet een burgemeester het des te beter hoe minder hamerslagen hij nodig heeft. Reiter is pas sinds mei burgemeester; hij volgde toen zijn partijgenoot Christian Ude op. Het is dus Reiters eerste Oktoberfest als burgervader, en hij heeft het aanslaan van het eerste vat voor lopende televisiecamera's dan ook van tevoren uitgebreid geoefend, zo weet de publieke oproep Bayerischer Rundfunk te melden. Hij had zich een doel van 3 à 4 hamerslagen gesteld en heeft zijn target dus bereikt. Ude blijft recordhouder: hij slaagde er in 2009 in het eerste vat met slechts 2 hamerslagen aan te slaan. Maar Ude had toen ook al een enorme ervaring opgebouwd: hij was sinds 1993 burgemeester van München.

    INC News, 20/09/2014-via AD

    CoppaFeel! launches campaign to show breasts in a non-sexual way for cancer awarenes


    How would you describe your boobs? Soft? Squidgy? Delightfully bouncy, or disappointingly flat? Me, I’d say mine are nicely shaped, if a little teeny. My boyfriend, when pushed, plumped for perky and then asked how I’d describe his balls. Tit for tat, I suppose.

    This week, breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel! launched a new advertising campaign featuring photos of seven bare-chested women, each one painted with the word that best describes how their boobs feel to them.
    Shot by British photographer Rankin and using words such as “spongy” and “bobbly”, the pictures will appear on billboards around the UK and aim to normalise and desexualise breasts, helping women reclaim the vocabulary surrounding them.
    The campaign will be the first time fully naked boobs are shown on billboards in a non-sexual way. In the past, nipples have appeared only on fashion adverts, all of which were subsequently banned by the Advertising Standards Agency for sexualising women.
    According to the campaign, the sexualisation of breasts, though not an entirely ridiculous notion given one of their secondary functions, has led to women thinking about their boobs only in terms of size, rather than feel. Research shows women aged between 18-30 across the UK are struggling to find the right words to describe their boobs, beyond big or small.

    INC News, 20/09/2014

    Texas court throws out anti-'upskirt' photography law

    Texas new regulations

    A Texas court has thrown out a law prohibiting ‘up the skirt’ photography, on the grounds the previous ruling violated Texas’ citizens’ constitutional right to freedom of expression.

    The Texas Court of Appeals ruled 8-1 to strike down part of a law which bans taking images of another person in public without their consent and with the intention to “arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person”, criticising the “paternalistic” intrusion into peoples’ private right to be aroused.
    Debjani Roy, deputy director of Hollaback!, a New York-based anti-street harassment group, speaking to the Guardian, claimed the decision was “a huge violation and absolutely appalling that the rights of predators are being valued over the rights of women and girls.”
    Halie Ricketts, a victim of an ‘up the skirt’ shot in an Austin mall earlier this year, commented: “Currently the law is protecting the criminals and not the victims”.
    The individual, who Ms Ricketts claims stuck a camera up her skirt and took a photograph, has not been charged.
    The judges’ decision, released on Wednesday, said “photographs and visual recordings are inherently expressive”, as is the process creating them, ensuring their protection under the First Amendment.

    INC News, 20/09/2014

    Sneak peek: A Raging Son

    A Weight Watchers executive is murdered by her Wall Street lawyer boyfriend. Did his mother’s neglect 30 years ago push him to kill? Troy Roberts investigates

    Tute spaziali come una seconda pelle

    Nuove tute spaziali

    Sembrano uscite da un film di fantascienza, le tute spaziali che si auto-modellano e sottili come una seconda pelle che si stanno progettando al Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mit). Se oggi gli astronauti sono costretti a indossare ingombranti e scomode tute pressurizzate, in futuro potrebbero affrontare nello spazio avvolti in abiti leggerissimi, elasticizzati e aderenti, modellati da minuscole pieghe leggermente in rilievo.

    Entrare in una tuta di questo tipo sarà molto più semplice: basterà collegarla ad una fonte di alimentazione elettrica per 'azionare' le pieghe facendole contrarre in modo che la tuta aderisca perfettamente al corpo. E' una tuta pressurizzata tutti gli effetti, in grado perciò di far lavorare gli astronauti in sicurezza e nello stesso tempo garantendo loro una grande libertà di movimento. Toglierla è altrettanto semplice: basta applicare un piccola forza perchè la tuta perda la sua aderenza.

    INC News, 20/09/2014-via ANSA AP