Monday, November 14, 2016

Вести в 20:00. Последние новости от 14.11.16

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©Novosti Russia 24

Bernini Sculpture Vandalized In Rome

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©Wochit News

Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 14/11/2016

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©TGLa7

Le Cronache di La7 - Puntata 14/11/2016

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©TGLa7

Наследие Обамы: страны Азии отворачиваются от США

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©RTNews

"¡Vergüenza!": Los animalistas protestan contra los toros de fuego en Espana

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©RTNews

¡Aquí hay gato encerrado!: El felino que atrae las miradas mientras interogan el jefe

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Speed & snow: Russian boarder shreds majestic Palace Square in St. Petersburg

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Pizza the polar bear moving out of Chinese mall

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©Newsy

7.8 magnitude quake hits New Zealand

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Robot solves Rubik's Cube too fast to see

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©Newsy

2016 predicted to be hottest year on record

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Федорова поможет с конкурсом “Мисс мира”

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©

Улица Трампа может появиться в Рязани

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©

L'asilo nido aperto di notte

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©La7

Come amano i giovani oggi

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©La7

Из-за непогоды уже отменяют занятия в школах

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©KTKnews

Parla il 71enne ferito dal poliziotto al posto di blocco: "Mi ha sparato...

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©

Tiziana Cantone senza pace: "Sciacalli hanno ricaricato video dopo la morte

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©

Спасет ли кредит МВФ экономику Египта? Мнение эксперта - economy

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Италия: премьер-министр убрал флаг Евросоюза

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Россия обвиняет сирийских повстанцев в применении химического оружия

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Водный ресурс - в центре внимания СОР22

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Внимание, суперлуние!

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Джонсон видит "много позитива" для ЕС в избрании Трампа

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Рост ВВП Японии превысил ожидания - economy

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Toyota выплатит компенсации за коррозию автомобилей в США - economy

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Couple shocked after $441 fine for not registering dog

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © CTV News

Apple MacBook Pro with Touch Bar review

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © Cnet

Top 5 things Amazon's Alexa can do that Google Home can't

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © Cnet

Central China Sees Spectacular Sea of Clouds

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © CCTV+

Raw: Rare Sea Turtle Found in North Wales

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © AP

Two Women, Child Killed in Jacksonville Shooting

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © AP

Raw: New Zealand Cleans Up from Quake

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © AP

Новости НТВ "Сегодня" 14.11.2016 в 16-00

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © HTB Novosti Sevodnya

Prisons Fight Opioids with $1,000 Injection

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © AP

Growth Market: Making Furniture with Fungus

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © AP

Today in History for November 14th

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © AP

Blasphemy case against governor's remarks puts Indonesia to test

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © AlJazeera

Yoga Instructor Accused of Murdering Her Identical Twin

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © abcNEWS

Pelican's Incredibly Dramatic Yawn

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: © abcNEWS

Poland to exhume bodies of 2010 plane crash victims

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Exclusive investigation: The 'double standards' of Vietnam in ivory trade

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Sam DuBose Police Shooting: No Verdict Reached

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©abcNEWS

New Zealand Earthquake Kills at Least 2 People

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©abcNEWS

Giuliani on Trump Protests: 'Professional Protesters'

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©abcNEWS

The quiz that will determine if you really have superior colour vision

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©24 News today

Moldova. Il filorusso Igor Dodon vince il ballottaggio delle presidenziali

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Usa. Trump sceglie Preibus come capo gabinetto e Bannon come responsabile stratega

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Usa: Trump conferma deportazioni di massa, saranno espulsi 2 o 3 mln di clandestini

INC News, 14/11/2016 - source: ©euronews