Friday, September 5, 2014

California,verso stop sacchetti plastica

USA e sacchetti di plastica

Il Parlamento della California ha approvato un disegno di legge in questo senso venerdì scorso, ricorda la stampa americana, e adesso serve la firma di Brown affinchè la legge possa entrare in vigore. "Sì, probabilmente lo firmerò", ha detto il governatore Democratico durante un dibattito tv con il rivale Repubblicano, Neel Kashkari, alle lezioni del prossimo 4 novembre. "E vi dirò perchè lo firmerò: ci sono circa 50 città con i rispettivi divieti sull'uso dei sacchetti di plastica e questo sta causando molta confusione", ha detto il governatore, citato dal Los Angeles Times ed altri media.

Rotterdam, 05/09/2014-INC News

Più controllo per gli utenti, obbiettivo sicurezza per Apple e Facebook

Apple and Facebook
AGGIORNAMENTI per Apple e Facebook, in termini di sicurezza. Apple farà di più per difendere gli account dei suoi clienti dagli attacchi hacker, ma ribadisce: nessuna Apple ID o password è trapelata dai server della società, gli account delle star sono stati violati dopo aver risposto correttamente alle domane di sicurezza. In un'intervista al Wall Street Journal, l'amministratore delegato di Apple, Tim Cook, parla per la prima volta della pubblicazione delle foto di vip nudi.
Per evitare che questo si ripeta, Apple avvertità gli utilizzatori via mail e non solo quando qualcuno cercherà di cambiare password, trasferire i dati iCloud su un nuovo dispositivo o quando un dispositivo verrà collegato a un account per la prima volta. Apple rafforzerà anche il proprio sistema di sicurezza con la ''doppia autenticazione'', che sara' ampliata a piu' servizi. I titolari che vorranno accedere ai propri account dovranno avere almeno due cose su tre fra password, un codice di quattro cifre o la chiave d'accesso data agli utilizzatori quando si registrano per il servizio.

Rotterdam, 05/09/2014-INC News

For people which doesn't the city...24 Hours of Moscow | Behind the Scenes

Devaluation vs revaluation of Tenge: Kazakhstan keeps fingers crossed

Kazakhstan awaits 'a new decision' about the tenge exchange rate, fears a new devaluation and keeps its fingers crossed.
Devaluation fears in Kazakhstan have been high since the West started imposing sanctions on Russia for its involvement in the conflict in Ukraine and the pressure on the Russian currency exchange rate intensified.
Kazakhstan is closely linked with Russia, because of their huge common border and vast trade relations. Kazakhstan-Russia border is over 7.5 thousand kilometres long, and their economies stand so tightly together that Russia accounts for 36% of Kazakhstan’s imports and 7% of its exports. So everything that goes on in Russia sends a wave to Kazakhstan.
Besides, Kazakhstani residents remember too well the nearly 20% devaluation of February 2014. So every time there is a cause for uncertainty the devaluation fears resurface. Throughout the year Kazakhstani officials have repeatedly made statements explaining that Kazakhstan had enough fedex reserves to keep the Tenge exchange rate stable, and promising that no new devaluations were forthcoming. But in spite of their efforts, many remained unconvinced.
On several occasions panic-driven queues gathered at exchange bureaus throughout the country causing cash bottlenecks and fuelling the speculations even further. Kazakhstanis now tend to keep their savings in dollars or euro rather than in Kazakhstan's national currency, the tenge, because of lack of trust to the latter.
Rotterdam, 05/09/2014-INC News

Barclays: Finger vein vcanner 'Game-Changing'

Barkley bank
Barclays has said it is committed to a biometric future in banking security while showing off its new finger scanner aimed at cutting fraud.
The bank said the scanner, which can be used by corporate clients from next year, was part of a package of measures it was planning for customers which would include wider use of voice recognition technology in personal banking. Barclays' reader - developed with Hitachi - scans a finger and identifies unique vein patterns to access accounts, instead of using a password or PIN.
The bank said that unlike finger prints, vein patterns were extremely difficult to spoof or replicate.
Rotterdam, 05/09/2014-INC News

Sex Abuse Inquiry Judge Replacement Revealed

UK Sex abuses
The replacement for a retired judge who stood down from heading a historic child sex abuse inquiry amid controversy has been unveiled. Fiona Woolf, the current Lord Mayor of London and a leading tax lawyer, will now head up the probe to examine whether alleged abuse by politicians and other powerful figures between the 1970s and 1990s was swept under the carpet.
Professor Alexis Jay, the author of the recent report into abuse in Rotherham, has also agreed to act as an expert adviser to the inquiry.
Rotterdam, 05/09/2014-INC News

Hungarian cinema enjoys welcome funding

STAZIONI TRENI ITALIA - SVIZZERA !!! (100 metri 2 mondi)

Scarlett Johansson e' diventata mamma!

Nel giardino fatato di Scarlett Johansson e' nata ROSE, una splendida bimba nata dalla coppia non ancora unita in matrimonio e composta dalla brava attrice ventinovenne e dal fidanzato Romain Dauric, giornalista francese.

Meritati complimenti ad entrambi e auguri alla nuova Rosa giunta nel verde dell'Europa.

In the enchanted garden of Scarlett Johansson came ROSE, a beautiful baby born from the couple not yet united in marriage and composed of twenty-nine good actress and boyfriend Romain Dauric, a French journalist.

Deserved congratulations and best wishes to both of the new Rosa arrived in the green.

Rotterdam, 05/09/2014-INC News