Saturday, February 14, 2015

Addio a chi ha inventato la Nutella!! E' morto Michele Ferrero

"Mister Nutella" non c'è più. Michele Ferrero 89 anni, proprietario dell'omonimo gruppo dolciario è morto oggi pomeriggio a Montecarlo, dopo mesi di malattia. Lo ha reso noto la stessa azienda di Alba, dove verrà allestita la camera ardente. Non è ancora stata annunciata la data dei funerali.

INC News, 14/02/2015 - via Repubblica

DANIMARCA - Copenaghen, spari durante convegno su Islam

Copenaghen, spari durante convegno su Islam Sparatoria in un caffé di Copenhagen dove era in corso un dibattito su Islam e libertà di espressione. Secondo le prime ricostruzioni, due uomini avrebbero aperto il fuoco e sarebbero poi fuggiti a bordo di un'automobile. Al dibattito erano presenti Lars Vilk, uno degli autori delle celebri caricature di Maometto pubblicate del 2005, e l'ambasciatore francese Francois Zimeray - via Repubblica

DENMARK - One dead after shooting incident in Copenhagen

One civilian was killed and three police were wounded on Saturday in shooting at a public meeting in the Danish capital Copenhagen attended by the controversial Swedish artist Lars Vilks, police and the Danish Ritzau news agency reported.
Danish police confirmed one civilian had been killed in a shooting and said the suspects had fled in a car. Ritzau said both Vilks and the French ambassador, who was also attending, were both unharmed, but that three police had been wounded. The gathering was billed as a debate on art and blasphemy. Just over a month ago, 17 people were killed in France in three days of violence that began when two Islamist gunmen burst into the Paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, opening fire in revenge for its publication of satirical images of the Prophet Mohammad.
INC News, 14/02/2015 - via Euronews

Is it ever ok to avoid paying tax?

Pope Francis elevates 20 new cardinals many from developing countries

Migrants reach Lampedusa after rescue operation saves 700

Canada: Valentine's Day mass shooting plot foiled say police

'Stop in name of the Great Barrier Reef'

Apple CEO Tim Cook: We Don't Want Your Private Information

Raw: Carnival Dancers Take to the Streets

Analyst: US Has to Deal With Cyber Security

Brainstem Implants Help Deaf Children Hear

'50 Shades,' The Musical

Woman Lives in Apartment with Ex-Husband and New Husband

Interessantissimo clip di Maurizio Molinari di La Stampa: Anziana sfida i miliziani Isis “Demoni, Allah vi punirà”

Il video postato su Internet consente di seguire il confronto fra la donna, a piedi in una strada sterrata, e i jihadisti a bordo di un fuoristrada metallizzato.