Saturday, August 29, 2015

Берлинское кафе предлагает посетителям мармелад, напечатанный на 3D-прин...

Антиправительственные акции протеста в Малайзии

В Багдаде прошла массовая акция протеста против коррупции

Германия: жители Хайденау приветствуют беженцев

Италия судит перевозчиков беженцев за убийство

"Эрика" снова угрожает карибскому бассейну

Беженцы - головная боль Берлина

Польский министр подтвердил: поезд с сокровищами Третьего рейха существует




I was back from a discussion of job with colleagues, operators of telecamera, when was learned of the killing of two American journalists of the American broadcaster ABC. There was discussion about the dangers of certain information services and as a punch in the stomach, I saw the video of their killing by a former colleague, almost "live".
Were immediate the reactions of all broadcasters to let repeated almost obsessively those shots, the cry of a young colleague who was killed on live TV. I thought about how many of us young journalists not taken into account how it might be difficult or dangerous our business, and not even want to remember how many of us have lost their lives to give people the information of what happens on our planet.
Today I want to spend just a few words to those who have fallen at the hands coward, in doing their duty, in denouncing illegal, in following the war, in the journalistic investigation. Today I want to devote my inner silence to all fallen colleagues, and reminding the world of high-profile cases such as the beheading of colleagues kidnapped by Islamic extremists ISL, the death of Italian colleagues Ilaria Alpi and Marco Rovatin, the Politkovskaya case, the colleagues of the broadcaster Al Jazeera arrested in Egypt, and all the others whose names escape me at the moment.

Who makes journalism knows that can risk also in a big manner, but who likely does, not solely and exclusively from the fame that can ensue for a big scoop: makes it to give the opportunity to the general public of knowing, in a very short time, what's happening in the world. Because the job of the journalist is to write the truth, bearing in mind that the truth hurts, who is telling the truth it seems to be silenced. But in the words of an old saying, you can kill those who know, but you'll never know if those who have killed have not already told others what he knew.

Mira Kartbaeva, for INC News, Almaty, 29/08/2015


По дороге домой после собрания с коллегами операторами по камере, во время которой обсуждалось убийство двоих американских журналистов телеканала ABC у меня в желудке схватил приступ. Еще это живое видео, где я увидела убийство бывшего сотрудника...
Были и незамедлительные реакции всех вещателей, которые отчаянно передавали эти выстрели и крики молодой коллеги, которую убили в прямом эфире. Я думал о том, что многие молодые журналисты не берут во внимание насколько трудной и опасной может быть наше дело, и не хотят помнить сколько из нас потеряли жизни для того чтобы передать информацию о происходящем на нашей планете.
Сегодня я хочу потратить всего лишь немного слов для тех, кто падал, исполняя свои обязонности, оссуждая беззаконие на войне и в журналистском расследовании. Сегодня я хочу посветить мой внутренний голос всем ушедшим коллегам, кто напоминал миру о случаях, привлекшие внимание, такие как обезглавлевание журналистов исламскими экстремистами ISL, смерть итальянских коллег Илария Альпи и Марко Роватин, случай с Политовской, аррестованные работники телевещания Аль Жазира, и многие другие чьи имена неупомянуты.
Они идут на жертвы ради журналистики, чтобы дать нам понять на какие риски готова журналистика. Похоже они делают это не для своей личной выгоды и славы, а ради того чтобы дать возможность обществу знать  в очень короткие сроки о том, что происходить на земле. Потому что работа журналиста– писать правду, принимая бремя правды, о том что она приносить боль. Кажется что говорить правду значит молчать. Но как гласит старая поговорка, «Вы можете убить тех, кто знает правду, но вы никогда не узнаете  рассказали ли они то что знают уже другим».


Ero ritornata da una discussione di lavoro con colleghi operatori di telecamera, quando si venne a sapere della uccisione di due giornalisti americani della emittente  televisiva americana ABC. Si discuteva sulla pericolosità di taluni servizi di informazione e come un pugno allo stomaco, ho visto il video della loro uccisione da parte di un ex collega, quasi "live".
Immediate furono le reazioni di tutte le emittenti a far ripetere quasi ossessivamente quegli spari, quel grido della giovane collega che veniva uccisa in diretta tv. Ho pensato a quanti di noi giovani giornalisti non teniamo conto di come potrebbe essere difficile o pericolosa la nostra attività, e neppure vogliamo ricordare quanti di noi hanno perduto la vita per dare al pubblico l'informazione di quanto accada sul nostro pianeta.
Oggi voglio dedicare due parole proprio a coloro che  sono caduti per mano vile, nel fare il proprio dovere, nel denunciare illeciti, nel seguire le guerre, nella investigazione giornalistica. Oggi voglio dedicare il mio silenzio interno a tutti i colleghi caduti e ricordare al mondo casi eclatanti come la decapitazione dei colleghi rapiti dagli estremisti islamici ISL, la morte dei colleghi italiani Ilaria Alpi e Marco Rovatin, il caso Politovskaya, i colleghi della emittente Al Jazeera arrestati in Egitto e tutti gli altri i cui nomi in questo momento mi sfuggono.
Chi fa giornalismo sa che può rischiare anche grosso, ma chi rischia non lo fa solo ed unicamente per la fama che ne può derivare per uno scoop importante: lo fa per dare la possibilità al pubblico di sapere, in tempi molto ristretti, che cosa stia capitando nel mondo. Siccome il lavoro del giornalista è quello di scrivere la verità, tenendo conto che la verità fa star male, chi dice la verità pare che debba essere messo a tacere. Ma come diceva un vecchio adagio, tu puoi uccidere chi sa, ma non saprai mai se chi hai ucciso non abbia già detto ad altri quello che sapeva.

Poland 'has located' buried Nazi treasure train

Could Ksiaz Castle and its surroundings in Poland soon reveal the mysterious secret of a long-lost train full of Nazi treasure? The Polish government says it is almost certain it has located the German train, rumoured to have disappeared near the end of World War Two.The Deputy Culture Minister and Head of National Heritage Piotr Zuchowski told journalists in Warsaw that the train was thought to have been carrying a special cargo of military equipment but also possibly jewellery, looted works of art and archive documents.“As far as I know nobody has accessed the train since World War II. The information about its location was given orally by a person who was among those who buried the train. That person revealed their secret on their deathbed, along with the sketch of where the train was hidden,” Zuchowski said.  Local folklore has it that as the Soviet Red Army closed in, the train entered a tunnel in southwestern Poland near the city of Walbrzych and its local castle – never to be seen again.Trains were indeed used to take Nazi loot back to Berlin as the war drew to a close. The authorities started looking earlier this month following a tip-off from a German and a Pole. Photographs using ground-penetrating radar equipment have shown a train more than 100 metres long – the first official confirmation of its existence, according to Zuchowski. But experts would only be certain once they had managed to uncover the vehicle, he added.

INC News, Schiedam, 29/08/2015 - via Euronews

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