Monday, June 13, 2016

Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (13.06.2016) 13 июня 2016 «НТВ»

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©Vesti-HTB

В ближайшие три дня в Казахстане похолодает

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ

Canada: Toronto University locked down amid reports of armed man on campus

Toronto University was locked down following reports that a masked man was roaming the campus, on Monday. 

Police received two calls, one describing a figure with a covered face, while the second referred to an armed individual. 

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews RUPTLY

SOUTH AFRICA - Oscar Pistorius 'broken' South African court hears

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

CANADA - PM Trudeau condemns 'cold-blooded' killing of hostage in Philippines

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

AFGHANISTAN - "He was an American so he doesn't represent Afghanistan"

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

FRANCE - Northern Ireland fan named after falling to his death in Nice

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

FRANCE - Protesters drench tanks in paint at Paris arms show

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source; ©euronews eng

EURO 2016 - Hodgson and Rooney appeal to fans to "stay out of trouble"

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

ISIL - Claim responsibility for Orlando gay massacre in 'official' broadcast

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

ORLANDO TRAGEDY - Hundreds gather to give blood in Orlando

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

ORLANDO TRAGEDY - Profile of Orlando gunman Oman Mateen

INC News, 3/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

FOOTBALL 2016 - France restricts alcohol sales to avert more violence during Euro 2016

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

FUTURIS - Protesi e interventi chirurigici: stop alle infezioni

L'impianto di una protesi è un intervento chirurgico complesso ed effettuato in un ambiente sterile. Eppure a volte gli impianti vengono infettati da pericolosi batteri. Le conseguenze possono essere molto gravi. Perché accade e cosa si può fare per impedire questo? Un progetto di ricerca europeo, "NoMorFilm" sta cercando la risposta. 

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

TECHNOSERVICE - The online services worth paying for

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©Cnet

Закрытые двери домов «террористов»

Родные убитого Дархана Койшина, предполагаемого участника вооружённых нападений 5 июня в Актобе, у двери его квартиры отвергают подозрения в его причастности к терроризму. Попытки корресподента Азаттыка найти родственников остальных убитых в ходе спецоперации не увенчались успехом. По адресам, указанных в ориентировках полиции, не открывают двери.

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©Azattyq TV

KAZAKHSTAN - В Душанбе бесплатно раздают хлеб в честь Рамадана

Мусульмане всего мира с 6 июня по 5 июля отмечают Рамадан - месяц обязательного поста, в течение которого в дневное время не разрешено есть и пить. Также в этот месяц положено молиться и совершать добрые дела, например раздавать еду неимущим. Вот как это делают в Душанбе.

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©Azattyq TV

ARCHAEOLOGY - Archaeologists in Cambodia discover ancient city near Angkor Wat temple

A team of archaeologists in Cambodia have found the remains of a massive ancient city near the ruins of Angkor Wat. The team will be revealing the full extent of their findings on Monday, as Tarek Bazley reports. 

INC News, 13/0682016 - source: ©AlJazeera

MARKET - Germany's Merkel pushes for even trade with China

Trade is on top of the agenda of a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to China. 
Chinese investment in German companies is at an all-time high, but there are concerns in Berlin and other European capitals about their businesses not getting enough access to the Chinese market.

INC News, 13/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera