Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Завод буровых установок открылся под Костромой

5 новых перехватывающих парковок появятся возле метро в Москве

Депутаты предлагают упразднить ЦОНы

Rolls-Royce перевыпустил кабриолет Dawn - economy

КУӘГЕР 07.09.15

Tajik authorities find guns, arrest 14 in swoop on former minster's supp...

Brooks returns to work as head of News UK

Giga meerval gefilmd

‘Opvang vluchtelingen hapert’

'Snel Belgisch volkslied leren!'

Asielzoekers komen in kermistrucks

‘Circus Renz is alles voor mij’

Verdeeldheid over vluchtelingen

Uniek kijkje in Oranjezaal

Aurora Borealis like you've never seen before

Refugees facing increasingly harsh conditions

Olympian Clara Hughes reveals doping infraction

Tory candidate caught urinating in homeowner's coffee mug

Myanmar's Lethwei fighters bare their knuckles

The 'vital' role of mobile phones for refugees & migrants - BBC News

In addition to food and water, another essential is being provided at the train station (in Budapest) to the refugees and migrants - somewhere for people in transit to charge their mobile phones. As the BBC's Gavin Lee has been finding out, the phone can be an important lifeline in the long journey to other countries.

INC News, Sciedam, 08/09/2015 - via BBC News

Raw: Rare Leopard Cubs Make Debut in Russia

Tre cuccioli di un raro esemplare di leopardo, sono venuti alla luce nello zoo di

Rostov-on-Don, nel sud della Russia. Benvenuti ai tre pardotti!

INC News, Schiedam, 08/09/2015 - via AP

UK drone strike kills British ISIL fighters in Syria