Monday, October 19, 2015

A Little Girl Gives Coins To A Street Musician And Gets The Best Surpris...

Yes, this is what we expect could happens all over in the world: carry the

orchestra directly to people on the road. Too many drama's every day we

must combat. Why not sometime to seat on the road and listen pure music?

INC News, 19/10/2015 - via web

Пациентов в России будут информировать о реальной стоимости услуг

Куда уходит российская рыба

В убийстве жены хоккеиста подозревают двоих мужчин

Самарканд: сказочный город на Шелковом пути - life

Словения и Хорватия ввели квоты на ежедневное пересечение границы беженцами

Ангольский оппозиционер: "Если со мной что-то случится - виноват президент"

Где живут астронавты перед полетом в космос? - BBC Russian

Петербург-Лондон: столицы двух империй - BBC Russian

Prawn sex-change boosts male yields, say scientists

Colonia: eletta sindaco Henriette Reker, ferita sabato

Angola: rapper Luaty Beirao in sciopero della fame da 29 giorni

Stabbing victim to become Colognes's first female mayor

Detained Angolan rapper blames president for his hunger strike

Gordon in therapie voor trauma

Raw: 2 Hurt After Car Veers Into Motorcycle

A woman is hospitalized after a car veered into the motorcycle she was riding with her boyfriend on a rural back road in Texas. Video shows the motorcycle passing the car on a two-lane road when the car veered into it, upsetting the motorcycle.

Our comment is that not only in Europe who create accident escape.

INC News, 19/10/2015 - via AP

Raw: Guinness Declares Longest Baguette In Italy

Path to Greek citizenship made easier for children of refugees

Incredible Video of a Mountain Biker's Cliff Dive

The Dangers of Taking Photos on Train Tracks