Sunday, June 26, 2016
Французский фильм о Сибири вошел в число самых успешных летних премьер
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Предвыборную программу "Единой России" обсуждали на десяти площадках
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Элизабет Пэрриш: генная терапия радикально изменит представления о красо...
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Марафонцы проведут семь часов в холодной воде Амурского залива
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Второе кровавое ДТП в Поволжье: пять человек погибли под Астраханью
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Вагончик с детьми упал с 10 метров на американских горках в Шотландии
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Патриарх встретился с родными и близкими погибших в Коми горняков
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Жертвами ДТП в Татарстане стали двое детей и шестеро взрослых
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Петербурга и Москва - лучшие на Спартакиаде спортшкол среди гимнастов
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
"Единая Россия" завершит формирование списков кандидатов на думские выборы
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Сямозеро: атмосферу в злополучном лагере называли "настоящим адом"
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
В Астане завершился театральный фестиваль «Сахнадан сәлем!»
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ
Уральск будут развивать по 8 приоритетным направлениям
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ
«СемАЗ» активно увеличивает долю казахстанского содержания
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ
Финские активисты начали сбор подписей за выход из ЕС
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ
Ring the alarm: ‘Nimb’ high-tech jewelry with panic button raises $50k w...
INCNews, 27/06/2016-source: ©RTNews
Inside Story - Is the European Union in danger?
A day after British voters decided to leave the European Union, the consequences are slowly coming into focus. Nationalist politicians across Europe are now pushing for their own countries to leave the EU. France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen says French citizens must now also have the 'right to choose'. What does it take to keep the EU together? And how can it prevent others from leaving?
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
VENEZUELA - Drug shortage boosts natural cures
Venezuela’s failing economy means extreme shortages of basic products, including medicine. That’s caused problems in hospitals all over the
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
RUSSIAN ELECTIONS - Parliamentary vote due in September
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
DRUGS - Deaths from painkiller abuse jumps in the US
Heroin addiction in the US has been climbing at an alarming rate over the past decade, but now the health authorities are facing a new crisis.
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©ABC News
BREXIT - Many Are Reeling After the U.K.'s Decision to Leave the European Union
More than two and a half million people want a do-over, angry at the man who led the charge and who could become the next prime minister.
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©ABC News
Young Girl Dies from a Rare Brain Eating Amoeba While on a Church Trip t...
INC News, 26/0682016 - source: ©ABC News
PHOTOGRAPHERS - Bill Cunningham Dies After Suffering A Stroke
Bill Cunningham, the 87-year old photographer, famously rode around on his bike documenting street fashion in the city, becoming an NYC institution of his own.
INC News, 26/06/2016 - source: ©ABC News
Una settimana tutta da discutere, quella passata. Trump che dice le sue cercando ovunque appoggi per arrivare ad un potere occulto per lui, l'America che affonda tra inondazioni, esondazioni e aumento delle vendite di armi per difendersi da un fantasma chiamato angoscia. Mancava giusto la ciliegina sulla torta del referendum in Inghilterra, per fare Sabato sera. Una torta, quella del referendum, da dover pesare, tagliare e digerire, considerando che gli abitanti di Londra vorrebbero che la città restasse in Europa e che Irlanda e Scozia vogliono la loro votazione per restare in Europa ed uscire dal Regno Unito, che tanto unito non sembra poi essere.
Le Borse di mezzo mondo crollano, la Corea del Nord si arma sempre più, i disoccupati aumentano, il femminicidio persevera e sul red carpet le dive sono sempre più nude. Le religioni si stanno scontrando, i popoli si stanno disunendo e le immagini di una terra tecnologica alla Blades Runner si fanno sempre più chiare.
E' dunque questo il destino della Terra?Il caos ? Ma se invece fossimo tutti un poco meno casinisti e gestissimo la vita con maggiore calma, non sarebbe meglio? Retorica ? No. Vedo i commenti fatti dal pubblico agli articoli delle grandi testate giornalistiche e penso che forse non esiste nessun credo o nessun ideale, in questa vita terrena, prossimamente gestita solo da computers e robots.
Da questa settimana riprenderemo a scrivere per voi l'editoriale del Sabato e della Domenica, scritto da me, Mira e Bolat.
Mikhail Lermontov, for INC New - 26/06/2016 - ©INCNewsLe Borse di mezzo mondo crollano, la Corea del Nord si arma sempre più, i disoccupati aumentano, il femminicidio persevera e sul red carpet le dive sono sempre più nude. Le religioni si stanno scontrando, i popoli si stanno disunendo e le immagini di una terra tecnologica alla Blades Runner si fanno sempre più chiare.
E' dunque questo il destino della Terra?
Da questa settimana riprenderemo a scrivere per voi l'editoriale del Sabato e della Domenica, scritto da me, Mira e Bolat.
A week to be discussed, that has been. Trump that says his lies, looking anywhere support to get to a hidden power from him; America, which is sinking due to flooding, and increased sales of weapons to self defend against a ghost called distress. Missing just the icing on the cake of referendum in England, to make good Saturday night. A cake, that one of the referendum, to having to weigh, cut and digest, considering that the inhabitants of London would like the city to remain in Europe, and Ireland and Scotland want their own votation , to remain in Europe and be out of the United Kingdom, which united it does not seem to be.
The collapse of half the world stock exchanges, North Korea is increasingly arms itself, the unemployed number increases,femicide perseveres and on the red carpet divas are increasingly naked. Religions are colliding, the people are separating , and the images of a technological ground like in the film Runner Blades are becoming everyday more possible.
So, is this the destiny of the Earth? The chaos? But if we were all a little less rowdy and managed life more calmly, it would not be better? Rhetoric? No. I see the comments made by the public to the articles of the big newspapers and I think that maybe there is no creed or no ideal, in this earthly life, soon managed only by computers and robots.
From this week we will take to write for you our editorial of Saturday and Sunday, written by me, Mira and Bolat.
Mikhail Lermontov, for INC New - 26/06/2016 - ©INCNews
The collapse of half the world stock exchanges, North Korea is increasingly arms itself, the unemployed number increases,
So, is this the destiny of the Earth? The chaos? But if we were all a little less rowdy and managed life more calmly, it would not be better? Rhetoric? No. I see the comments made by the public to the articles of the big newspapers and I think that maybe there is no creed or no ideal, in this earthly life, soon managed only by computers and robots.
Mikhail Lermontov, for INC New - 26/06/2016 - ©INCNews
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