Saturday, March 21, 2015

Police Shoot Man With Machete at New Orleans Airport

Woman Left For Dead In Trash Can Reveals Survival Story

Нурсултан Назарбаев поздравил казахстанцев с праздником Наурыз

В Костанае отменили ярмарку из-за концерта Сергея Лазарева и Бьянки

Парадокс XXI века: Британцы разучились заваривать чай

В американском зоопарке родился детеныш редкого дымчатого леопарда

Georgians call on government to resign

First lady Obama visits Cambodia for education initiative

Europe wants to help Libya to regain stability...again!?

Benvenuta tra noi, Kath! Dopo due secoli, il Guardian britannico lo dirige una donna, formidabile in tutto!

Aumentano le donne direttore di giornale in Gran Bretagna.
Questa volta tocca a Kath Viner, a dirigere il potente Guradian dopo 194 anni di gestione maschile.
Ci uniamo ai colleghi del quotidiano nel felicitarci per la scelta, che sicuramente portera' grande vantaggio al gia' molto affermato giornale inglese.

INC News, 21/03/2015


Zalem, Kazakhstan!!! Nauryz güten bolsyn!!!)))

Nowruz celebrations mark the start of spring

Lawyers: Robert Durst Illegally Arrested

Corruption blights Nigerian army's fight against rebels

Disturbing Video Of Teen Girl’s Final Moments Before Cops Open Fire In P...

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