Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Doberman paralizzato torna a correre felice
Nell’aprile 2013 l’associazione “Two Hands Four Paws” (“Due Mani Quattro Zampe”) venne chiamata per un Doberman in difficoltà. Il cane, di nome Kenny, era rimasto praticamente paralizzato alle gambe a causa di un incidente. Molti esperti credevano che non sarebbe mai più riuscita a camminare e suggerivano di sottoporla a eutanasia. Ma, per sua fortuna, i volontari dell’associazione non si sono voluti arrendere a questo triste destino e, dopo tanta riabilitazione fatta con amore e pazienza, Kenny finalmente è tornata a correre felice.
Nasa Announces Private Space Shuttle Deal
Nasa has appointed Boeing and SpaceX to ferry its astronauts to the International Space Station, in a giant step toward returning human spaceflight to US soil. Since retiring its fleet of shuttles three years ago, the space agency's crew have been hitching rides on Russian transport - at a cost of $70m per seat - to reach the habitable satellite.
Nasa has appointed Boeing and SpaceX to ferry its astronauts to the International Space Station, in a giant step toward returning human spaceflight to US soil. Since retiring its fleet of shuttles three years ago, the space agency's crew have been hitching rides on Russian transport - at a cost of $70m per seat - to reach the habitable satellite.
Nasa officials made the announcement at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, where the launches should lift off in several years' time. The space agency is offering contracts worth $6.8bn (£4.2bn) in funding for the first commercial flight of humans into orbit. Boeing has a history with the US space programme going back half a century. SpaceX is already delivering cargo to the space station. It is backed by Tesla owner Elon Musk, who dreams of colonising Mars.
INC News, 16/09/2014
And we are talking about Great Britaign, UK, not Egypt
Mr Simester slept in a rat-infested shed for more than a decade with just his horse manure-stained clothing for bedding - before being moved to a squalid and cold caravan with a broken door, heard Cardiff Crown Court.He was said to have washed himself in an animal's feeding trough, while the broken outdoor toilet he had to use would only flush with a bucket of water and a stick.
He also had to huddle so close to an electric heater for warmth that over the years the skin on his left leg had been scarred. After police raided the farm, Mr Simester told officers he had tried to leave twice - once after a spade had been thrown at him - but he had been caught and taken back to the farm by David Doran.
INC News, 16/09/2014-via BBC
Ukraine Should Avoid Kazakhstan's Example
Late last month, certain voices began calling for a rethink of Ukraine's potential path. Instead of moving toward a Finlandization that many had hoped for, it would be better, some thought, for Ukraine to begin mimicking Kazakhstan.
To be sure, there have been reasons to congratulate parts of Kazakhstan's post-independence maneuvering. Led by President Nursultan Nazarbayev for the past 25 years, Kazakhstan has managed to attain some of the strongest economic growth in the post-Soviet space. The country contributed to NATO operations in Afghanistan, earned the 2010 OSCE chairmanship, and has tossed its lot into landing the 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
When discussing a potential Ukrainian repositioning toward Kazakhstan, some also cite Kazakhstan's record of ethnic comity.
Some 20 percent of Kazakhstan's population are ethnic Russians, gathered largely along the regions bordering Kazakhstan's former colonizer, and while there were small spouts of Russian separatism in the 1990s, the country's ethnic Russian population has been largely peaceable for the past two decades.
But scratch the surface, and you'll quickly find that Kazakhstan presents a model that Ukraine would do well to avoid. Astana has gouged civil society out of its social sphere. Media rights are a farce. Political opposition is all but nonexistent. The "domestic peace preserved" has come at a terrific cost — just as it has been in Turkmenistan and Belarus, both of whom, according to this line of thought, can offer Ukraine inspiration.
INC News, 16/09/2014
Eurasian Film Festival red carpet event in Almaty
Eurasia Film Festival in Almaty
Kazakhstani, Russian, South Korean, Chinese and other film directors, producers, actors, actresses and guests opened the anniversary edition of the Eurasia Film Festival at the Republic Palace with a red carpet opening ceremony.
South Korean actress Kang Soo-yeon arrived at the red carpet event.
At the official opening ceremony, the Director of the Kazakhfilm film studio Yermek Amanshayev awarded famous Russian film director Sergey Solovyev for his contribution to cinematography. Kazakhstani volleyball player Sabina Altynbekova, a famous kawai, handed the award to Solovyev. In turn, the Russian film director expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the film festival.
“Russia would never forget your kindness and what Kazakhstan have done for great Russian painters and artists. Poet Anna Akhmatova, writer Dombrovsky and film director Sergei Eisenstein were saved here during the WWII. It is your great kindness that cannot be forgotten. But, most importantly it is the city of lively people. Receive my gratitude not only for the award, but for those life lessons and people truly international at heart who, when I was filming here, were showing the spirit of unity,” the film director said.
INC News, 16/09/2014-via Tengrinews
For more information see:http://en.tengrinews.kz/cinema_and_music/Eurasian-Film-Festival-red-carpet-event-in-Almaty-256207/
Use of the Tengrinews English materials must be accompanied by a hyperlink to en.Tengrinews.kz
For more information see:http://en.tengrinews.kz/cinema_and_music/Eurasian-Film-Festival-red-carpet-event-in-Almaty-256207/
Use of the Tengrinews English materials must be accompanied by a hyperlink to en.Tengrinews.kz
Il nuovo "Love Story" fa impazzire i nostri giovani!
Tutti pazzi per il nuovo love story
Siedono sui banchi con gli occhi gonfi, ma non perché la scuola è iniziata. La commozione viene da Colpa delle stelle, bestseller diventato "caso" al cinema in Usa e ora anche da noi. Il Love story di questa generazione di adolescenti: amore e malattia terminale, voglia di vita fino all'ultimo respiro, poesia senza retorica. I ragazzi - otto volte su dieci le ragazze - sono corsi in massa nelle sale decretando per la seconda settimana il primo posto nella classifica degli incassi - quasi 4 milioni di euro - per il film di Josh Bone con protagonisti due giovani attori emergenti: lei è Shailene Woodley, l'ex figlia di Clooney in Paradiso amaro, guerriera della sagaDivergent e futura Mary Jane del nuovo Spider-Man; lui, Ansel Engort, fratello inDivergent di Shailene e protagonista del nuovo film di Jason Reitman (Men, women & children). Il film, tratto dal romanzo di John Green (nella classifica del NY Times per 43 settimane e in vetta anche da noi) è costato 12 milioni di dollari, ne ha incassati 300 nel mondo. È il più twittato del 2014, anche se nel film i social network sono assenti. Alla base c'è la storia vera di Esther Earl che nel 2005 scopre di avere un cancro alla tiroide (morirà nel 2010, a sedici anni): "La nostra amicizia e la sua gioia di vivere sono state una grande fonte di ispirazione", dice Green.
(qui i trailers, in italiano ed in Inglese)
INC News, 16/09/2014
Siedono sui banchi con gli occhi gonfi, ma non perché la scuola è iniziata. La commozione viene da Colpa delle stelle, bestseller diventato "caso" al cinema in Usa e ora anche da noi. Il Love story di questa generazione di adolescenti: amore e malattia terminale, voglia di vita fino all'ultimo respiro, poesia senza retorica. I ragazzi - otto volte su dieci le ragazze - sono corsi in massa nelle sale decretando per la seconda settimana il primo posto nella classifica degli incassi - quasi 4 milioni di euro - per il film di Josh Bone con protagonisti due giovani attori emergenti: lei è Shailene Woodley, l'ex figlia di Clooney in Paradiso amaro, guerriera della sagaDivergent e futura Mary Jane del nuovo Spider-Man; lui, Ansel Engort, fratello inDivergent di Shailene e protagonista del nuovo film di Jason Reitman (Men, women & children). Il film, tratto dal romanzo di John Green (nella classifica del NY Times per 43 settimane e in vetta anche da noi) è costato 12 milioni di dollari, ne ha incassati 300 nel mondo. È il più twittato del 2014, anche se nel film i social network sono assenti. Alla base c'è la storia vera di Esther Earl che nel 2005 scopre di avere un cancro alla tiroide (morirà nel 2010, a sedici anni): "La nostra amicizia e la sua gioia di vivere sono state una grande fonte di ispirazione", dice Green.
(qui i trailers, in italiano ed in Inglese)
INC News, 16/09/2014
Germania a Google: "Svelate la formula del motore di ricerca"
Germania vs Google
La Germania alza il tiro del suo confronto con Google. Il ministro della Giustizia federale, Heiko Maas (Spd, socialdemocratico), vuole che il gigante dell'online riveli, renda pubblici e accessibili insomma, i dettagli della formula segreta che ha reso il suo motore di ricerca il più forte in Europa, con una posizione che Berlino definisce di fatto di monopolio. La richiesta tedesca è fortemente contrastata dall'azienda americana. In un'intervista sul Financial Times, Maas ha detto che Google deve "divenire più trasparente" quanto agli algoritmi del suo motore di ricerca. Immediate le critiche americane: Robert Kimmitt, ex ambasciatore Usa nella Bundesrepublik, ha osservato che le aziende europee e le opinioni pubbliche europee, specie in paesi dall'economia fortemente orientata verso l'export come la Germania, "hanno bisogno di mercati aperti per i loro prodotti innovativi e dovrebbero preoccuparsi di simili richieste di presa sotto controllo della proprietà intellettuale". La richiesta del ministro tedesco è giunta una settimana dopo il no delle autorità europee, da Bruxelles, all'ennesima richiesta di compromesso che Google cercava. "In fin dei conti", dice Heiko Maas al FT, "tutto dipende da quanto è trasparente l'algoritmo che Google usa per i suoi risultati di ricerca, è un tema da affrontare quando un motore di ricerca ha un peso e ruolo così importante per lo sviluppo economico".
INC News, 16/09/2014-Fonte La Repubblica
La Germania alza il tiro del suo confronto con Google. Il ministro della Giustizia federale, Heiko Maas (Spd, socialdemocratico), vuole che il gigante dell'online riveli, renda pubblici e accessibili insomma, i dettagli della formula segreta che ha reso il suo motore di ricerca il più forte in Europa, con una posizione che Berlino definisce di fatto di monopolio. La richiesta tedesca è fortemente contrastata dall'azienda americana. In un'intervista sul Financial Times, Maas ha detto che Google deve "divenire più trasparente" quanto agli algoritmi del suo motore di ricerca. Immediate le critiche americane: Robert Kimmitt, ex ambasciatore Usa nella Bundesrepublik, ha osservato che le aziende europee e le opinioni pubbliche europee, specie in paesi dall'economia fortemente orientata verso l'export come la Germania, "hanno bisogno di mercati aperti per i loro prodotti innovativi e dovrebbero preoccuparsi di simili richieste di presa sotto controllo della proprietà intellettuale". La richiesta del ministro tedesco è giunta una settimana dopo il no delle autorità europee, da Bruxelles, all'ennesima richiesta di compromesso che Google cercava. "In fin dei conti", dice Heiko Maas al FT, "tutto dipende da quanto è trasparente l'algoritmo che Google usa per i suoi risultati di ricerca, è un tema da affrontare quando un motore di ricerca ha un peso e ruolo così importante per lo sviluppo economico".
INC News, 16/09/2014-Fonte La Repubblica
Rotherham Abuse Scandal: Shaun Wright Resigns
Wright resigns
South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright has resigned after coming under mounting pressure over the Rotherham child abuse scandal. Mr Wright had resisted calls to step down from the Prime Minister and Home Secretary after a report found 1,400 children in the South Yorkshire town had been victims of child sexual exploitation since 1997.
He also endured a grilling from MPs and was confronted by relatives of abuse victims at an angry public meeting in Rotherham earlier this month, when he again refused to quit. Mr Wright was councillor with responsibility for children's services in the borough from 2005 to 2010, when Professor Alexis Jay's report found officials failed to act to stop gangs of abusers.
INC News, 16/09/2014
Kick Russia's Corrupt Elite Out of England's Courts
Russia's behavior in Ukraine and the accompanying litany of untruths told by President Vladimir Putin and his ministers have finally exhausted the patience of Western leaders.
This is a watershed. Western leaders had mainly chosen to disregard Putin's encouragement of a system which had progressively led to the capture of the Russian state by oligarchic interests. Commercial and political considerations in leading Western countries prevailed over voices inside and outside Russia warning of the dangers posed by a lawless system to its citizens as well as neighboring countries and the wider world.
Britain is a good case in point. Despite the virtual breakdown of its political relationship with Russia after the "polonium murder" of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, London's lawyers, bankers, accountants and PR consultants happily lined up to work for the Putin system. Law firms enjoyed particularly rich pickings servicing Russia's ruling class in the English courts.
On the face of it, this is compelling evidence of Britain's soft power and the respect in which its institutions are held in Russia. The openness of London and the pre-eminent reputation of English jurisdiction also attract Russians eager to find the justice that eludes them in their own country's courts.
INC News, 16/09/2014
Folk Punk group Iv Nova returns!
Iva Nova
Iva Nova, a St. Petersburg all-women folk-punk band, may have shrunk to a quartet, but its music has become more diverse and inventive, drifting further away from the typical three-minute song format. The band recently launched its fourth studio album "Krutila Pila," its first in four years, at a concert at Zal Ozhidaniya.
When guitarist Inna Lishenkevich quit in 2012, the band chose not to look for a replacement. "It is always difficult to replace a person, so we thought that we'd try to do without the guitar," said drummer Yekaterina Fyodorova, who formed the band in 2002.
"Guitar is a very obtrusive instrument, it's everywhere; it either plays solo or strums all the time. When you take the guitar out, there emerges emptiness. So it was interesting to fill it with some other little sounds. It became a new turn for us. I bought a sampler, which I have by my side so that I can add some sounds that I like, such as industrial sounds, noises, creaks. There is also more piano and drums now. The sound has become richer and more interesting for us."
INC News, 16/09/2014
Lomonosov University of Moscow is the 114th in the world over 800 Universities
Lomonosov University, best university in Russia
Lomonosov Moscow State University has placed 114th in the latest World University Rankings compiled by British-based education specialists QS Quacquarelli Symonds.
The rankings, published Tuesday, are widely considered to be one of the definitive indicators of global educational performance.
Moscow's State University, or MGU, was the highest-ranked Russian university on this year's 11th edition of the QS list, climbing six places from last year. The university is the most widely acclaimed educational institution in Russia and was ranked the country's best by Interfax news agency and radio station Ekho Moskvy earlier this summer. MGU was also cited among the developing world's top 10 universities last December by the Times Higher Education BRICS & Emerging Economies ranking.
In all, 21 Russian universities featured on the list, which ranked 863 universities worldwide. Joining MGU in the top 400 were St. Petersburg's State University (233rd), Bauman Moscow State Technical University (322nd) Novosibirsk State University (328th), and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (399th). Topping the rankings for the third year running is the U.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT, which scored top marks across the board.
Britain's University of Cambridge and Imperial College London came in second and third place, respectively, with the U.S.' Harvard University and Britain's Oxford University coming in fourth and fifth place. The universities were ranked in accordance with eight different criteria: research, employability, teaching, facilities, internationalization, innovation, specialism and access.
INC News, 16/09/2014
Berlusconi-Lario, per Veronica 36 mln in meno
Berlusconi-Lario:divorzio costosino...
La Corte d'Appello di Milano ha rivisto la cifra percepita per tre anni da Veronica Lario riducendo l'assegno che Silvio Berlusconi le ha corrisposto, nell'ambito della separazione, da tre a due milioni al mese. Lo riporta il Corriere della Sera. La Corte ha dunque ordinato alla Lario di rinunciare a 36 dei 108 milioni che l'ex marito le aveva intanto dovuto versare.
INC News, 16/09/2014-via ANSA AP
La Corte d'Appello di Milano ha rivisto la cifra percepita per tre anni da Veronica Lario riducendo l'assegno che Silvio Berlusconi le ha corrisposto, nell'ambito della separazione, da tre a due milioni al mese. Lo riporta il Corriere della Sera. La Corte ha dunque ordinato alla Lario di rinunciare a 36 dei 108 milioni che l'ex marito le aveva intanto dovuto versare.
INC News, 16/09/2014-via ANSA AP
Portuguese academic says British are 'filthy, violent and drunk'
the British hygiene by a Portugues
In a book describing his experiences of living in the UK a Portuguese academic based at Imperial College London has some strong words about British culture, the Daily Telegraphhas reported. In the book he describes English culture as “pathologically violent” and criticises British boozing and uncleanliness. "When you visit English homes, or the toilets at schools or in student lodgings, they are all so disgusting that even my grandmother's poultry cage is cleaner," Magueijo writes.
In a book describing his experiences of living in the UK a Portuguese academic based at Imperial College London has some strong words about British culture, the Daily Telegraphhas reported. In the book he describes English culture as “pathologically violent” and criticises British boozing and uncleanliness. "When you visit English homes, or the toilets at schools or in student lodgings, they are all so disgusting that even my grandmother's poultry cage is cleaner," Magueijo writes.
Magueijo’s book is called “Bifes Mal Passados” which means “uncooked beef” and it has so far sold 20,000 copies in Portugal. There are no plans as yet to translate it from Portuguese in to English. The cover of the book shows a picture of man wearing a bowler hat standing in front of Big Ben.
As well as having poor standards of hygiene, Magueijo says the English are “always fighting."
"I have never met such a group of animals. English culture is pathologically violent” he writes.
INC News, 16/09/2014
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