Sunday, January 17, 2016

What is a VPN (Virtual Private Network) ? BBC News

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©BBC News

Пожар на складе в Москве ликвидирован

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Raytheon tests newest high-tech weapon

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©CNN

Canadian killed in Jakarta attack identified

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Reaction to News of Prisoner Release

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©AP

Raw: Bombing Victims Repatriated to Germany

INC News, 17/018/2016 - source: ©AP

Counting the Cost - Oil economics: Behind the Saudi Aramco IPO

Amid low oil prices and burgeoning budget deficits, Saudi Arabia annonced it was considering listing the state-owned oil giant Aramco on the Saudi stock exchange.Aramco is the world's largest company in the oil business and the backbone of the Saudi economy.But the oil business is not creating enough cash these days. Even with the low oil price, the numbers associated with Aramco highlight why this could be such a significant initial public offer.Saudi Aramco has crude reserves of about 260bn barrels of oil, which is more than 15 percent of the world's proven oil reserves. If it went public, it could become the first listed company valued at $1 trillion or more, analysts estimate.Saudi Arabia's $98 billion budget deficit is seen by many analysts as the main reason for the listing, but Saudi officials inists it is part of an attempt to diversify the economy beyond oil and have the private sector play a biger role.So, will auctioning off a slice of Aramco give Saudi Arabia more time to weather the oil price storm? And how can the Saudi economy deal with the low oil price?We speak to Fahad Alturki, the chief economist of Jadwa Investment, about oil, Aramco and a trillion-dollar IPO we thought would never happen.Also on this episode of Counting the Cost: We take a look at South Africa's weakening rand and why the jittery currency is posing huge questions about the government's economic direction and putting financial pressure on everyday South Africans.We also look at Wanda, a group that has just bought a major stake in the Hollywood studio behind Batman and Godzilla. It is owned by China's richest person, Wang Jianlin, and is fast becoming a media powerhouse. So what will be China's role in the global entertainment industry?

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©Al Jazeera

US and EU lift Iran sanctions in nuclear deal

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©ABC News

Iran Frees Five Americans in Prisoner Swap

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©ABC News

Bei Bei the Panda Cub Debuts

INC News, 17/01/2016 - source: ©ABC News

Масштабные протесты в Молдавии: оппозиция требует провести досрочные выб...

INCnews, 17/01/2016 - via ©RT

С Ирана сняты санкции

INCnews, 17/01/2016 - via ©Russia 24

Австрия закрывает границы для мигрантов

INCnews, 17/01/2016 - via ©Russia 24

В Китае начал свою работу Азиатский банк инфраструктурных инвестиций (AIIB)

INCnews, 17/01/2016 - via ©Russia 24

В Венгрии мигранты начали приставать к женщинам-полицейским

INCnews, 17/01/2016 - via ©Russia 24

ДиКаприо хочет сыграть Ленина, Путина и Распутина

INCnews, 17/01/2016 - via ©Russia 24