Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Вести в 20:00 от 18.10.16

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Vesti Russia 24

Уволено руководство "Пятерочки" в Гольянове, где жестоко избили покупателя

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

О новых методах лечения рака молочной железы рассказали в Москве

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Избивший врачей "скорой" сел на шесть лет

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Новейшая история Азербайджана: 25 лет независимости

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Бурятские контрабандисты истязали краснокнижных птиц

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Захват заложников в Брюсселе: преступник схвачен

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

США подозревают в покушении на Ассанжа

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 18/10/2016

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©TGLa7

Russia: Putin discusses improvements in Russia's economy with Medvedev

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

India: Hindu Trump supporters rage against Clinton in New Dehli

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

USA: 'Stop whining' - Obama refutes Trump's 'rigged' election claims

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

Buenos Aires inaugura una estatua del primer cosmonauta ruso Yuri Gagarin

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Expedition 49/50 crew holds preflight press conference in Baikonur

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Where's the love? Looks like UK govt isn't a big fan of RT and we're not...

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Western media focus on tragedies that suit their agenda – Assad’s wife A...

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Airport booths set up to collect Galaxy Note 7s

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Terrorists are causing Nigerians to starve

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Explicit messaging is focus of #GOPHandsOffMe

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Great Pyramid might be hiding 2 chambers

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Newsy

A lunar occultation is happening Tuesday night

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Shootings in Chicago reach deadly new high

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Gun control PSA says 'toddlers kill people'

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Newsy

A real Salem witch debunks misconceptions

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Судьба пилота "Аэрокобры" Павла Красненкова. В Крыму найдены останки

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Life.ru

Париж теперь самая большая помойка в мире?

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Life.ru

ШОК! Мотоцикл будущего от BMW

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Life.ru

Schiaparelli: la discesa finale

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©Focus

Minori che si suicidano, l'esperto: "Tra i 10 e i 25 anni è la seconda causa di morte al mondo

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©FanPage.it

Lorys, il giorno dopo la condanna in paese c'è chi sceglie il silenzio

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©FanPage.it

Новости НТВ "Сегодня" 18.10.2016 в 19-00

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©HTB Sevodnya

Obama To Trump: 'Stop Whining' over Election

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©AP

Austria: distruggerla o trasformarla, cosa fare della casa di Adolf Hitler?

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: © euronews

Nigeria: le ragazze rilasciate da Boko Haram riabbracciano i familiari

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: © euronews

L'odissea di una famiglia fuggiata da Mosul

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: © euronews

La battaglia per Mossul "potrebbe durare mesi"

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Haiti, troppa gente sul molo. Nave olandese non scarica gli aiuti e riparte

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

India. Almeno 14 morti nell'incendio in un ospedale nello Stato di Odisha

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Вести в 17:00 от 18.10.16

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:© Vesti Russia 24

Today in History for October 18th

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©AP

Брошки для политиков

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©AzattyqTV

Why is the Presidency a Family Affair?

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©abcNEWS

Extreme Wedding Photographers Capture Couples in Dramatic Shots

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©abcNEWS

Alaska Police Search for Man Who Allegedly Shot Cop

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©abcNEWS

Melania Trump Breaks Her Silence

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©abcNEWS

Clinton Hacked Emails Causes Headache

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©abcNEWS

Video of Police Stop Causing Outrage

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©abcNEWS

Вести в 11:00 от 18.10.16

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©Russia 24

Настоящее Время – Азия. 18 октября

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©AzattyqTV

Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 07.30 del 18/10/2016

INC News, 18/10/2016 - source:©TGLa7