Sunday, May 10, 2015

DENMARK - Sperm bank offers Danish women to donate eggs for free vacations

Danish women can now get all-inclusive vacations for the price of donating their eggs. The world’s biggest sperm bank has established a foreign subsidiary, allowing it to bypass Danish laws. However, not everyone finds it a reason to celebrate. The law currently prohibits the sale of eggs, something the Copenhagen-based Cryos International Sperm Bank finds “absurd” and “discriminatory,” Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten newspaper reports. The company has been lobbying for years to change the laws, believing there isn’t “anything unethical”in its proposal to send women on paid-for wellness trips in exchange for their eggs. It also offers a compensation of 2,400 kroner (about $360). The process can be carried out either anonymously, or to help a friend. According to the company, women could even choose to simply store their eggs for the future, to be available for as long as 15 years.
Read article HERE
INC News, 10/05/2015 - via RT

Danish culinary school fined $6,000 for forcing Muslim student to taste pork

A Danish court has ordered a culinary school to pay around $6,000 in damages to its Muslim student after a woman was required to taste pork as part of her studies.
The 24-year-old student, who arrived in Denmark from Libya, when she still was a baby, attended the Holstebro Culinary School, named after the town where it’s located. According to the Politiken daily, the student, whose name wasn’t revealed by the paper, was told by school officials that she would have to taste the food she cooks, like the rest of her classmates.
Dishes the group cooked contained pork, forbidden for Muslims due to religion, prompting the woman to abstain from trying them. As she refused, she was asked to only taste, but not to swallow the pork dishes.The woman recorded the conversation with school officials and later presented the tape as evidence in court. It appeared that the student was informed that pork and wine would be in the recipes, but she was only informed that trying prepared dishes was compulsory after the course began.
The woman insisted that she was being discriminated against on religious grounds and filed a complaint against the school to the Equal Treatment Board. The board upheld her claim and ordered the school to pay the student $75,000 in moral damages.
The culinary school challenged the verdict in the Danish High Court, saying that the woman hadn't graduated as she missed classes too often. The High Court upheld the lower court's decision, but ordered the school to pay a smaller sum in compensation of 40,000 Danish krone (around $6,000).
INC News, 10/05/2015 - via RT

CITTA' DEL VATICANO - Castro meets Pope, promises to go 'back to praying & church'

Cuban President Raul Castro has promised to attend all Pope Francis’s masses when the pontiff visits Cuba. Castro said he may even go back to praying and church if “the pope continues to talk as he does.”
The talks between the Cuban leader and the pontiff in Vatican were strictly private and lasted for about an hour. According to Cuban and Vatican officials, Castro made a stop in the Vatican on the way back from Moscow’s V-Day celebrations to thank Pope Francis for his mediation between the US and Cuba.
Read article HERE
INC News, 10/05/2015 - via RT

The Sunday's Editorial of INC News



Oggi era la domenica della Festa della Mamma. Un giorno in cui tutti si ricordano o dovrebbero ricordarsi di fare gli auguri a chi ci ha generato, visto che di Madre ne si trova solo una mentre di padri tanti. Invece è stato l'ennesimo giorno in cui si ricevono le notizie di Agenzia riportanti il costante numero di donne o ragazze uccise per mano maschile. Il caso della prostituta di colore a Napoli e della quindicenne arsa viva in India fanno una giusta presentazione di come il mondo stia girando.
Non bastano le Forze di Polizia e neppure i Governi, contro un dilagante malcostume della popolazione mondiale. Quindi diviene logico pensare a quelle madri che si trovano tali per violenza subita, e a quelle madri che si vedono sparire le figlie per essere vendute al mercato del sesso mondiale.
Mi rivolgo quindi proprio a loro, a quelle madri che anzichè aver partorito femmine, hanno partorito maschi: intervenite voi, con i vostri ragazzi, educandoli in modo che crescano uomini e non criminali, non ci si trinceri dietro ipocrisie religiose, perchè nessuna religione permette la violenza o la morte violenta. E voi padri, invece di demandare ad altri responsabilità dirette vostre, abbiate il coraggio di educare i figli maschi secondo le regole e non in modo casuale e non in modo casuale additando scuse ed addossando le vostre responsabilità ad altri.


Today was the Sunday of Mother's Day. A day during which everyone want remember or should remember  the sending of greetings to those who gave us life, considering that  Mother is only one  while fathers could be many. Instead it was yet another day when you receive news from Agency reporting the constant number of women or girls killed by male hand. The case of black prostitute in Naples and the fifteen yo burned alive in India, are a fair presentation on how the world is turning.
Not enough police forces, and even governments, against the rampant  immorality of the world population. Then it becomes logical to think of those mothers who are mother for such violence, and to those mothers who have seen disappearing daughters to be sold inside sex industry worldwide.

I therefore appeal just to them, those mothers who have given birth to females, rather than males have given birth: you have to intervene with your children, teaching them so that they grow men and not criminals, we do not take refuge behind religious hypocrisy, because no religion allows violence or violent death. And you, fathers, instead of referring directly to others your responsibility, have the courage to educate your sons according to the humans natural rules, and not randomly pointing excuses thereby charging out your responsibilities to others.

Mikahil Lermontov, for INC News, 10/05/2015

MONDO DONNA - La schiena, ultima frontiera della sicurezza femminile

Se è vero che ogni epoca predilige una parte ben precisa del corpo, l’immagine che descrive meglio i nostri giorni è quella della schiena. La schiena umana come elemento di seduzione che va oltre i vecchi codici di genere (le curve femminili e i pettorali maschili). Fateci caso, la posa più adottata dalle attrici davanti ai fotografi è quella di spalle, con il lato «b» in primo piano messo a nudo dalle griffatissime e profonde scollature. Karl Lagerfeld ha fatto posare la sua musaVanessa Paradis a schiena nuda, coperta soltanto da quattro fili di perle, per reclamizzare una nuova borsa Chanel. E senza veli, con la schiena curvata ad arco,Gisele Bundchen festeggia i suoi 20 anni di carriera sulla copertina di Vogue Brasile. La schiena nuda, ultimo tabù infranto alla Casa Bianca.

Leggi articolo QUI

INC News, 10/05/2015 - via Corriere

Crimean 'prosecutie' Natalia Poklonskaya marches at Victory Day parade

German ships rescue more migrants in Mediterranean

Russian Seal team takes up arms for WW2 celebrations

Cuban gays stage mass wedding

L'ex rais Mubarak e i figli condannati per malversazione

Mosca celebra i 70 anni dalla vittoria sul nazismo, ma il mondo non c'è

Putin accuses US of creating a "unipolar world"

Fireworks display in Russian cities crowns #Victory70 celebrations