Thursday, September 4, 2014

San Diegans see the fun side of flash floods - no comment

Мисс Казахстан получит корону и мешок денег

France: Hollande presidency reeling as bombshell book by ex-partner Trie...

Thief steals from disabled couple

Joan Rivers: Memorable moments

Caccia all'arte per l'Expo 2015

Unicef, stuprate 120 milioni di bambine e ragazze

120 milioni di bambine stuprate

Nel mondo circa 120 milioni di bambine e adolescenti sotto i 20 anni sono state costrette ad un rapporto sessuale forzato. Non solo: un quinto di tutte le vittime di un omicidio ha meno di 20 anni e più di uno studente su tre tra i 13 e i 15 anni è regolarmente vittima di bullismo: sono alcuni dei dati del rapporto Unicef presentato al Palazzo di Vetro a New York.

Rotterdam, 04/09/2014-INC News

Italy named world’s top destination by Condé Nast readers

Italy best tourist country

For the second consecutive year, the boot-shaped nation was named best overall destination in the Readers' Travel Awards conducted by Condé Nast Traveller UK. With an overall rating of 94.49/100, Italy was ranked first among destination countries according to readers of the prestigious magazine, which is known as a key influencer in the luxury tourism sector. 
The country's culture and cuisine were cited as some of its most outstanding assets. With a score of 93.89, the US came in second, followed by France in third with 92.98. Readers gave both countries particularly high ratings in the accommodations category. The survey indicates that Oceania is home to some of the world's most outstanding scenery, as Australia and New Zealand (sixth and seventh overall, respectively) scored the highest in this category. Greece, meanwhile, in fifth place, was praised for the hospitality of the local people.
Rotterdam, 04/09/2014-INC News

Questa notizia in Italia non ricordiamo fosse stata messa in onda...

Multas a las reinas de la mañana 

por reportajes sobre sexo en horario infantil

Atresmedia denunció a Mediaset el 19 de junio de 2013. Mediaset denunció a Atresmedia ocho días después. El motivo era el mismo: contenidos inapropiados en horario infantil. Ahora, un año después de que la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia abriera el expediente a ambas cadenas, multa con 150.000 euros a cada una por reportajes de contenido sexual relacionados con la prostitución en la franja de protección reforzada, de 8.00 a 9.00 y de 17.00 a 20.00 de lunes a viernes.
Una joven en ropa interior mantiene una actitud provocadora, se insinúa, se quita el sujetador. Se toca. Son las 8.58.24 de la mañana del 16 de mayo de 2013. Es parte del sumario que abrió el programa Espejo Público (Antena 3) y que anunciaba un tema sobre el aumento de la prostitución entre universitarias debido a la crisis. Duró 42 segundos.
En Telecinco, el 12 de junio de 2013 el Programa de Ana Rosa comenzó su programa con una prostituta semidesnuda como imagen de fondo en la pantalla del plató: "La mayoría trabaja para las mafias de la prostitución, pero pocas, casi ninguna lo reconocen...". Desde las 8.56 y hasta las 9 de la mañana el reportaje se presentó con imágenes de mujeres en sujetador, felaciones en los asientos traseros de algún coche, paseos de farola en farola: "20 euros el completo, vamos a hacer un trío con una amiga mía", "vamos a follar, 20 euros".
Rotterdam, 04/09/2014-INC News

German factory orders raise economic hopes
The strongest monthly rise in German industrial output in over a year is an 'encouraging signal' for the economy, Germany's statistics agency has said. German industrial output rose 4.6% in July despite concerns over the Ukraine crisis, Destatis said. The economy ministry figure was much higher than many economists had forecast, and comes after a 2.7% fall in output in June.
Foreign orders made up the bulk of the rise in demand, the ministry added. Domestic orders increased 1.7% and foreign orders rose by 6.9% in the month. The rise in industrial orders contrasts with figures out this week from the economy ministry showing that the economy shrank in the second quarter by 0.2%. Following those weak figures, the government warned that the German economy had been "losing momentum".
Rotterdam, 04/09/2014-INC News

Un market gratis usando web???

Ecco, ora siamo a posto, con i nuovi occhiali Google siamo in mutande!

'Bedroom Radical' Aqsa Mahmood Left U.K. to Become ISIS Bride

The parents of a young British woman who went to Syria to marry an ISIS militant said they were “betrayed” by their daughter and called her a “bedroom radical.” Aqsa Mahmood, 20, from Glasgow, Scotland, went to Syria in November, her family told reporters on Wednesday. Her case comes amid heightened concern about Westerners fighting alongside extremists in Iraq and Syria – and the risk that they could return to carry out terror attacks. Mahmood, educated at an exclusive private school, used a now-defunct Twitter account to promote militant terrorism, praising those responsible for the Boston marathon bomb and the massacre at Ford Hood, the Daily Record newspaper reported.
"If our daughter who had all the chances and freedoms in life could become a bedroom radical, then it is possible for this to happen to any family,” her parents said in a statement issued by their lawyer. “We were horrified when we heard that our daughter had become radicalized and moved to Aleppo in Syria. We always had high hopes for her and would have loved for her to become a doctor and save lives. She may believe that the jihadists of ISIS are her new family but they are not and they are simply using her.”
Rotterdam, 04/09/2014-INC News 

Valerie brucia record di vendite con il suo libro su Hollande

Valerie e il suo libro
Straordinario boom di vendite di 'Merci pour ce moment', il libro-vendetta di Valérie Trierweiler, in cui l'ex-première dame di Francia racconta la sua storia con Francois Hollande, fino alla drammatica separazione, dopo le rivelazioni di Closer sulla love story segreta del presidente con l'attrice, Julie Gayet. A mezzogiorno e mezza, secondo un primo bilancio nazionale della Fnac - il grande mediastore transalpino - si è trattato del "miglior esordio degli ultimi cinque anni".

Rotterdam, 04/09/2014-INC News (via ANSA AP)

Nel mondo 1 suicidio ogni 40 secondi

OMS report sui suicidi nel mondo
Nel mondo, oltre 800mila persone muoiono per suicidio ogni anno, vale a dire una persona ogni 40 secondi. Eppure, solo 28 Paesi hanno messo in campo strategie nazionali per la prevenzione del suicidio. E' l'allarme lanciato oggi dall'Oms nel primo Rapporto sulla prevenzione del suicidio, basato sulla raccolta di dieci anni di ricerche e dati da tutto il mondo. L'Oms sottolinea quindi la necessità di piani di azione da parte dei singoli Stati, affermando che il suicidio è prevenibile.

Rotterdam, 04/09/2014-INC News (via ANSA AP)

World First As Message Sent From Brain To Brain

In a world first, a team of researchers has achieved brain-to-brain transmition of information between humans.
The team managed to send messages from India to France - a distance of 5,000 miles - without performing invasive surgery on the test subjects.
There were four participants in the study, aged between 28 and 50. One was assigned to a brain-computer interface to transmit the thought, while the three others were assigned to receive the thought. The first participant, located in India, was shown words translated into binary, and had to envision actions for each piece of information. For example, they could move their hands for a 1 or their legs for a 0.
A technique known as electroencephalogry - which monitors brain signals from the outside - was used to record the thoughts as outgoing messages and send them via the internet. At the other end, electromagnetic induction was used to stimulate the brain's visual cortex from the outside and pass on the signal  successfully to the three other participants in France. The report's co-author, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, said: "We wanted to find out if one could communicate directly between two people by reading out the brain activity from one person and injecting brain activity into the second person, and do so across great physical distances by leveraging existing communication pathways.
Rotterdam, 04/09/2014-INC News

Piogge torrenziali in China

Almeno 10 morti e 30 dispersi in Cina a seguito delle abbondanti piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito le regioni sud-occidentali del Paese. Nella contea di Fengjie, nell'est della provincia di Chongqing si sono abbattuti 300 millimetri di pioggia in meno di 24 ore, costringendo la popolazione a lasciare le proprie case e ad abbandonare interi villaggi.

Do not touch Russian women....!!