Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Шойгу проверил в Абакане ход строительства военного городка

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

На Русаковской улице "Мицубиси" врезался в трамвайную остановку

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Скандал в бане может стоить должности омскому полицейскому

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

400 участников проекта "Активный гражданин" получили билеты на каток ВДНХ

400 участников проекта "Активный гражданин" получили билеты на каток ВДНХ. Они стали победителями конкурса "Все на каток", который проходил на портале со второй половины января.

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Сбитый Су-24: Россия ждет от Турции извинений, наказания виновных и комп...

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Банкиру Пугачеву грозит срок в Великобритании

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

В Северо-Западном тоннеле в Москве перевернулся цементовоз

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

В Алматы коммунальщики и сотрудники ДЧС готовятся к паводкам (08.02.16)

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Telekanal Almaty

Новая подсветка Алматы снизит уровень уличной преступности (09.02.16)

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Telekanal Almaty

Эксперт: Лихорадка Зика в РК не распространяется (09.02.16)

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Telekanal Almaty

Sulla via del cioccolato - On the way of chocolate

Nella cornice allegra di un carnevale a cielo coperto, si è concluso domenica, nel palazzo della vecchia Borsa di Amsterdam, il Festival del cioccolato, una manifestazione creata da specialisti del settore di importazione del cacao, fatta per portare alla conoscenza dei più cosa sia e come si prepara il cioccolato.
Nella kermesse di 2 giorni, i più importanti importatori del chicco nero-amaro di Europa, hanno intrattenuto centinaia di visitatori, dei quali gran parte turisti, presentando  la storia e la lavorazione del cioccolato partendo dal chicco alla tavoletta o bevanda che tutti conosciamo.
Interesse all'articolo lo hanno dimostrato le tre sale di esposizione e la sala dove venivano proiettati filmati esplicativi circa la raccolta, tostatura e produzione del prodotto più commerciato del mondo, assieme al caffè ed al tè.
Numerosi i bambini e interessante la presenza degli artigiani del cioccolato provenienti da Perugia e Norcia (Italia), che hanno presentato una vivace ed allegra produzione alla vendita al dettaglio. Interesse molto attivo per gli assaggi e la comprensione nella differenza dei gusti tra differenti chicchi e differenti aree geografche mondiali.  
Da padrone, il Sud America ha fatto ampio cenno di coesione con altri produttori del settore, per dimostrare il benefico uso del cioccolato e la possibilità che esso ha di poter essere utilizzato non solo come classico bon-bon, ma anche essere usato con successo nella industria delle bevande alcooliche (è stato presentato un ottimo limoncello al cioccolato) e nell'arte culinaria in generale.
Un pubblico attento e compratore ha portato al successo la manifestazione, in una Amsterdam quasi pronta alla nuova linea di Metro e alla classica invasione dei turisti del periodo primaverile. Se prima c'era la via della seta, la via dei diamanti, la via dei fiori, ora possiamo aggiungere che c'è anche la via del cioccolato.

In cheerful frame of a carnival in an overcast sky, it ended on Sunday, in the palace of the old Amsterdam Stock Exchange, the Chocolate Festival, an event created by specialists in the field of cocoa imported, made to bring to the knowledge of what it is and more how chocolate is prepared.
In the event of two days, the most famous importers of black-bitter grain of Europe, entertained hundreds of visitors, most of which were tourists, presenting the history and processing of chocolate starting from the bean to the tablet or drink that we all know.
Interest in it has been showed thought three exhibition rooms, and the hall where they were projected explanatory films about collecting, roasting and production of the most traded product in the world, along with coffee and tea.
Many were the children and interesting the presence of chocolate artisans from Perugia and Norcia (Italy), who presented a lively and cheerful production to retail. Interest very active in examining and understanding the difference between the tastes of different beans and different world geographic areas.
As a king, South America has made extensive cohesion with other manufacturers in the industry, to demonstrate the beneficial use of cocoa and the possibility that it could be used not only as a bon-bon classic, but also be used successfully in industry of alcoholic beverages (it was presented an excellent limoncello chocolate) and in the culinary arts in general.
An attentive audience, and the number of buyers have brought success to the event, in an Amsterdam almost ready to the new line of Metro and classical invasion of tourists in spring. Where before there was the Silk Road, the path of diamonds, the way of flowers, we can now add that there is also the way of the chocolate.

В рамках веселого карнавала в столь пасмурную погоду, который закрылся в воскресенье в Амстердамской фондовой бирже шоколадный фестиваль – это событие, созданное специалистами в сфере привозного какао с целью привести нас к знаниям о шоколаде и как он готовится.
В течении двух дней самые известные импортеры черно-горького зерна Европы развлекали сотни посетителей, среди них были многие туристы, представили историю и процесс от начала добывания бобов и до таблетки или напитка, что известен нам. 
Интерес к данному предмету был показан в трех выставочных комнат, а также зале, где поясняющие фильмы о сборке, прожарке и изготовлении были спроектированы о самом продаваемом товаре на ровне с кофе и чаем. 
Там было много детей, было интересно наблюдать за ремесленниками из Перуджи и Норсии (Италия), которые презентовали свой товар для розницы живо и весело. Интересным было наблюдать и понять разницу между вкусами разных сортов бобов из разных географических точек. 
Будучи королем в производстве какой, Южная Америка заключила ряд обширных сделок с производителями для того чтобы показать пользу потребления какао и возможность того, что оно может быть использовано не только в классических конфетах, но и имеет огромный успех в производстве алкогольных напитков (к нашему вниманию было представлено превосходное шоколадно лимончелло), а также использоваться в кулинарном искусстве в общем. 
Внимательная публика и число покупателей окупили расходы мероприятия в Амстердаме, уже весной будут стоять огромные очереди в Метро во время наплыва туристов. Где когда-то существовал Шелковый путь, тропинка бриллиантов, цветочный путь, теперь мы можем смело добавить и путь шоколада. 

Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News, 09/02/2016 - ©INC News

Rape as a weapon - Women and War

Masika, featured in this video, passed away this week (8 February). With this in mind we would like to share her story with you again. Rape as a weapon of war is something that women in the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo know only too well. This week, we meet an extraordinary woman – Masika who survived rape, and now dedicates her life to helping others overcome similar atrocities. 
Everyone at the Minova hospital knows Masika. She pays the medical bills for the women who, like Josephine have been infected with AIDS, after being kidnapped, tortured, and raped for months on end by militias hiding in the bush.

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Girl, 5, delivers toys to other sick children

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Upside to the low dollar

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Germany train crash: Several killed near Bavarian town of Bad Aibling - ...

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©BBC News

Raw: 2 Trains Crash Head-On In Southern Germany

Two commuter trains crashed head-on Tuesday morning in a remote area in southern Germany, killing at least nine people and injuring some 150.

INC News,  09/02/2016 - source: ©AP

Gaga's Oscar Nomination Moment

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©AP

Pakistan airline strike: Some flight operations resume

Some flights have resumed in Pakistan after nearly a week of strike action by workers for the national carrier. Pakistan International Airlines staff are opposed to government plans to privatise the airline. Thousands of passengers remain stranded. Al Jazeera's Osama Bin Javaid reports from Karachi.

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

UN finds 'extermination' of detainees in Syria

 UN investigators say Syrians in government detention are dying on a massive scale that amounts to a state policy of extermination.The Independent International Commission of Inquiry also found evidence armed groups ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra committed war crimes.Warning: The report contains graphic images of torture from the start.

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Inside Story - Is the European project collapsing?

Cracks widen in the European Union as leaders disagree on how to solve common problems.Presenter: Sami ZeidanGuests:Claude Moraes - Labour Member of the European Parliament for London and Deputy Leader of the European Parliamenary Labour party.Florian Hartleb - A Lecturer at Eichstatt University.Daniel Schade - Deputy Chairman of the Project for Democratic Union and Specialist on European policy.

INC News, 09/02/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera