Monday, July 11, 2016

Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (11.07.2016) 11 июля 2016 «НТВ»

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Vesti-HTB

Germany: Hundreds march through Berlin in solidarity with Black Lives Ma...

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews RUPTLY

UK: See '1,000 mph' Bloodhound car loaded into a Boeing

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews RUPTLY

USA: 'Hillary for prison!' protesters denounce FBI's proposals to drop Clinton charges

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews RUPTLY

Russia: UIMC unveils Russia's first 3D printed drone at Innoprom

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews RUPTLY

Germany: Armed man in Stuttgart law firm, police report 'unclear threatening situation

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews RUPTLY

Lithuania: Nadezhda Savchenko visits private army surplus depot

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews RUPTLY

Video: zeer ernstig ongeluk A58, zeker 8 gewonden

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTL News

Горит ЖК Нурсая в Астане

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©TengriNews

В "Аптекарском огороде" открылась выставка роз и декоративных кустарников

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Станция метро "Минская" откроется до конца года

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Во Франции спорят сторонники и противники продажной любви

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

На северо-востоке Москвы мусоровоз столкнулся с легковым фургоном

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

73 года назад: память о волынском геноциде

INC News, 11/04/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Путин привез старинную икону на Русский Афон

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

В центре Москвы найден предмет, похожий на снаряд времен войны

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

В адвокатском бюро в Штутгарте забаррикадировался вооруженный мужчина

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Авиасалон в Фарнборо начал работу

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Москва может оказаться во власти непогоды

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Мосгордума рассмотрит закон об отмене предоплаты на штрафстоянках

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Синоптики озвучили прогноз погоды в Казахстане на ближайшие дни

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©24KZ

Астанчане задолжали свыше 600 миллионов тенге штрафов

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©24KZ

Казахстанцев просят сообщать о незаконных поборах под прикрытием EXPO-2017

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©24KZ

Казахстанская девушка-пилот мечтает полететь в космос

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Almaty Television

Maria Sharapova Won't Be Winning A Gold Medal Anytime Soon

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Newsy

So, The GOP Might Change Its Stance On Gay Marriage

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Looks Like The UK Has Its New PM (She's The Only Candidate Left)

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Newsy

The UFC Sells Out For $4B, And That's A Big Deal

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Pionyang dará una "respuesta física" al sistema de misiles de EE.UU

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: © RTNews Esp

Mientras tanto en Rusia... un concurso anual de lanzamiento de excrementos de vaca

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews Esp

Espiral de violencia y brutalidad policial generan masivas protestas en EE UU

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews Esp

'El informe Chilcot' sobre Irak: "La acción militar no era la última opción

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews Esp

«Солнечный самолёт» почти замкнул «кругосветку»

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Откуда пошли филистимляне? Древнее кладбище может дать ответ

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Ученые ЕС сохранят фольклор "в цифре" - futuris

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Робот - городской курьер - science

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Un cimitero svelerà i segreti dei filistei

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Pyongyang: "Reagiremo con la forza alle provocazioni Usa"

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Dallas: il killer aveva piani per attacchi di maggiori proporzioni

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Russia: Annual cow dung slinging festival at Urals village

INCNews, 12/07/2016-source: ©Euronews/No Comments

World's "largest orchestra" performs in Germany

INCNews, 12/07/2016-source: ©Euronews/No Comments

Naked and Afraid S04E01 Alligator Alley

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Amazon TV

Горит ЖК Нурсая в Астане

INCNews, 12/07/2016-source: ©TengriNews 

Федор Конюхов готовит воздушный шар к кругосветному путешествию

INCNews, 12/07/2016-source: ©RTNews 

Третий республиканский турнир по аламан байге состоится 11 сентября

INCNews, 12/07/2016-source: ©AstanaTV

В Казахстане стартовал республиканский автопробег «Ұлы дала азаматтары»

INCNews, 12/07/2016-source: ©Astana TV

Wal-Mart steps up its game against Amazon

INCNews, 12/07/2016-source: ©Reuters 

Алматыда баспанасыз қалған пәтер иелері жаңа үйдің салынуын тағатсыздана...

INCNews, 11/07/2016-source: ©Novosti Khabar2016

Қазақстан ТМД елдері арасында ақпараттық технологияларды дамытуда көш ба...

INCNews, 11/07/2016-source: ©Novosti Khabar2016

Скоро в кинотеатрах Казахстана

INCNews, 11/07/2016-source: ©FilmPro

Cape Verdeans save dying native language

INCNews, 11/07/2016-source: ©ALJAZEERA

How many people are killed by police each year in the U.S.?

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Putin Issues Desperate Warning of WWIII

Alex Jones breaks down the western mainstream media cover-up of Vladimir Putin warning journalists of war. The Russian president met with foreign journalists at the conclusion of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 17th, and left no one in any doubt that the world is headed down a course which could lead to nuclear war. 

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©Alex Jones Channel

Something really unusual and sweet - Portuguese boy consoles heartbroken French fan

When is it OK for a man to cry? After Portugal beat France 1-0 in the Euro 2016 final, perhaps. One genuinely touching moment has been captured on camera, showing a little Portuguese boy consoling a crying French fan.  The heartbroken French fan, clad in blue, apparently couldn't hold back tears, crying openly in the street, without regard to others, after his team's shocking defeat to Portugal on Sunday.
INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Motorcycle Riders Show Support for Dallas Police

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©AP

European Athletics Champs Amsterdam 2016 100 m HURDLES WOMEN

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©AtleticWorld

Portugal stuns France to win Euro 2016 football final

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Mongolia celebrates centuries-old Naadam festival

Monday marks the start of the ancient Mongolian sport festival of Naadam, which features wrestling, archery and horse-racing. The country is facing a number of challenges as a new democracy and an export-dependent economy.
But as Scott Heidler reports, these contemporary issues have had little impact on the all-important Naadam.

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Delta Flight 1817 Makes Emergency Landing for Rampant Passenger Sickness

INC News, 11/07/2016 - source: ©ABC News

From $2mn in 2001 to record deal: UFC confirms $4bn sale

The UFC has announced it has been sold for approximately $4 billion to a group headed by talent agency William Morris Endeavor/International Management Group (WME/IMG).
Las Vegas CBS affiliate KLAS-TV reported over the weekend that paperwork for the sale was signed on Saturday to an ownership group comprising WME/IMG, private equity group MSD and global investment firm KKR. UFC CEO Lorenzo Fertitta will step down following a transitional period, although Dana White will stay on as president and hold a minority stake.
INC News, 11/07/2016  - source: ©RTNews