Saturday, March 12, 2016

Программа Центральное телевидение (12.03.2016) 12 марта 2016 НТВ

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©Vesti

Программа "Транспорт" от 12 марта 2016 года

INC News, 12803/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Санкт-Петербург почтил память жертв теракта в Airbus A321

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Похитительницу белгородского младенца арестовал на два месяца

INC News, 12/03/2016 - souce: ©Russia 24

Искусственный интеллект всухую обыгрывает в го чемпиона мира

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

"Тюльпан" сделал из Toyota Camry блин на Масленицу

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Претенденты на звание чемпиона мира по шахматам используют все возможнос...

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Пассажира, спасшего авиалайнер от катастрофы в Женеве, не хотят награждать

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Самый красивый преступник США на свободе

INC News, 12/038/2016 - source:©Pravda

FDA Has A New Warning About Overcooking Your French Fries - Newsy

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©NewsyScience

This Newly Discovered Strain Of Bacteria Can Eat Plastic - Newsy

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©NewsyScience

Ottawa super model becomes the new face of Maybelline

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©CTV News

Tsipi Livni urges moderate Muslims to unite against extremism

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Erdogan warns Turkey's top courts over freed journalists

Turkey's president warned the country's top court that it's survival would be up for debate if it repeated rulings that were against the country. Recep Tayyip Erdogan was referring to a decision that led to the release of two detained newspaper editors. 
"Excuse me, but I said: I do not respect the decision of an institution that does not respect the rights and interests of the people of this country," said Erdogan. "I hope the constitutional court will not act in such a way again that will leave.

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Organs on a chip

INC  News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Student told to keep quiet about sexual harassment

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©CBC News

What are the best eggs? Egg crackdown (CBC Marketplace)

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©CBC News

KPMG tax amnesties, sexist restaurant dress codes & Donald Trump: BUSINE...

12/03/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Obama Urges Against 'Absolutist' Encryption View

President Barack Obama says the encryption versus national security debate won't be settled by taking an "absolutist view" of the situation. Obama says both values are important, but concessions will be needed at times.

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©AP

Japan Tsunami: Remembering the disaster five years on

Japan has marked the anniversary of the 2011 tsunami, remembering the 18,000 people who were killed or went missing in the disaster.Five years on, the country is still battling to contain the lurking nuclear disaster when the tsunami destroyed the Fukushima Power Plant.The disaster displaced thousands of Japanese, who are yet to return home.

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Manhunt Continues for Two Dangerous Criminals

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews

Historic Southern Flooding | Levees at Risk of Breaking

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews

Fashion forward: Sophie's clothes shine spotlight on Canada

INC News, 12/03/2016 - source: ©CTV News