Sunday, July 24, 2016

Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (24.07.2016) 24 июля 2016 «НТВ»

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Vesti-HTB

Solar Impulse 2 отправился на последний этап своей кругосветки

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Хоркина: ловушки еще могут быть расставлены

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Олимпийский комитет допустил российскую сборную к играм в Рио единогласно

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Участников ралли "Шелковый путь" поздравили в Пекине

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Винер-Усманова: для художественной гимнастики допинг - нонсенс

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

На музыкальном фестивале в Нижнем Новгороде молния убила мужчину

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Военная база США на Окинаве: очередной морпех дебошир попался пьяным за ...

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Омск накрыла стихия

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Петухов: смена часового пояса . инициатива новосибирцев

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

У бразильской эстафеты олимпийского огня едва не украли факел

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Бадаевский пивзавод могли поджечь

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

VIP-хамство: владельцы элитных иномарок превращают тротуары в парковки

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Московские гаражи превращаются в криминальные трущобы

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

В погоне за мятежниками Эрдоган наплевал на ядерную безопасность и ИГИЛ

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Женщину зарубили мачете у немецкой кебабной

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Идеи Брейвика становятся все более популярными

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Трагедия в Ницце: теракт в любимом городе европейцев не забудется никогда

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Журова: IAAF может дать шанс отдельным легкоатлетам

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Мнение: перед Рио российским спортсменам предстоят испытания

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Russia 24

Russia: Meet Semyon Semyonych - the cat with a cycle club membership card

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RUPTLY

Cambodia: 10,000s turn out in Phnom Penh for funeral of slain govt. critic

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RUPTLY

France: 100s join group Pokemon Go session in Paris after late French re...

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RUPTLY

USA: Smoke from California wildfire darkens skies above LA County

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RUPTLY

Пресс-подход Жукова по итогам заседания МОК о допуске сборной России к О...

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RTNews

Собакам выход воспрещен: активисты запрещают жителям Манчестера выгулива...

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RTNews

Пресс-подход Мутко по итогам заседания МОК о допуске сборной России к Ол...

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RTNews

Эксперт: Нападения беженцев вызовут волну недовольства миграционной поли...

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RTNews

Прямой эфир RT по итогам заседания МОК о допуске сборной России к Олимпи...

INC News, 24/07/2016 _ source: RTNews

Беспилотник заснял салют на II Международном фестивале в Москве

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: RTNews

DNC Chair Talked Smack, Then Emails Were Leaked, And Now She's Out

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: Newsy

Премьер-министр Турции: повторная попытка переворота не исключена

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: euronews

Чем лечиться будем: человечество развивает устойчивость к антибиотикам

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: euronews

"Я был готов умереть": рассказ человека, пытавшегося остановить террорис...

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: euronews

Школьные рейтинги в Европе: сравнение несравнимых - learning world

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: euronews

"Я здесь, спасите меня!" - покемоны на службе у сирийских детей

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: euronews

Samsung начал патентную войну с Huawei - economy

Венгрия - страна ксенофобии

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: euronews

Средиземное море: более 1100 спасённых нелегалов

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: euronews

Власти Франции проверят бойни на предмет издевательств над животными

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: euronews



Tra poco meno di due settimane cominceranno i giochi olimpici e tutti (o quasi)  saremo già in vacanza o ci stiamo per andare. Ma dove andranno in vacanza, mi chiedo io. Se vai nel Mar Rosso, devi pensare che potrebbe cadere l'aereo con cui viaggi o arrivare un missile "terra-terra" che rade al suolo dove sei tu. 
Se vai all'aeroporto, devi pensare che ti perquisiscono anche dove non batte il Sole e devi stare attento a non far sospettare che sei gay; se vai in treno rischi che accanto a te, quello che pensavi fosse il ragioniere della tua banca, tiri fuori all'improvviso un AK47 e una Magnum calibro 9 lunga e spari all'impazzata gridando "Allà la pizza non ce staaaaa!!". Se poi vai in macchina, rischi che gli Agusta della Marina Corpi Speciali volino sopra di te cercando di fermarti, perchè al casello della autostrada avevano visto che portavi una strana barba. 
Ma poi, in vacanza dove? Ai Caraibi arrivi con le valige piene e torni in mutande con il fagottino sulle spalle, tanto hai dovuto spendere. In Egitto ti fanno fare la fine di Tutankamun. In America rischi che il colore della tua abbronzatura passi per quella degli abitanti del Togo e se non alzi bene le braccia rischi di fare da lampadina fosforescente per i colpi di Taser.
 Rimangono altri posti, è vero, incontaminati, dove cercare refrigerio e tranquillità, ma a parte Guantanamo o Regina Coeli, sono posti riservati ai vip per il prezzo. Esistono tuttavia facilitazioni davvero ottime per coloro che decidessero delle vacanze nuove ed interessanti: I sotterranei di Parigi, New York, Napoli, Roma e molti in Spagna. Lì c'è davero di tutto e costa poco e poi tornando si ha davvero tanto da raccontare. 
Per chi non lo avesse ancora capito, mi ero messo il casco della realtà  virtuale per vedere l'effetto che fa.  Davvero attuale la canzone di Jannacci "vengo anch'io! ' No, tu no!"

Mikhail Lermontov, per INC News - 24/07/2016 - ©INCNews


In just under than two weeks will start the Olympic Games and all (or almost) we were already on holiday or we are going to go. But where will they go on vacation, I ask myself. If you go on the Red Sea, you have to think that it could down the plane with which got your trip, or get a "down to earth" missile that razes around where you are.
If you go at the airport, you have to think that they frisk you even where the Sun doesn't beat, and you have to be careful not to suspect that you are gay; if you go by train you risk that next to you, what you thought was the accountant of your bank, attempts off all of a sudden an AK47 and Magnum 9mm long, and wildly shooting shouting "Maggot pizza there's nooott!!". Finally, if you go by car, risk that an Agusta chopper of Marina Special Corps flies  over you trying to stop you, because at the exit of the highway had seen you wore a strange beard.
But then, on vacation, where? To the Caribbean you arrive with suitcases full and come back in underwear with the bundle on the shoulder, so much you have to spend. Egypt makes you go the way of Tutankamun. At America you risk that the color of your tan steps to that of the inhabitants of Togo, and if you do not stand up well the arms, you risk to become as a fluorescent light bulb due to their hits of the Taser.
Remain other places, it is true, unspoiled, where to look cool and calm, but apart from Guantanamo or Regina Coeli, are places reserved for VIPs for the price. However, there are really excellent facilities for who decides of new and interesting holiday: The underground of Paris, New York, Naples, Rome and many in Spain. There is really everything and is cheap and then returning, it really has so much to tell.
For those who had not yet figured out, I had put the virtual reality helmet on, to see the effect it does. Really current Jannacci's song "I'm coming too! 'No, not you!"

Mikhail Lermontov, per INC News - 24/07/2016 - ©INCNews

Kenya: Domestic violence victims find refuge in women-only villages

INCNews/ 24/07/2016-source: ©ALJAZEERA

South China Sea dispute overshadows ASEAN meeting

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Afghanistan mourns Kabul protest bombings

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

How should Lebanon handle its water shortage?

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Mexico Opera picking new generation of singers

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Inside Story - How did the media cover the Munich attack?

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Miami Police Shooting | Man with Autism 'Traumatized' Family Says

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: ©ABC News

Munich Shooting | Terrorism Ruled Out by Authorities

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: ©ABC News

Kids Turn Drone Into a Crime Fighter

INC News, 24/07/2016 - source: ©ABC News