Monday, September 15, 2014

Kazakh cuisine stirs up interest in New York

"Once again an outdoor display featuring Kazakhstan and its achievements drew attention of thousands in New York," Kazakhstan Consulate General in New York said.
The exhibition is part of annual 92 Y Street Fest festival.

According to consul general Raushan Yesbulatova, most of all, people are interested in Kazakh cuisine, Kazakh folk music, literature and the country's achievements.

INC News, 15/09/2014

Russia's South Gets Treated to Northern Lights

Aurora in Russia

Social media users as far south as Moscow this weekend reported seeing the Northern Lights — usually restricted to the country's northern Arctic region — and shared their pictures online for others to see.
Also known as the Aurora Borealis, the hues' increased visibility over the past weekend was the result of two solar flares, which allowed residents of numerous countries — including Great Britain, Northern Ireland and northern Canada — to witness the natural phenomenon. Skywatchers in Russia's northern regions of Karelia, Krasnoyarsk and Murmansk saw green lights dancing in the night sky.
City-dwellers in St. Petersburg were also expected to be in for a treat, though light pollution may have limited their visibility. "This is taking place right now outside my window. Incredible. Only #TheNorthernLights. But wow, in Moscow!!" one Instagram user wrote beneath a photograph of a bright green light, reportedly snapped from her window in the capital.
INC News, 15/09/2014

Bee’s honey could replace antibiotics

Ebola: Inside of isolation chamber

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MIT Hackathon Aims to Build a Better Breast Pump

It's the mother of all hackathons — a group of MIT researchers are bringing together engineers, designers, health experts and parents with the goal of building a better breast pump. "We really want to bring the breast pump out of the lactation closet," said Alexis Hope, a research assistant at the MIT Media Lab. "If you talk to moms about something that makes the first part of having a baby miserable, they always say the breast pump. They're loud, they have a million parts, they're impossible to clean, heavy. They're completely impractical for the realities of your life." In May, a small group from the lab came together to brainstorm, and a blog post about their efforts drew so much interest the organizers — who include four moms — decided to expand. They expect up to 80 people to join forces Sept. 20 and 21 and work all weekend "to make the breast pump not suck." Participants will split into five-person teams and then pitch their prototypes to the group at the end. Hope said it's "just a starting point," but ideally some of the innovations will catch the eye of pump manufacturers. Half of all new moms in the United States now breastfeed for the six months recommended by pediatricians. Many of them use pumps to produce milk for when they return to work or are away from the baby. Studies have shown breast milk and nursing has health benefits for both the infant and the mother.

Rosetta: Audacious comet landing site chosen


Scientists and engineers have spent weeks studying the 4km-wide "ice mountain" known as 67P, looking for a location they can place a small robot. They have chosen what they hope is a relatively smooth region on the smaller of the comet's two lobes. But the team is under no illusions as to how difficult the task will be. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, currently sweeping through space some 440 million km from Earth, is highly irregular in shape. Its surface terrain is marked by deep depressions and towering cliffs.
Even the apparently flat surfaces contain potentially hazardous boulders and fractures. Avoiding all of these dangers will require a good slice of luck as well as careful planning. Pre-mission analysis suggested the chances of a successful landing on a roughly spherical body were 70-75%.
INC News, 15/09/2014-via BBC

Lion city of dancers

Caso Schwazer, procura Coni convoca Kostner

Carolina Kostner convocata dalla procura antidoping per il caso Schwazer: la pattinatrice azzurra, ex fidanzata dell'ex marciatore trovato positivo alla vigilia di Londra 2012 e poi squalificato fino a gennaio 2016, sarà ascoltata per rispondere degli articoli 2.8 e 3.3 delle norme antidoping che parlano di "copertura" e "complicità".

INC News, 15/09/2014-via ANSA AP

Two British tourists die in Thailand

Kazakhstan begins experimental cultivation of sweet potatoes for South Korea

Kz sweet potatoes

The scientists planted several hundred bushes of sweet potato in three areas of Kazakhstan in May: near Shymkent , near Karaganda in Kazakhstan's center and in Stepnogorsk in Kazakhstan's further north. The sprouts were provided by the foreign participants of the joint project.

Balpanov said that there was a clearly visible dependence between the growth dynamics of the sweet potato and the climate of the regions where it was planted. Harvesting has already begun in southern Kazakhstan, whereas in the other, colder areas, the root crop has not yet ripened. 
The Kazakh expert said that sweet potato is valued because the root crop is rich in vitamins and proteins. Besides, it makes an excellent fodder. 
"The tubers can be used for production of spirits as they contain a large quantity of sugar. However, it is a dietary product, in contrast to the regular potato. Instant noodles and chips are made thereof in Korea and they are not as unhealthy as those made from potatos," the head of the project said. Sweet potato is a tropical root crop that is traditionally grown in Peru, Colombia, New Zealand, Japan and Korea. Balpanov explained that scientists from South Korea turned to their Kazakhstan colleagues because South Korea is lacking land to grow its sweet potatoes.
INC News, 15/09/2014-via Tengrinews

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Heineken rejects takeover offer from SABMiller


Dutch brewing giant Heineken has rejected a takeover offer from London brewer SABMiller saying the proposal is "non-actionable". Heineken said it had "consulted with its majority shareholder" before rejecting the approach. It said the Heineken family, the founding family which still owns half of the firm, wanted to preserve the firm as "an independent company".
Heineken said it was confident it would continue to grow. "The Heineken family and Heineken N.V.'s management are confident that the company will continue to deliver growth and shareholder value," it added.
INC News, 15/09/2014

Islamic State crisis: Hollande warns of global threat
French President Francois Hollande says the global threat posed by Islamic State (IS) militants must meet a global response. He was opening an international summit of foreign ministers in Paris aimed at combating the jihadist group. About 40 countries, including 10 Arab states, have signed up to a coalition to help fight IS in Iraq and Syria. The conference follows a whirlwind tour of the Middle East by US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Mr Kerry, who is also attending the summit, has been drumming up support for a plan of action unveiled by President Barack Obama last week. The murder of British aid worker David Haines by IS militants, shown in a video released by the group on Saturday, has added momentum to the plans, says the BBC's Lucy Williamson in Paris.
INC News, 15/09/2014

'Go Slow' Smartphone Walking Lane For Dawdlers

Walking on the streets
Tired of people clogging up the pavement at a beauty spot, authorities in Chongqing City divided the pavement into two sections with the warning: "Cell phones - walk in this lane at your own risk."
Nong Cheng, a spokesman for the company which manages the area, said: "There are lots of elderly people and children in our street, and walking with your cellphone may cause unnecessary collisions here." However, it turns out the 50m-long lane could be making things worse.
Tourists are now stopping to take snaps of the unique divide, reports the People's Daily newspaper, which also notes regular incursions into the wrong lane.
INC News, 15/09/2014

Miss America Contest Won by Daughter of Russian Emigres

Miss America contests

A 22-year-old aspiring law student born to Russian immigrants has won the 88th edition of the Miss America beauty contest.
Kira Kazantsev from New York was named the most beautiful woman in the U.S. at the annual Miss America contest held Sunday in Atlantic City, New Jersey, The Associated Press reported. It is the third consecutive time a contestant from New York has won the title. Kazantsev, whose parents emigrated to the U.S. from Russia, studied political science, global studies, and geography at college, and also speaks Spanish in addition to fluent Russian and English.

INC News, 15/09/2014

Tutti in aula!!!

In Italia oggi e' il primo giorno di scuola, e migliaia sono i nuovi alunni, oltre a quelli che riprenderanno il loro corso di studi dopo le vacanze.
A tutti i piccoli che per la prima volta entrano in una auka scolastica vada il nostro piu' caro augurio di una felice prima lezione!

INC News, 15/09/2014 

a Civitavecchia la Oasis, nave da crociera più grande al mondo

Oasis of the Seas
Sono terminate nel porto di Civitavecchia le complesse operazioni di ingresso e di ormeggio della Oasis of the Seas, la nave da crociera più grande del mondo, arrivata per la prima volta in Italia. Lo conferma all'ANSA la Capitaneria di Porto di Civitavecchia. Con i suoi 362 metri di lunghezza, 225.282 tonnellate lorde di stazza e 16 ponti la mega-nave della Royal Caribbean, ospite decisamente eccezionale, ha attraccato alla banchina 13 nord del porto di Civitavecchia.
Il primo ormeggio di questo gigante del mare è stato seguito con particolare attenzione da Autorità portuale, Capitaneria di Porto e addetti della Roma Cruise Terminal. La Oasis of the Seas può accogliere fino a 6.296 passeggeri. A bordo lavorano 2.165 membri dell'equipaggio di 65 diverse nazionalità.

INC News, 15/09/2014-via ANSA AP