Sunday, August 31, 2014
ROMAN SEX, SEXUALITY, SLAVES AND LEX SCANTINIA - A document very interesting about sex as no common explained
Sex in archeology
In ancient Rome, Latin has no equivalent translation for defining homosexuality, nor heterosexuality as an individual’s sexual nature. Gay or straight, there would be no distinction.
Sexuality instead is determined by behavioral mannerisms, whether masculine or passive in both male and female roles. Roman society had a patriarchal system in which the gender role of the male is the primary authority, emphasized by the “active” masculinity as a premise of governance, power and status.
In the case of the freeborn women of Rome, they were sometimes described as “tribas fricatrix”, meaning “she who rubs” and “virago”, from the latin word vir (virile ‘man), a term used to describe a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities.
Roman religion supported acceptance of sexuality, as an aspect that prospered religious practice for improving erotic lifestyle as well as defining an individual’s power through the procreative force of the male. Such traditions were a sign of active masculinity, but whether the religious tolerance can be applicable to homosexual acts is unknown.
Men were free to have intercourse with men, but generally only acceptable in instances where the masculinity of the freeborn Roman citizen wasn’t subject to the law of Lex Scantinia, otherwise bringing his name and family reputation into dis-repute or infamia (infamia – A loss of legal or social standing).
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
I giovani e il cellulare nel letto
Cellulare a letto
L'indagine è stata condotta su un campione di 454 ragazzi e ragazze che hanno compilato un sondaggio mentre erano nelle sale d'attesa degli ambulatori medici. Il 57% dei giovani lo tiene acceso e il 45,7% lo usa some sveglia. Il 36,7% messaggia durante la notte e circa l'8% viene svegliato dal suono degli sms in arrivo e fa fatica a riprendere sonno.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News (via ANSA AP)
L'indagine è stata condotta su un campione di 454 ragazzi e ragazze che hanno compilato un sondaggio mentre erano nelle sale d'attesa degli ambulatori medici. Il 57% dei giovani lo tiene acceso e il 45,7% lo usa some sveglia. Il 36,7% messaggia durante la notte e circa l'8% viene svegliato dal suono degli sms in arrivo e fa fatica a riprendere sonno.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News (via ANSA AP)
Il futuro tecnollogico: vi consigliamo questo articolo, molto interessante
The future
....Once sensors like the heart-rate monitor in the Samsung Galaxy S5 become standard in all smartphones, we could see more consistent, quality data and more useful services built around that data. Wilbanks gave the example of someone with depression getting help when their phone detects that they have not left the house or talked to anybody in a long time, signs that would otherwise have to be self-reported.....
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
....Once sensors like the heart-rate monitor in the Samsung Galaxy S5 become standard in all smartphones, we could see more consistent, quality data and more useful services built around that data. Wilbanks gave the example of someone with depression getting help when their phone detects that they have not left the house or talked to anybody in a long time, signs that would otherwise have to be self-reported.....
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
Marchionne: "L'Italia incapace di reagire. Fiducia nel governo, ma risultati pochi"
Italia e Marchionne
Dal manager italo-canadese arriva anche un giudizio sull'operato dell'esecutivo di Matteo Renzi: "Riponiamo massima fiducia nel governo come negli ultimi tre, ma risultati ne abbiamo visti molto pochi, compromessi tanti", dice dal palco del meeting. "Il presidente Renzi ha un compito ingrato e arduo, ma appare determinato e coraggioso nel voler rimuovere le resistenze e io l'ho incoraggiato a proseguire l'intento riformatore senza curarsi degli attacchi", aggiunge il manager del gruppo auto.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News (via ANSA-AP)
Dal manager italo-canadese arriva anche un giudizio sull'operato dell'esecutivo di Matteo Renzi: "Riponiamo massima fiducia nel governo come negli ultimi tre, ma risultati ne abbiamo visti molto pochi, compromessi tanti", dice dal palco del meeting. "Il presidente Renzi ha un compito ingrato e arduo, ma appare determinato e coraggioso nel voler rimuovere le resistenze e io l'ho incoraggiato a proseguire l'intento riformatore senza curarsi degli attacchi", aggiunge il manager del gruppo auto.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News (via ANSA-AP)
Naval Gazing: Future Warships Put To The Test - Very interesting article from SkyNews
Naval test
Sky News cameras have been granted rare access to a secret US naval facility which tests submarines and warships of the future. The Naval Surface Warfare Centre is a sprawling site in the state of Maryland just a few miles from the Pentagon and CIA headquarters. For more than half-a-decade it has put scale models of some of the world's most sophisticated vessels through rigorous exercises to prepare for the open ocean during peacetime and war.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
Sky News cameras have been granted rare access to a secret US naval facility which tests submarines and warships of the future. The Naval Surface Warfare Centre is a sprawling site in the state of Maryland just a few miles from the Pentagon and CIA headquarters. For more than half-a-decade it has put scale models of some of the world's most sophisticated vessels through rigorous exercises to prepare for the open ocean during peacetime and war.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
Child Killed As Paris Building Collapses In Blast
Paris blast
A four-storey building has collapsed in an explosion in Paris, killing at least one child and leaving a dozen people unaccounted for.
A four-storey building has collapsed in an explosion in Paris, killing at least one child and leaving a dozen people unaccounted for.
A further 11 people were injured in the blast which rocked the residential complex in Rosny-sous-Bois, an eastern suburb of the French capital, on Sunday morning. Images of the blast showed it had ripped through virtually half of an adjacent apartment block, leaving what was left of the destroyed flats exposed. Emergency services were called to the scene and French rescuers and firefighters are searching through the rubble for survivors and other possible victims.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
Muslim Leaders Issue Fatwa Against IS Britons
IS Britons are heretics!!
Muslim leaders have reportedly issued a fatwa condemning Britons who fight for extremists in Iraq and Syria.
The fatwa, which The Sunday Times newspaper said had been issued by imams, is the strongest denunciation yet by the Muslim community of UK citizens who join militants of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, formerly known as ISIL and ISIS.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
El Salvador gangs announce re-launch of 2012 truce
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
Anti-PM Sharif clashes continue in Pakistan
Clashes are continuing in Pakistan between police and protesters demanding the resignation of PM Nawaz Sharif. Police again fired tear gas as the demonstrators tried to regroup after a night of violence near Mr Sharif's residence in the capital, Islamabad. Two people died during the clashes and at least 300 were injured. Demonstrators loyal to opposition politician Imran Khan and cleric Tahirul Qadri have been taking part in a sit-in for two weeks.They want Mr Sharif to resign, alleging corruption and electoral fraud. The prime minister denies the accusation.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
EU set to tighten Russia sanctions 'within a week'
The European Union has given Russia one week to reverse course in Ukraine or face new sanctions. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said the EU was working urgently on further restrictive measures. Earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said his country was "close to a point of no return - full scale-war" with Russia. Russia denies Western accusations that its forces have illegally crossed into Ukraine to support separatists there. Pro-Russian rebels have made gains against Ukrainian troops in recent days in the eastern Donetsk and Lughansk regions.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
China rules out open Hong Kong chief executive poll
Chinese authorities have ruled out open nominations for elections to choose Hong Kong's leader. Authorities said two to three candidates will be nominated by a "broadly representative" committee. The decision is expected to limit elections to a selection of pro-Beijing candidates and is likely to trigger protests from pro-democracy activists. Some of them have threatened mass disobedience if elections in the former British colony are not opened up. The election for Hong Kong's chief executive is due in 2017 and will be the first time the holder of the post is directly chosen by voters.
Rotterdam, 31/08/2014-INC News
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