Wednesday, September 17, 2014
La motociclista che punisce chi getta rifiuti per strada
Gettare le cartacce dall’auto in Russia (da dove arriva probabilmente questo video pubblicato su YouTube) può essere davvero pericoloso. La lotta agli automobilisti indisciplinati si combatte a bordo di una moto. Nella clip apparsa due giorni fa online si vede una ragazza a bordo di una moto rincorrere gli automobilisti che gettano della spazzatura dalle vetture. La ragazza la raccoglie, rincorre i colpevoli e li “punisce” buttando negli abitacoli quello che i guidatori avevano lanciato fuori dal finestrino poco prima. Del video, girato forse in Russia, si conosce poco, ma in soli due giorni ha totalizzato più di 6 milioni di visualizzazioni. Probabilmente si tratta di una pubblicità, ma il messaggio è chiaro: attenzione, meglio non buttare i rifiuti, potrebbero “tornare indietro”.
Milano come LA con i ristoranti degli stilisti
Milano e Los Angeles
Milano Moda non solo sulle passerelle. Specialmente per chi si nutre di pane e bellezza, la ristorazione sta diventando un business sempre più serio da condurre con la stessa raffinatezza con la quale si disegna un abito. Da Giorgio Armani a Roberto Cavalli, sono molti gli stilisti che nella città di Milano hanno dato vita a luoghi speciali nei quali l’amore per il cibo si mescola a quello per il design di interni. Ecco dove andare e cosa mangiare per vivere la settimana della moda in tutta la sua lucentezza con i consigli di Vanity Fair.
Sul rooftop con Dean e Dan. I gemelli di Dsquared aprono Ceresio 7 sul tetto del palazzo storico dell’Enel a Via Ceresio. La location progettata dallo studio Storage ha due piscine e uno spazio interno attivo durante tutta la giornata. La regia del food è affidata allo chef Elio Sironi, che ripensa i piatti classici della tradizione con guizzi innovativi. Un esempio? Spaghetti Cacio e Pepe con Lime e Bottarga oppure Tartare di tonno con avocado e bottarga.
Sinfonia in rosso con Re Giorgio. Emporio Armani Caffè in Via Crocerossa è una realtà delle notti e delle giornate milanesi. Tutto l’ambiente è nei toni del rosso e del nero, basico ma di impatto. Anche il menu è un trionfo di piatti tradizionali come il tiramisù ma gustati in una location davvero speciale.
Serata animalier con Cavalli. Il brand è quello universalmente riconosciuto come appartenente allo stilista toscano. Stoffe leopardate, oro, glamour barocco e ricco adornano gli spazi del Just Cavalli Restaurant & Club. Il posto è polifunzionale e si presta a cene e eventi nel cuore di Parco Sempione. Nel menu una sezione particolare è dedicata agli sfizi della tavola con ostriche e escargot tutte da gustare.
E se la permanenza in città lo consente, potrebbe essere interessante fare un giro nella Milano glamour e nelle visioni della città secondo chi la abita e la veste.
INC News, 17/09/2014-via La Stampa
Kazakhstan plans to launch channel about history of nomads
Kazakhstan plans to launch a History Channel to narrate the nomadic civilization in 2017. KZ Industries LLP director general Daniyar Tebayev said at the presentation of some startups of Zhan Ulan children's organization.
Kazakhstan plans to launch a History Channel to narrate the nomadic civilization in 2017. KZ Industries LLP director general Daniyar Tebayev said at the presentation of some startups of Zhan Ulan children's organization.
It is expected to broadcast as a digital channel in six languages in Turkic-speaking countries.
INC News, 17/09/2014
KTZ to buy 200 high-speed train cars
Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) NC plans to purchase above 200 carriages for high-speed trains until 2016, its press service said.
It will also buy 325 passenger carriages until the end of 2015. It is planned to acquire above 1,500 new passenger coaches until 2020 at large.
Since 2010 the company has bought 475 carriages so far.
Since 2010 the company has bought 475 carriages so far.
INC News, 17/09/2014
Circle Line Speed Challenge: Man Races Train
Man vs Train
Bored by his usual morning commute, a train passenger came up with a novel way of spicing things up - racing London's Circle Line. James Heptonstall dived off a Tube train at one station, sprinted 380 metres to the next station - and arrived in time to catch the same train.
He and his friend Noel Carroll took the Circle Line train to London's Mansion House station. At this point, 30-year-old Mr Heptonstall made a dash for it, sprinting off the train, up the steps, and along the roads to Cannon Street station.
As the train pulled into Cannon Street, Mr Heptonstall came down the stairs onto the platform and dashed into the same carriage he had left just seconds before. Completing his challenge with just moments to spare, he crashed to the floor of the train, exhausted, as fellow passengers applauded.
INC News, 17/09/2014
eBay redirect attack puts buyers' credentials at risk
EBay has been compromised so that people who clicked on some of its links were automatically diverted to a site designed to steal their credentials. The spoof site had been set up to look like the online marketplace's welcome page. The US firm was alerted to the hack on Wednesday night but removed the listings only after a follow-up call from the BBC more than 12 hours later.
One security expert said he was surprised by the length of time taken. "EBay is a large company and it should have a 24/7 response team to deal with this - and this case is unambiguously bad," said Dr Steven Murdoch from University College London's Information Security Research Group. The security researcher was able to analyse the listing involved before eBay removed it. He said that the technique used was known as a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack.
It involved the attackers placing malicious Javascript code within product listing pages. This code in turn automatically redirected affected users through a series of other websites, so that they ended up at the page asking for their eBay log-in and password. Users only had to click the original listing to have their browser hijacked.
INC News, 17/09/2014-via BBC
Cohen: “Me gusta vivir en la carretera, es mucho más fácil que la vida civil”
Leonard Cohen, 80 anni
El viejo trovador no ha perdido todavía las ganas de enhebrar sus versos en una colección de canciones que siguen susurrando decepciones amorosas o la fealdad del mundo pasado y presente, aunque tampoco falten sus aleluyas. “La fiesta ha terminado pero he aterrizado sobre los pies y me quedaré en este rincón donde solía haber una calle”, canta el resistente Leonard Cohen (Montreal, 1934) en uno de los nueve temas de su último álbum, Popular problems, que estrenará el 23 de septiembre, justo dos días después de su 80 cumpleaños.
Con un físico enjuto al que da cuerpo esa voz grave e inconfundible, traje oscuro y su inseparable sombrero Fedora, esta vez en mano para presentar en Londres su trabajo de estudio número 13, el cantautor canadiense ha querido compartir todos los honores con el compositor y productor Patrick Leonard, artífice de éxitos de Madonna, Elton John o Bryan Ferry. “Conseguimos llegar aquí con bastante rapidez”, subraya sobre esa colaboración en la casi totalidad del disco que sale a la luz menos de tres años después de su celebrado Old Ideas, y señala un momento prolífico para los parámetros habituales de Cohen (en las anteriores dos décadas sólo publicó cuatro álbumes de estudio).
INC News, 17/09/2014
Russian TV director named person of the year for Sochi Olympics
Konstantin Ernst, who heads Russia's Channel One television station and directed the opening and closing ceremonies of the Sochi Olympic Games, has been named "Person of the Year" by the county's GQ magazine.
Ernst, who also picked up a gong in GQ's "Producer of the Year" category, was awarded the title for directing February's Olympic without any major glitches, save a snowflake in the opening ceremony that failed to open — leaving the iconic Olympic rings with one ring down.
Photographs of the malfunction quickly went viral on the Internet, prompting producer Ernst to poke fun at the incident by re-enacting it in the closing ceremony.
INC News, 17/09/2014
Who is Vladimir Yevtushenkov?
Vladimir Yevtushenkov, who by 2014 would be Russia's 15th-richest man with an estimated fortune of more than $9 billion, was born in 1948 in Kaminschina, a small village in Smolensk region, southwest Russia — four years after the Soviet Red Army liberated the region from Nazi rule.
On Tuesday, he was arrested for money laundering. In 1973, he graduated from Moscow's Mendeleev Chemical-Engineering Institute, the same school future oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky — who was arrested in and charged with fraud 2003 — graduated from in 1986.
In 1987, having worked as a chief engineer at two plastics factories, Yevtushenkov joined the Moscow government, heading the department of science and technology. Here he met Yury Luzhkov, who would become Moscow's long-serving and powerful mayor in 1991. Yevtushenkov left the Moscow government in 1993 to establish holding company Sistema.
In media interviews, Yevtushenkov has distanced himself from other Russian oligarchs, who made their fortunes trading metals, oil and other commodities. Although Sistema did acquire oil and gas assets at the earliest stages of its development, its main focus was telecom, high-tech and microelectronics. Yevtushenkov said he got involved in areas no-one else was interested in to avoid Russia's oligarch wars during the Wild West period of early Russian capitalism.
Yevtushenkov never expressed political ambitions and was loyal to the government. Though said to have been closely associated with Luzhkov, Yevtushenkov was not persecuted when the mayor was forced out of office in 2010.
INC News, 17/09/2014
EU Promises more help for producers struggling with Russian import ban
Help for fruits banned
EU officials have agreed new measures to help food producers hit by a Russian ban on agricultural imports and will publish them over the coming days, the European Commission said.
Moscow in August imposed a one-year embargo on meat, fish, dairy, fruit and vegetables from the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia and Norway in retaliation for Western sanctions over Moscow's involvement in the Ukraine crisis. EU farm exports to Russia are worth some 11 billion euros ($14.3 billion) annually, or roughly 10 percent of the bloc's agricultural sales. The Russian embargo has affected EU products worth 5 billion euros, said the Commission, the EU executive. Following debate with representatives of the 28 member states on Tuesday, the Commission is finalizing the text and budget for a new compensation scheme and expects to make an announcement in the coming days, spokesman Roger Waite said.
"Official publication is expected early next week, with new rules entering into force straight away," he said. Waite said he could not yet give a figure for the budget.
INC News, 17/09/2014
Record dei siti web
In Internet ci sono più di un miliardo di siti web, che continuano a crescere. Il 'traguardo', raggiunto nella notte italiana, è stato 'certificato' dal portale Internet 'Live Stats', e salutato con un tweet anche da Tim Berners-Lee, il 'papà' del World Wide Web, che ha lanciato il primo sito della storia, messo online il 6 agosto 1991. Un vero e proprio boom, conferma Live Stats, c'è stato tra il 2011 e il 2012, quando il numero di siti è passato da circa 350mila a quasi 700mila. A fine 2013 il contatore si è fermato a 673mila. ''Per sito web intendiamo una pagina associabile ad un indirizzo Ip - spiega il contatore - e bisogna notare che il 75% di quelli censiti al momento non è attivo, ma è una pagina registrata e 'parcheggiata' o qualcosa di simile''. Sempre secondo il portale il numero di utenti attivi è molto vicino ai tre miliardi, (circa 2 miliardi e 972 milioni), mentre fino a questo momento solo oggi sono state fatte quasi due miliardi di ricerche su Google.
INC News, 17/09/2014-via ANSA AP
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