Tuesday, May 24, 2016

В Алматы возле Car City загорелся автомобиль

В Алматы на пересечении улиц Толе би и Яссауи загорелась автомашина, передает корреспондент Tengrinews.kz. Как стало известно, загорелся автомобиль марки Daewoo Nexia. Инцидент произошел вблизи торгового центра автозапчастей Car City.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

128 человек и 2 вертолета тушили условный пожар в горах Алматы

В Алматы на территории Иле-Алатауского государственного национального природного парка провели учения служб быстрого реагирования. По легенде на территории Иле-Алатауского парка произошел пожар. 

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©TengriNews

Вьетнам - США: Обаму волнует ситуация с правами человека

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

EgyptAir: бортовые самописцы могут быть найдены в течение 48 часов

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

CATALOGNA - Epidemia di enterovirus in regressione

Sono una sessantina i minori affetti in Catalogna da un enterovirus. 
Una trentina sono stati ospedalizzati anche se varie centinaia si sono rivolti alle strutture sanitarie. Quattro versano in condizioni assai gravi. In genere questi disturbi sono lievi, ma nel peggiore dei casi possono avere complicazioni neurologiche. Anche se questi casi sono davvero l'eccezione. 

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

EGYPT AIR - il Cairo smentisce le brusche virate dell'Airbus prima dello schianto

Mentre s'attende l'esame medico legale sui resti delle vittime dell'incidente del volo EgyptAir, le autorità del Cairo smentiscono quella che sembrava finora la sola certezza sulla dinamica del disastro: l'Airbus A320 precipitato in mare giovedì scorso con 66 persone a bordo non avrebbe compiuto alcuna brusca virata prima d'inabissarsi nel Mediterraneo.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

DRUGS - Detecting and deterring drug-impaired driving

The man tasked with coming up with Canada's marijuana law has a proposal for dealing with one of the biggest issues facing legalization: prevention of driving under the influence of pot. While police can conduct field sobriety tests if they suspect a driver is impaired by any substance, there is no established breathalyzer equivalent in roadside policing to easily detect and measure impairment when it comes to driving while high. Liberal MP Bill Blair says oral fluids testing could be the roadside measure used by Canadian authorities to detect marijuana in a person's system.
INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©CBC News

MARKET - Bayer CEO Baumann on Monsanto $62 Billion Takeover Bid

 Bayer CEO and Chairman Werner Baumann discussed the company's proposed $62 billion takeover bid for Monsanto. He speaks with Bloomberg's Francine Lacqua on "Bloomberg Surveillance."

INC New, 24/05/2016 - source: ©Bloomberg

MOCKBA - В московском метро запустили "поезд Шекспира"

Московский метрополитен совместно с Британским cоветом запустили поезд с экcпозицией "Шекcпировские страсти". В вагонах поезда можно прочитать отрывки из произведений известного драматурга и узнать интересные факты о его жизни. Также в поезде есть "селфи-пойнты" и доступ к специальному сайту, посвященному Уильяму Шекcпиру. Запуск состава приурочен к Году языка и литературы России и Великобритании.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©BBC News

SOCIALS - Twitter's Jack Dorsey explains 140 character changes

Twitter is relaxing its 140 characters-per-tweet rule to allow users to add media and refer to each other without eating into the limit. The social network's chief executive explained the revamp to the BBC's North America technology reporter Dave Lee.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©BBC News

GREECE - Began Evacuating Refugee Camp

Greek authorities began an operation at dawn Tuesday to gradually evacuate the country's largest informal refugee camp of Idomeni on the Macedonian border, blocking access to the area and sending in more than 400 riot police.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©AP

FLORIDA (USA) - Community Hit by Dengue, Prepares for Zika

In Rio, Florida residents and mosquito control workers say they are better prepared to deal with Zika after experiencing a dengue fever outbreak in 2013. New protocols are in place based on lessons learned from dengue.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©AP

ART AND CULTURE - Modern African art shines at Dakar’s Biennale

The work of Africa’s best contemporary artists is being celebrated in Senegal at Dakar’s 12th Biennale.
It is the oldest and most well-known modern art gathering in Africa.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

SYRIA - Russia calls for 'regime of calm' in Syria

Russia has called for a 72-hour ceasefire in parts of Syria. 
It announced on Monday a temporary truce in the towns of Daraya and Eastern Ghouta on the outskirts of Damascus. On Sunday, rebel groups threatened to walk out of truce negotiations unless the Syrian army ended its offensive in the suburbs of Damascus.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©lJazeera

AMERICA - George Zimmerman Explains His Rationale for Auctioning Pistol That Kille...

Zimmerman said he wants to use some of the proceeds from the gun auction to help cops who have been targeted by violence.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©abcNews

EGYPT AIR PLANE CRASH - Search Crews Try to Unravel Mystery

A French search vessel has been brought in to investigate the sea floor with an acoustic detector.

INC News, 24/05/2016  - source: ©abcNews

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