Friday, November 25, 2016

Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 25/11/2016

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©TGLa7

Вести в 20:00. Последние новости от 25.11.16

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©Russia 24 Novosti

Israel: US Supertanker lands at Ben Gurion airport to assist Israel with...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

Denmark: Helicopter braves extreme North Sea conditions to land on movin...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

India: 3 killed after balcony collapses during Chehlum celebrations *GRA...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

Poland: Protesters face off outside Russian Embassy in Warsaw

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

Italy: Floods continue to devastate northern Italy

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

Italy: Tourist boat swept away by water flow as floods hit Turin

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

Philippines: Thousands join Black Friday protest against Marco’s ‘hero’ ...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

Spain: Man arrested after being caught on CCTV beating girlfriend for 5 ...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV

Карантинный бунт: в Болгарии сотни беженцев задержаны за участие в массо...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Владимир Путин вручил российский паспорт Стивену Сигалу

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Чёрная пятница: скидки, очереди и бои без правил

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Елена Исинбаева: Уверена, что моя рука завтра станет счастливой для сбор...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Het belangrijkste nieuws van 25 november in één minuut

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©Newsy

How strong earthquakes can rewrite maps

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©Newsy

China's smog-eating tower not working as planned

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Uganda schools funded by Zuckerberg to close

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Русские ученые научились выращивать клетки мозга

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©

Традиционный парад на день благодарения

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©

Шок! Люди птицы. Полет с ранцем самолетом

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©

Carte di credito e rate, spendere soldi che non abbiamo

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©La7

Снегопад в Усть-Каменогорске: перестали ходить трамваи, люди не смогли в...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©KTKnews

Переименовали главную улицу Астаны

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©KTKnews

Maltempo Piemonte, bambini messi in salvo sui gommoni. 1800 persone bloc...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©iFQ

Celebran en Irán elecciones de Consejo de Diócesis Armenia

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©Hispan TV

Se tensan las relaciones entre Turquía y la Unión Europea

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©Hispan TV

Protestas en varios países por violencia contra musulmanes rohingyás

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©Hispan TV

Beware of cyber shopping scammers

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©CBSN

137 million people expected to shop Thanksgiving weekend

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©CBSN

Dylann Roof found competent to stand trial

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©CBSN

Jill Stein pushing for election recount in 3 states

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©CBSN

CBN NewsWatch: November 25, 2016

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©CBN News

Новости НТВ "Сегодня" 25.11.2016 в 19-00

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©HTB Novosti Sevodnya

Erdogan threatens EU with new refugee surge

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Argentine veterans attempt to identify Falkland graves

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Food insecurity in South Sudan

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

North Dakota tribes continue protests during Thanksgiving

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Australia's efforts to save the Great Barrier Reef

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

France's presidential candidates face off

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Turkish clinic helps Syrian air strike victims

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Colombia's government signs revised agreement with FARC

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Hong Kong's statues of worship

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

ISIL claims attack in northern Iraq

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Новости НТВ "Сегодня" 25.11.2016 в 16-00

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©HTB Novosti Sevodnya

Francia, scuole e diseguaglianze: che cosa è andato storto?

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

USA: il Black Friday è partito in anticipo

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Francia: aggressione in casa di riposo per missionari

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Lufthansa: piloti annunciano quarto giorno di sciopero consecutivo

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©euronews

Grecia: esplosione in campo profughi di Lesbos, scoppia la protesta dei ...

INC News, 25/11/2016 - source: ©euronews