Saturday, July 4, 2015




Where are you going if Euro's you don’t have? It seems a little song, but instead is the sad reality of what is happening in Greece.
A Nation, a people with an incredible history, is lying in a historical moment in which it may be that we have to  kneel down the mercy of the enemy.
I remember what happened in Russia, when the ruble was not worth, even to buy a piece of bread with which feed on. Now, a new historical moment, another nation, but always people who have worked and hoped for a future that tomorrow, after the vote on the referendum, would be extremely uncertain, if not disastrous.
It is the sovereign people who will have to decide own future, certainly. But are we sure to have not been all of us to want this imposition? Where did those nearly 100 billion euro that the Greeks have to pay?

Mira Kartbayeva, for INC News 04/07/2015 copyright©INCNews


Dove vai se l'Euro non ce l'hai? Sembra una canzoncina, ma è invece la triste realtà di ciò che in Grecia sta accadendo.
Una Nazione, un popolo con una storia incredibile, sta trovandosi in un momento storico  in cui potrebbe accadere che ci si debba mettere in ginocchio alla mercè del nemico.
Ricordo quello che successe in RUssia, quando il rublo non valeva neppure per comprare un pezzo di pane con cui cibarsi. Ora, un nuovo momento storico,un altra Nazione, ma sempre gente che ha lavorato e sperato in un futuro che domani, dopo il voto del referendum, potrebbe essere alquanto incerto, se non disastroso.

E il popolo sovrano che dovrà decidere il suo futuro, certo. Ma siamo certi di non essere stati tutti noi a volerlo imporre? Dove sono finiti quei quasi 100 miliardi di euro che i greci devono pagare?

Mira Kartbayeva, for INC News 04/07/2015 copyright©INCNews

Столичные парки ждут отдыхающих

RAW: Aerial view of northern Sask forest fires

More than 100 forest fires continue to burn, as about 600 firefighters and 200 support people work to fight the blazes. Of those fires, 57 fires are larger than 100 hectares, fire officials told reporters today. Just under 5,200 evacuees have registered with the Red Cross and the provincial government. Others are staying with family or friends.

INC News, 04/07/2015 - via CBC News

New excitement for Pluto

Investors flock to Cuba as country opens up

As the island of Cuba opens up politically and economically, business leaders are courting the country like never before.Al Jazeera's Lucia Newman reports from the town of Hershey, named after the American chocolate magnate Milton Hershey.

INC News, 04/07/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

Nigeria to get $75m to reduce childbirth mortality

The United Nation's population agency is giving $75m to boost reproductive health services in Nigeria. Some of the funds will be used to improve access to family planning to help reduce the high number of deaths during pregnancy and childbirth. 

INC News, 04/07/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

Inside San Francisco's Bike Theft Epidemic

California Communities Cancel Fireworks Amid Wildfire Concerns

Video Shows Men Catching Shark Off Coast of North Carolina

Inside Story - China's abandoned children

In China, a suicide pact by four children last month has raised concerns about child welfare.Authorities say the parents of the children, three girls and a boy, abandoned them to find work elsewhere.The mass migration of people from the countryside to the cities in children has seen an estimated 60 million children, or 22 per cent of China's children, left behind by their parents.Adrian Brown reports from Guizhou province.

INC News,03/07/2015 - via Al Jazeera