Wednesday, August 19, 2015
New frontiers of the couple that does not break out
We thought
all three together on the real condition of the couple today, the era of super
technology, historical period in which even the absurd can become real, coming
to experience (for now!) Specific robots used to meet every preference of
sexual order. One of us has put forward an interesting hypothesis about,
indicating as a possible remedy for a good part of the problem, the application
of theories of yoga and transcendental meditation.
this line, we found that in many countries of the world, there are specialized
centers for couples therapy, along the
lines of the method of Masters & Johnson, when clinics of sex entered in operation.
In particular, in Italy there is a specific center where you can practice the knowledge
of the body by spiritual way as well by tactile, with the touch of the other's
body, with the ultimate goal of being able to access the sexual pleasure of
couples through bodily knowledge tactile guided.
It is in
fact noted, observing many statistics of research institutes, or reading
interviews with prominent scientists, that the lack of dialogue in the couple
and the lack of knowledge of own self, of the own body and sexual function, create
the basis to the betrayal of one of two partners, a neurotic adaptation to a
partner almost unknown, and to a concrete dissatisfaction of both, which
logically leads to wear of rapport and then to the separation.
One of
these specialists, Maria Rosa Greco, reached by telephone, has in fact
confirmed that in the large percentage of marital breakdown, the factor
conversation and knowledge of their own sexuality, is of primary importance. We
documented about, and we have verified that there are dozens of centers similar
to those indicated by the scholar contacted, especially in India, Spain,
Argentina, and a growing number in the United States. The protocol of the
scholar will be discussed soon at an international conference in Hawaii, during
which she will explain in detail his method of treatment, and will be presented
her therapeutic theorem to get command of own sexuality individually.
Beyond any
scientific criterion, however, we really need to deal with the daily reality,
because although no one wants to take into account the technology and the
developmental period in which we find ourselves, broad freedom of expression
and action, are not going to step with the cultural evolution of the planet,
where illiteracy still rampant, and violence against women and children has reached
unbearable limits in parallel with the sex -a turn born and lived as a
download-barrel, which became after like market of human merchandise. Perhaps
the success of the book and the film "50 shades of gray" gave a
signal to many, making it clear that sexuality does not mean do anything you
want, including extreme sex. The couple does not have to break out, must evolve
by being together and being understood by knowing each other: only in this way perversion and psychological
illnesses of sexual nature can be said to be defeated, and weddings (provided
that still exist) saved.
Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News-Schiedam, 19/08/2015 (copyright©INCNews)
Le nuove frontiere della coppia che non scoppia
ci siamo imbattuti in un filmato Americano, postato in rete da una importante
Agenzia Giornalistica, riguardante la vita di coppia al giorno d’oggi (in
questo specifico caso vita Americana), dove veniva detto che sempre piú spesso
la mancanza di dialogo tra coniugi (o coppie di fatto) crea situazioni,
condizioni di sofferenza o disagio che possono portare inevitabilmente alla
separazione se non al divorzio direttamente. A questo si aggiunse un filmato,
questa volta edito da un Paese del Nord Europa, nel quale veniva insegnato a
scolari delle scuole medie e superiori, il meccanismo e l’azione del rapporto
Seguendo questo filo scoprimmo che in molti Paesi del mondo esistono Centri
Specialistici per la terapia di coppia, sulla falsa riga del metodo
Master&Johnson di quando entrarono in funzione le cliniche del sesso. In
particolare in Italia esiste un centro specifico ove si pratica la conoscenza
del proprio corpo per via spiritual ma anche tattile, con il tocco del corpo
altrui, con lo scopo finale di poter accedere al piacere sessuale di coppia
mediante la conoscenza corporea tattile guidata.
Uno di
questi specialisti, Maria Rosa Greco, raggiunta telefonicamente, ci ha infatti
confermato che nella grande percentuale dei fallimenti matrimoniali, il fattore
colloquio e conoscenza della propria sessualitá, riveste una importanza
primaria. Ci siamo documentati in merito ed abbiamo verificato che esistono
decine di centri similari a quelli indicatici dalla studiosa contattata,
specialmente in India, Spagna, Argentina, e un numero sempre maggiore negli
Stati Uniti. Il protocollo della studiosa, sará da lei prossimamente discusso
in una conferenza internazionale nelle Hawai, durante la quale spiegherá nei
dettagli il suo metodo terapeutico e verrá presentato il suo teorema
terapeutico per ottenere padronanza della propria sessualitá individualmente.
Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News-Schiedam, 19/08/2015 (copyright©INCNews)
Usa: rapinatori con machete messi in fuga dal cassiere con scimitarra
Due rapinatori hanno tentato di mettere a segno un colpo in una drugstore di Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, ma le cose non sono andate come previsto. I due, travestiti da ninja, hanno fatto irruzione nel negozio armati di machete, ma il cassiere non si è fatto intimidire. L'uomo ha estratto una scimitarra e si è scagliato contro i malviventi mettendoli in fuga. Il video ripreso dalle 16 telecamere di sorveglianza installate nel negozio è diventato subito virale.
INC News-Schiedam, 19/08/2015 - via Corriere
'Supercar season' hits London - BBC News
It's known as the '
INC News-Schiedam, 19/08/2015 - via BBC News
India launches world's first solar powered airport
The world’s first ever fully solar powered airport has been launched in the southern Indian state of Kerala. The Indian government has already directed other airports around the country to start incorporating solar energy into their daily operations.
INC News-Schiedam, 19/08/2015 - via Al Jazeera
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