Monday, May 30, 2016

ITALY - Priest protects runaway refugees from police after camp eviction

Between 60 and 70 male refugees found temporary shelter at the parish of St Nicholas da Tolentino in Ventimiglia, Sunday, after police officers evicted the asylum seekers from a makeshift camp at the mouth of the Roya River near the town's train station.
Father Francis Marcoaldi said that he was not going to allow the police to enter the parish and the refugees would be provided with food and water. "Of course, if they come with a warrant from the court, that is another thing, I can’t do anything about it. But not as spontaneous decision. Then, if the people want to leave, it is ok, but I don't want to see any kind of violence. No way, " said Father Marcoaldi.

INC News, 30/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

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