Sunday, May 31, 2015

Программа "Транспорт" от 30 мая 2015 года

Власти США выплатили бывшим нацистам более 20 миллионов долларов

Украинские лицеисты простились со школой песней "Я - бандеровец"

Pakistani pigeon arrested for espionage in India

McChrystal: Iraqi troops lost confidence

Canada 5 years behind Europe in banning pesticides

"Neonics the new DDT"

Couple Gets Married Using Live-Streaming App ‘Periscope’




Quando ero piccolo, mio padre mi portava ogni tanto a vedere una partita di pallone; da ragazzo io tifavo per l'Aiax perchè mia madre era di quelle parti, ma grande passione per lo sport dei 22 uomini in mutande che correvano dietro una palla non ne ho mai avuta, lo confesso. Poi, da adulto, giocavo la schedina del Totocalcio, sempre la stessa per anni e smisi di giocare pur con quella quando non giocando un sabato non vinsi 36 milioni delle vecchie lire. Ora, alla luce dei fatti che sono stati spiegati dalle Agenzie di Notizie, lo scandalo FiFa mette davvero fifa! Oramai nella vita quotidiana impera ovunque nel mondo la corruzione, la mafia, la illegalità in genere, la evasione fiscale (badate bene che un conto è non pagare le tasse, e un conto è evaderle!) . Ci si dovrebbe chiedere, a questo punto, cosa spinga l'essere umano a compiere illegalità di ogni genere, per arricchirsi sempre di più alle spalle di chi disonesto non è.
Con questo scandalo, tuttavia, le cose possono creare davvero seri problemi gestionali, all'interno delle Organizzazioni sportive,anche a seguito di un altro scandalo, quello delle scommesse, che ha travolto il calcio italiano. Mi chiedo, ma è davvero necessario arrivare a tanto, per poter vedere una partita di calcio allo stadio, o seguire un campionato internazionale, senza dover pensare ad hooligans, violenze negli stadi, truffe, e via dicendo? Se metto nella pentola anche il dopping in atletica e ciclismo, mi spiegate di cosa si sta parlando quando si discute di sport?

Mikhail Lermontov, for iNC News, 31/05/2015 


When I was little, my father took me occasionally to see a football match; when I was a boy I cheered on Ajax,because my mother was born in that land, but great passion for the sport of the 22 men in underwear running behind a ball, I've never had it, I confess. Then, as an adult, I played the ticket Totocalcio, always the same for years, and I stopped playing even with that, when not playing on a Saturday I did not win 36 million old lira. Now, in the light of the facts that have been explained by the news agencies, the scandal FIFA really puts FIFA (Italian word for afraid!). Now, in daily life reigns everywhere in the world corruption, Mafia, the lawlessness in general, tax evasion (mind you that it is one thing not to pay taxes, and another thing to evade them!). We should ask, at this point, what drives the human being to make illegality of any kind, for adding more and more behind those who are not dishonest.
With this scandal, however, things can really create serious management problems, within the Sports Organizations, also following another scandal, the betting, which has overwhelmed Italian football. I wonder, is it really necessary to go that far, to see a football game at the stadium, or follow an international championship, without having to think of hooligans, violence in stadiums, swindles, and so on? If I put in the pot also doping in athletics and cycling, you explain what you are talking about when we talk about sports?

Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News, 31/05/2015

Американские контрактники готовятся к борьбе с ИГ

Американцы не знают, сколько в мире военных баз США

В Петербурге состоялась «Солнечная регата»

Bangladeshi migrants lost to human trafficking

Barcelona fans delighted following King's Cup glory

Bomb blast in Nigeria mosque kills 18

Venezuelan opposition holds rallies for imprisoned leaders

Round-the-world solar plane takes off from Nanjing for Hawaii

17:00 - Bezoekers vast in achtbaan

Heftige beelden aanhoudingen asielzoekers

Taliban 5 Travel Ban to Expire

Biden Announces Death of Son, Beau

Mourners Celebrate Life of B.B. King

Texas Flood Search Continues, More Rain Due

Dutch care home doubles as student residence

Index: Paul McCartney Quits His Daily Dose of Marijuana

Saturday, May 30, 2015

RT пообщался с родственниками последнего британца, заключенного в Гуанта...

Калифорнийские звезды игнорируют указание властей экономить воду

Власти Великобритании и США намерены получить доступ к сетевой жизни сво...

Эксперт: Европа возвращается к расистской риторике

В Вашингтоне проходит Международный фестиваль детских и юношеских русско...

Ученые ожидают "пробуждения" модуля "Филы"

Дели: эксперты не обнаружили утечку радиации в аэропорту

США: Техас ушел под воду




Ho ritardato a postare il mio editoriale perchè volevo dare una ultima occhiata alle notizie del mondo, prima di dire il mio pensiero su come stia la salute del nostro Pianeta chiamato Terra. Piogge torrenziali e Tornado in America, vulcani che si attivano dopo 20-30 anni di silenzio, zone del Continente Indiano bruciate dal caldo che ha ucciso oltre mille persone, un inverno appena passato drammatico, in alcuni stati americani. Insomma, non sembra placarsi il malessere del pianeta che oggi, ancora una volta, ha dato il suo scrollone di una scossa in Giappone di tutto  rispetto: 7.8 gradi Richter, per far capire che esso non dorme di sicuro. 
Certo, solo parole, le mie, sconfessate dalle teorie scientifiche che dicono di non preoccuparci perchè tutto rientra nei parametri dei calcoli teorici. Io però sono scettica su questi parametri teorici, specie per le condizioni atmosferiche spesso inattendibili. Ricordate lo scorso anno che bleuff a New York, con le previsioni metereologiche? Da poco è uscito nei cinema il film che tratta il possibile terremoto che dovrebbe colpire la California, seguendo la Faglia di Sant Andrea. Bene, mi sono chiesta, tutti parlano, ma non si sente o si legge mai nessuno che possa spiegare con doverosa verità, che cosa si dovrebbe fare TUTTI, in caso di calamità nazionale.
O dobbiamo andare al cinema per vedere e imparare cosa si dovrebbe fare in caso di un allagamento, un terremoto, una tempesta di neve?

Mira Kartbayeva, for INC News, 30/05/2015


I delayed posting my Editorial because I wanted to give a last look at the news of the world, before I say my thoughts on how is the health of our planet called Earth. Torrential rains and Tornadoes in America, the volcanoes become active after 20-30 years of silence, the regions of the Indian continent burned from the heat that has killed more than a thousand people, the dramatic winter just past, in some American states. In short, there seems to subside not the discomfort of the planet, that today, once again, has given its shake of quake in Japan, very sensible: 7.8 degrees Richter, to show that it does not sleep for sure.
Of course, only words, mine, repudiated by scientific theories that say not to worry because everything is within the parameters of the theoretical calculations. But I am skeptical about these theoretical parameters, especially the weather often unreliable. You remember last year that bluff in New York, with the weather forecast!
Recently it came out in theaters the film that deals with the possible earthquake would hit California, following the Saint Andrea Fault. Well, I asked myself, everyone is talking about, but you do not hear or read anywhere that nobody can explain with dutiful truth, what we ALL should do, in the event of national disasters.
Or should we go to the movies, to see and learn what we should do in case of a flood, an earthquake, a snowstorm?

Mira Kartbayeva, for INC News, 30/05/2015

5th intl festival of Russian-speaking children's theaters opens in Washi...

Exciting dinosaur discovery

Is Virtual Reality the Next Mega-Trend in Tech?

EPA Ethanol Mandate: Are Next-Gen Fuels Stuck in Neutral?

Meeting the Mayfair squatters - Victoria Derbyshire

Pentagon Revising ISIS Battle Strategy

Danger Far from Over as Texas Clean-Up Begins

Leftover Boston Snow Contains Tons of Garbage

Mass surveillance under the microscope - The Listening Post (Full)

US removes Cuba from terror blacklist

Air Scare: Lasers Pose a Safety Threat to Pilots

What Would You Do?: Online Predator

Friday, May 29, 2015

Azerbaijan's rising stars of the 2015 Eurpoean Games

Top Photos: Roads Melt During Severe Heatwave in India

Bullard: Fed Should Raise Rates as Economy Improves

Raw: Chopper Rescues Texas Officer From Flood

Raw: Dallas Rains Strand Drivers for Hours

Houston Man Watches Water Rise Near Home

“Neverland” Ranch for Sale

Manhunt Ends in Kansas After Cop Shot in Head During Car Chase

Indonesia: il varo è un disastro, la nave si capovolge

> In Indonesia il varo di una nave di grosse dimensioni finisce male. L’imbarcazione inizia il suo ingresso in acqua ma non resta in piedi. I gonfiabili che fanno da scivoli non reggono il peso e la nave si inclina tra le urla degli operai che assistono impotenti.

Il risveglio del vulcano Shindake in Giappone

Как водители Алматы реагируют на сирену скорой помощи

Десять человек утонули в ЗКО за неделю | Новости | КТК

Военные пострадали при столкновении БТР и грузовика | Новости | КТК

Школа 21 века: роботы заодно с учителями - learning world

Шестилетки создают игру для мобильного телефона

Lasers target multiple passenger airplanes

The 5 Browns on Duggar scandal: We feel for those women

Raw: Prague Zoo Welcomes Baby Tapir

Raw: Japanese Volcano Prompts Evacuations

'San Andreas' Stars Talk Earthquake Kits

#AJStream leads 5/28/2015: Anonymous website blacklists pro-Palestinian ...

The Syrian war's propaganda machine

Viewfinder - Little Princess

Kim Kardashian as Marilyn Monroe Heats Up Vogue Cover

Pilot Accused of Being Drunk in the Cockpit

India: il caldo redord fa 1700 morti in una settimana

Franco troppo forte, l'economia svizzera frena: -0,2% - economy

MEPs set out position on EU-US trade deal

Heysel: cerimonia a Bruxelles per ricordare le vittime di 30 anni fa

Mount Shindake volcano spectacularly coughs black ash into the air, Japan

Пьяная девушка ударила писателя бутылкой по голове

Tinder, social media blamed for spike in STDs

Leaking California pipeline had no automatic shutoff valve

Houston Residents Prepare for More Flooding

Google Unveils Android's Latest Technological Tr

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Франция: фотограф и управляющий Бетанкур приговорены к реальным тюремным...

Overcrowded koala colony faces cull

Fossil find points to new human ancestor

CNN Hero Adarsh Alphons: Believe in Art

Air France flight almost collides with volcano

ShowBiz Minute: Seehan, Jackson, Lohan

People & Power - The Tech Threat - Part 2 promo

Photographer reflects on the ‘Forgotten Pyramids of Sudan’ | rendezVIEW

What Jennifer Aniston Eats to Stay Young and Healthy

Город в Ираке погрузился во тьму из-за пыльной бури

Концертная площадка фестиваля The Spirit Of Tengri превратится в этно-го...

Лауреатами премии принцессы Астурийской в категории "Научные и техническ...

Дети Кастро и Хилари получат волю на Острове Свободы

Movie 00 kala kelbeti dezinseksia 28 05 15

Video captures Oklahoma flood chaos

US live anthrax blunder - IMAGINES NOT COMMENTED

Huge sandstorm engulfs Fallujah

New York judge asked to declare chimpanzees "persons"

Niente barriere a scuola - reporter

Albania: storica visita del premier serbo Vucic

Un Europa senza confini: Schengen - on the frontline

Hollande warns against resurgence of anti-Semitism during Pantheon ceremony

Nebraska abolishes death penalty

Europe's open border dilemma; is Schengen a success? - on the frontline

Goldhaber on Philly train crash: Human error looks likely

Baltimore Mom: 'We have to parent our children'

FBI issues terror bulletin on ISIS social media reach

Runner with Cerebral Palsy: 'Nothing She Can't Do'

Wife for Hire: Inside East Europe's 'Sham Marriages'

Israel Targets Terror Infrastructure in Gaza

Teen dress code protest

Hulking Relic of Pa.'s Coal Past Coming Down

Sea Lion Recovering After Harpoon Attack

The Stream - Vancouver's housing crisis

National Burger Day

How 'Free Range' Parents Charged With Child Neglect Launched New Parenti...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Российская группа "Юди" покорила Британию - BBC Russian

ITALIA - Melania Rea: Parolisi condannato a 20 anni

Minnesota Streets: Filmmaker discovers many Muslim Americans favor shari...

DNA research unlocks the secrets of the Black Death

Germania, fiducia dei consumatori alle stelle - economy

Kazakhstan's cycling team tries to overcome its past

San Andreas director Brad Peyton on going from The Rock to The Rock

Gold Headed for Longest Losing Streak Since March

Louis Vuitton Rules Global Luxury as Top Brand of 2015

'Free Range' Parents Cleared in 1 Case of Neglect

Удар по перемирию: миссия ОБСЕ начала расследование трагедии в Горловке

Новые требования к ввозимым авто прокомментировали в МИР РК

Германия: настроение потребителей и их готовность тратить идут вверх - e...

IAG купил 25% Aer Lingus у правительства Ирландии - corporate

Movie 00 Sport RUS 27 05 15 mpg

В Лондоне водители кэбов устроили протест против такси нового поколения

Секрет красивых ног

Скотч - материал для творчества

Movie 00 upravdom 27 05 15

Кітапхана күні

The Bourbon You Are Drinking Might Not Be What You Think

Earthrise - Ancient Canals; Future Farms; Cryocoral Conservation

New piano design unveiled by conductor Daniel Barenboim

Why are FIFA arrests happening now?

What Gang Bangers Taught a Chaplain about Jesus

Pass the Eggs: A U-Turn on Cholesterol Warnings

Speak Spanish or Jesus: The New Latino Vote

Craft Brewers Choosing to Stay Small, Local

Cleanup and Search Continues in Wimberley, Texas

'Mad Max' Stars Are Rather Risk Averse

#ShellNo: The Arctic oil battle - Highlights

New Offensive Launched Against ISIS to Regain Lost Territory

No Peeking at Each Other Before the Wedding Even If You Are a Marine

Panda Finds Himself Stuck in a Tree (VIDEO)

Arnold Schwarzenegger to Bring Back 'Conan the Barbarian'

Submit Your Video in GMA's 'Magic Mike XXL' Epic Dance Contest!

Breast-Feeding Model on Cover of Elle Australia Magazine Causes Stir

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

RUSSIA - Russian businessmen ask Putin to lower taxes for foreign citizens

Russia's businessmen would like President Vladimir Putin to cut taxes for foreign citizens and firms in order to improve the investment climate, news agency TASS reported, citing a report presented to Putin on Tuesday by business ombudsman Boris Titov. Under Russian law, foreigners living in Russia must pay a 30 percent flat income tax compared to the 13 percent that Russian citizens or residents pay. Foreigners also pay a higher rate of tax on income from dividends — 15 percent compared to 13 percent rate for Russians, according to the agency. The report also proposed lowering barriers that make it difficult to attract foreign citizens and companies. Among these proposals, the report suggested abolishing a law that requires foreigners to pass a test on Russian language, history and legislation in order to receive certain types of visas, TASS reported.
INC News, 26/05/2015 - via RT

Danish radio DJ kills baby bunny on air during animal rights' debate

One dead in Peru clashes

Bracing for dry season in drought-struck Brazil

Kazakhstan dreams to host Winter Olympics

Same-sex couples fight for adoption rights in Chile

Margaret Atwood becomes 1st author to add secret story to Future Library

Hoax leads to traumatic night for Richmond Hill family

Air Canada carry-on crackdown

How Luxury Watches Adapt to Consumers’ Needs

Is India the Next Great Hope for Global Economy?

How long will deadly India heatwave continue? BBC News

China: Man covered in 109kg of bees sets Guinness World Record - BBC News

Al Jazeera Hear the Human Story - Most Surgeons wouldn't make the cut i...

Burundi refugees take island route to Tanzania

Illegal fuel traders make huge profits in Togo

US journalist Jason Rezaian faces charges in Iran

India cracks down on Greenpeace and Foreign NGO's

Британцы, проживающие за рубежом, опасаются выхода Великобритании из ЕС

Мужчина поджег свою бывшую жену-учителя возле школы в Астане

В 45-тидневный веломарафон по Казахстану отправились трое алматинцев

Последний звонок прозвенел в школах Казахстана

Под угрозой блокировки оказался популярный сайт

LifeNews отмечает День конника в клубе верховной езды

Серийная воровка прятала награбленное золото в лифчик

Charter приобретает Time Warner Cable за $78,7 млрд - corporate

Греция: доходность государственных ценных бумаг растет - economy

Победителя "Евровидения" встретили на родине как героя

Бразилия: в ходе тюремного мятежа захвачены заложники

Мексика: торнадо за шесть секунд убил несколько человек

Horses Come Back to Mackinac in Rite of Spring

RAW: Tornado Slams Mexican Border Town

Nepal quake orphans seek shelter amid chaos and grief

South Sudan army recaptures key city of Malakal

"Bachelorette" Forced to Eliminate Contestant Early

One-handed Backflip Catch

Monday, May 25, 2015

Venice crowd protests against Matteo Salvini's Liga Nord party

Copper craft: precious metal and traditions in Lahic - life

Montrealer sets world record for farthest flight by hoverboard

Tips for the Perfect Summer BBQ

В Центральном военном округе стартовала внезапная проверка готовности ав...

В рамках внезапной проверки в полную боевую готовность были приведены группировки авиации и войск противовоздушной обороны Центрального военного округа. В учениях участвуют около 12 тыс. военнослужащих, задействовано до 250 самолетов и вертолетов, около 700 единиц различного вооружения и военной техники. 

Вдовы сектора Газа: брак как единственный способ выжить

В Москве грузовик опрокинулся при аварии и раздавил легковое авто

ДТП произошло в ночь на 25 мая на севере Москвы. С грузовым "Мерседесом", направляющимся по Башиловской улице в центр, столкнулся "форд".

Корреспондент LifeNews помогает рабочим самых крупных питомников страны

Похитили павлодарскую студентку, чтобы выдать замуж за 42-летнего бизнес...

В Казахстане действует виртуальная международная группа наркоторговцев

Триумф французского кино на Каннском фестивале

Китай профинансирует строительство железной дороги между Тихим океаном и...

News nr 18 - Жас Талантс 25,04,15 Исправлен

Animals in the news around the globe

Democrats, GOP lawmakers agree: ISIS gaining ground

Hope for one little girl in Nepal who lost her leg

Powerful flood sweeps SUV away

Sunday Scrum: Government muzzling scientists?

170 Migrant Children Arrive in Indonesia Alone

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Выборы президента в Польше: шансы на победу 50/50

Somalia: Beach life returns to Mogadishu - BBC News

Street artist's graffiti guide to Greece debt crisis - BBC News

English teacher who earns $500k - BBC News

LifeNews выяснял, как воспитать чемпиона по теннису в московских условиях

Теории заговора: американцы не верят своему правительству

В пресс-центре «Евровидения» царила праздничная атмосфера

В Каннах пока не видят явных фаворитов

Male belly dancing a hit at a Lebanese theater

Sweden wins Eurovision Song Contest

Cannes, è il momento del palmarès

UN refugee chief: 15 million displaced from Syria and Iraq

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Italian nun moves towards sainthood in first Kenyan ceremony

Irlanda: svolta storica, referendum dice sì ai matrimoni gay

Valley of Death and The Assassins hope for Cannes glory

Orphaned duck loving office life - BBC News

The Indy Pit Girl Breaking Barriers

Memorial Day Weekend to See Rain in Parts of US

Idaho Woman Spots Suspect After Hearing Amber Alert

World's largest hotel coming to Mecca

Twelve towers, 10,000 rooms and 70 restaurants, plus helipads and a full-size convention center: That's the plan for Abraj Kudai, a complex in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, that's set to become the world's largest hotel by room count when it opens in 2017.
Designed by architectural firm Dar Al-Handasah, the $3.5 billion site is currently under construction and will stretch across 1.4 million square meters.
A ring of 12 towers will rise from a podium just over 2 kilometers from the Masjid al-Ḥaram, Mecca's holy mosque, according to Dar Al-Handasah's website.
The towers will house 10,000 hotel rooms, according to DesignMENA.
Currently, Las Vegas is home to the world's largest hotel in terms of the number of guest rooms.
    The MGM Grand has a record 6,198 rooms, according to hotel industry research firm STR Inc.
    Here are the top five hotels in the world by room count, according to STR:
    1. MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas: 6,198 rooms
    2. First World Hotel, Malaysia: 6,118 rooms
    3. Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas: 4,400 rooms
    4. Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas: 4,332 rooms
    5. The Venetian, Las Vegas: 4,049 rooms.
    INC News, 23/05/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

    В Индии с рельсов сошел пассажирский поезд, пострадали 20 человек

    Задержанным на Украине россиянам предъявлено обвинение в терроризме

    Dad bod: как мужчины с брюшком стали новым трендом - BBC Russian




    L'ISIS ha preso Palmyra e si dirige verso Damasco e vuole prendere Baghdad. Nelle notizie di Agenzia compare anche la possibilità che ISIS abbia sufficiente denaro per comperare una Atomica dal Pakistan per fare un eclatante atto di forza verso l'America, eclatante al punto da superare il dramma dell'11 Settembre.
    Qualche conto non torna. La religione musulmana è la seconda religione monoteista del pianeta e da nessuna parte sta scritto che si deve uccidere e distruggere tutto quello che si trova sulla strada verso un posto che non esiste. Non siamo del Medio Evo, siamo nell'epoca della tecnologia più sfrenata che ci sta portando ad emigrare su Marte, dunque non esiste necessità di uccidere e distruggere ovunque si trovi cose del passato. Esiste la possibilità che le truppe ISIS possano radere al suolo le rovine di Palmyra, un patrimonio di inestimabile valore. Distruggere questo immenso tesoro della umanità significherebbe non avere umanità e dunque, in assenza di umanità, a che servirebbe una religione dove impera l'ordine di uccidere, usando per lo scopo tutto quello che è possibile, compreso bambini, donne e vecchi?
    La religione musulmana è una religione come quella Buddista o tante altre, dove il rispetto e la cultura devono essere considerati beni che il Profeta elargisce affinchè si possa riunire il genere umano in un Paradiso ancora più bello. In nessuna parte del Corano è scritto il verbo imperativo " uccidi" o "distruggi". Il popolo Musulmano vuole la pace e dunque sia il Popolo Musulmano stesso a fermare questa inutile strage. Non esiste, oggi come oggi, un Occidente o un Oriente, quando si parla di rispetto umano; esiste solo la logica del rispetto in tutte le sue forme. Ma forse questa è un' altra storia.


    The ISIS took Palmyra and heads for Damascus and want to take Baghdad. In the News Agency also appears the possibility that ISIS has enough money to buy an Atomic Bomb from Pakistan, to make a blatant act of force to America, striking enough to overcome the tragedy of September 11th.
    Some account does not return. The Muslim religion is the second monotheistic religion of the world and nowhere is it written that you have to kill and destroy all that is on the road to a place that does not exist. We are not in the Middle Ages, we are in the era of unbridled technology that is leading us to emigrate to Mars, then there is no need to kill and destroy wherever they are things of the past. The possibility exists that troops ISIS can raze the ruins of Palmyra, a priceless heritage. Destroying this immense treasure of humanity would not have humanity and therefore, in the absence of humanity, what good would a religion where reigns the order to kill, using for this purpose all that is possible, including children, women and old men?
    The Muslim religion is a religion such as Buddhist or many others, where respect and culture must be considered as assets that the Prophet bestowed so that we can bring together the human race into a paradise even better. Nowhere in the Quran is written the imperative verb "kill" or "destroy". The Muslim people want peace and therefore is the same Muslim people to stop this senseless slaughter. Does not exist, nowadays, a West or East, when it comes to human respect; there is only the logic of compliance in all its forms. But maybe that's another story.

    Mira Kartbayeva, for INC News, 23/05/2015 

    Pubblicate le mail della Clinton sulla strage di Bengasi. Nei guai la ca...

    Winds Hampering Oil Spill Cleanup

    Friday, May 22, 2015

    Quadruple-murder suspect arraigned in D.C.

    40-pound woman's desperate plea goes viral

    Tesla's Gigafactory: Drone's Eye View of the Massive Battery Factory

    США поставят в Ирак тысячу противотанковых комплексов

    В Астане новобранцев отправили в армию под хит I like to move it

    Парашютпен секіру

    Алматыдагы муражайлар

    Әлемге танымал туындылар


    Amputee Stopped At Cannes Over High Heels

    Ireland votes in historic gay marriage poll

    China and Russia hold first joint Mediterranean naval drills

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    В Интернете появилось видео, на котором мужчина лет 45 пристает к 10-летней 
    девочке. Его зафиксировала камера видеонаблюдения, установленная в подъезде
     дома. На записи видно, как сначала в подъезд заходит двочка, а за ней мужчина,
     который через несколько секунд начинает приставать к ребенку. Инцидент произошел 
    12 мая. Мама девочки уже обратилась в полицию и сейчас педофила разыскивают.
     Стражи порядка распространяют ориентировку на подозреваемого: мужчина
     европейского типа лица, возраст 45-50 лет, среднего телосложения, волосы короткие 
    русые, на голове залысины, лицо круглое с бородой. Был одет: куртка-толстовка с 
    капюшоном темного цвета, футболка темного коричневого цвета, брюки темного цвета. 
    Всем, кто владеет какой-либо информацией, обращаться по телефонам:
     +7(727) 254-47-02, +7(727) 254-47-00, +7(727) 254-47-45, 7(747) 928-67-37 или 102. 

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    Dunque oggi si è celebrata la giornata mondiale del malato di cancro, e dalla parte di questi malati ci schieriamo noi tutti, a proteggere i diritti che queste persone hanno ma che spesso vedono non applicare proprio perchè ammalati a volte terminali. Ogni essere umano ha il diritto di vivere con dignità una vita e una morte. 
    Ma in molti stati del pianeta il malato terminale è solo un corpo che non ha più possibilità di produrre e quindi diviene obsoleto. Ci auguriamo che in questa giornata milioni di persone riflettano che questa situazione potrebbe capitare a tutti e che è segno di civiltà rispettare coloro che sono ammalati, ma che sono ancora attivi per tutti. E che non si faccia disinformazione nefasta come ha fatto Grillo ultimamente.
    Ma oggi si è celebrato anche la giornata internazionale contro la omofobia, come se gli-le omosessuali esistessero da solo una settimana. La celebrazione è avvenuta con maggiore evidenza in Italia, perchè secondo le statistiche internazionali l'Italia è uno tra i peggiori Paesi omofobi della Europa. 
    Un Paese dove ancora un giovane o una giovane non può permettersi di dire alla madre o al padre di essere omosessuale, perchè verrebbe cacciato di casa come un lebbroso, un essere immondo. Forse sarebbe il caso che la stragrande maggioranza degli italiani si documentasse, ascoltasse, leggesse, chiedesse, prima di aprire bocca dando dell'untore a chi, per propria scelta o caso del destino, è diverso da noi. 
    Forse sarebbe il caso di eliminare questa fobia per chi ha orintamento sessuale diverso dal proprio, perchè se in altri Paesi dovessero sapere che in Italia, da Firenze in giù, esistono ancora oggi uomini di ogni età che rifiutano di mangiare il Finocchio, solo perchè il termine viene collegato alla omosessualità maschile, sarebbe da far sprofondare la testa sotto la sabbia come gli struzzi alla intera Comunità.

    Accettare le scelte di vita è un diritto umano, così come lo dovrebbe essere il diritto all'oblio, alla morte dolce e alla propria privacy. Ma, oggi come oggi, ditemi cosa ci può essere di umano, se non un iPad ultimo modello?

    Mikhail Lermontov, per INC News, 17/05/2015

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    The more I read the news of Agency and more I am convinced that the Society is sick inside. Burn alive a girl of 15 years after she was brutally raped for weeks, I do not have comments to do, as what happened. 
    Whatever I said, it would be denied because it happened in India. But as happens in India, although in a different form, all over the world do the same, although not burn the body among the people. 
    Or in the house or outdoors, or at work or in school, it seems that the male wants to dictate its will on the woman as he sees or feels to do instinctively, as if she were not a human being, but a doll born by chance and his tickling pleasure. No one, it seems, takes care of what is happening in society, so it's just a natural thing, it will adjust itself over time. 
    Time it has already spent enough, over 4000 years. Now it is time that will do something to stop the male's hand, using only and only violence. But even accusing the male seems to me too easy. Who gives life is the female, so it is in mother the responsibility in looking and educating  male children to respect themselves and other women that they will have near them.
    Let's stop, we women, being afraid of the male with which we started by mistake, just say yes and always forgive even banal slaps. It must put an end to the massacre, in one way or another. Too easy to defend ourselves by saying "I have not reported anything to fear" or "I love him still, despite the beating he gave me." If a woman beats a man the risk of ending up being tried is 99 to one. Why do we allow the male is always innocent of the atrocities that can make because it was not adequately controlled by parents to follow a normal process of development?
    Before even delegate to the authorities in order to resolve the problem of violence, we must be women to react from the base and repeat ad nauseam that man cannot be the only master of life of others. But let's not forget also not be left behind by the time: we have to develop ourselves not only the male can develop, then not only react, but also act, for our welfare, not only of the family.

    Mira Kartbayeva, for INC News, 16/05/2015 (copyright©INCNews)


    Più leggo le notizie di agenzia e più mi convinco che la Società è malata nel suo interno. Bruciare viva una ragazzina di 15 anni dopo che è stata barbaramente violentata per settimane, credo che non abbia commenti da farsi, come cosa accaduta. 
    Qualsiasi cosa dicessi, verrebbe smentita perchè accaduta in India. Ma come in India accade, sebbene in forma differente, in tutto il mondo si fa uguale, sebbene non si bruci il corpo in mezzo alla gente. 
    O in casa o all'aperto, o sul lavoro o in scuola, sembra che il maschio voglia dettare il suo volere sulla donna come meglio crede o sente di fare per istinto, come se la donna non fosse un essere umano, ma una bambola nata per caso e per il suo solletico pleasure. 
    Nessuno, a quanto pare, si prende cura di cosa stia avvenendo nella società, tanto è solo una cosa naturale, si regolerà da sola nel tempo.
    Di tempo ne è già passato a sufficienzaoltre 4000 anni. Ora è tempo che si faccia qualche cosa per fermare la mano del maschio, ad usare solo ed unicamente violenza. 
    Ma accusare anche solo il maschio a me sembra sin troppo facile. Chi dà la vita è la femmina, dunque la madre ha la sua di responsabilità nell'accudire ed educare i figli maschi al rispetto di se stesse e delle altre future donne che saranno attorno a loro. Smettiamola, noi donne, di avere paura del maschio con cui ci siamo messe per errore, basta dire sempre sì e perdonare anche banali schiaffi. Si deve porre fine al massacro, in un modo o nell'altro. 
    Troppo facile difenderci dicendo "non ho denunciato nulla per paura" oppure "lo amo ancora, nonostante le botte che mi ha dato". Se una donna picchia un uomo il rischio di finire sotto processo è 99 contro uno. Perchè dobbiamo permettere che il maschio sia sempre innocente delle nefandezze che può compiere perchè non è stato adeguatamente pilotato dai genitori a seguire un iter di sviluppo normale?
    Prima ancora di demandare alle Autorità il compito di risolvere il problema della violenza, dobbiamo essere noi donne a reagire sin dalla base e ripeterci sino alla nausea che l'uomo non può essere lui solo il padrone della vita altrui. Ma non dimentichiamoci anche di non rimanere indietro con il tempo: dobbiamo evolvere anche noi, non solo il maschio, dunque non solo reagire ma anche agire per il benessere nostro, non solo della famiglia.

    Mira Kartbayeva, per INC News, 16/05/2015 (copyright©INCNews)

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    В Киеве открылся бар «Каратель». По словам владельцев, заведение предназначено для «волонтеров, бойцов АТО и патриотов». В нем можно заказать блюда под названием «Ополченцы гриль», «Циничный Бандера» и «Вежливые люди». Кроме того, в баре оборудована «стоянка для рабов» с наручниками и ошейником.

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    Tuesday, May 12, 2015

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    Het lijf van hiphopartieste Amber Rose (31) is helemaal echt. Tenminste, daarvan probeert de gebruinde La Rose haar thuisland Amerika van te overtuigen. In de Amerikaanse talkshow Good Work, waarin plastische chirurgie van celebrities wordt geanalyseerd, verklapte het model gisteren haar cupmaat en liet ze presentator RuPaul even in haar billen knijpen. ,,Ze zijn echt! Deze zaak is gesloten'', concludeerde hij gillend. Amber Rose heeft één van 's werelds bekendste bilpartijen, waarvan dikwijls wordt gedacht dat ze gevuld zijn met implantaten. Dat wordt ook gedacht van Ambers borsten. ,,Ik heb cupmaat 80I. Ik zou niet eens implantaten willen want mijn borsten zijn gewoon heel mooi'', zegt ze daarover. Ze wordt naar eigen zeggen moe van mensen die niet geloven dat haar lijf puur natuur is.

    A narrow miss: Kilometer-wide asteroid to brush close to Earth

    An asteroid up to 1.3 kilometers across will come very close to Earth on May 14, according to NASA’s Near Earth Object watch. While a space rock of this size could be devastating if it hits our planet, this one is expected to hurtle safely by.
    The asteroid, designated 1999 FN53, is the largest object currently on NASA's near Earth radar. It was first discovered in March 1999 and is currently set to fly past Earth at a speed of almost 14 kilometers per second (about twice the speed of a space rocket at liftoff) at a distance of 26.4 lunar distances, or roughly 10 million kilometers.  While there are objects brushing closer to Earth in the near future, none share FN53's enormous size. This has prompted speculation as to what would happen should the asteroid actually hit our planet.
    Read article HERE
    INC News, 12/05/2015 - via RT