Kazakhstan counts among the most suicidal countries in the world, director of research center Molodezh (Youth) Zhanar Bukanova has revealed today.
Kazakhstan counts among the most suicidal countries in the world, director of research center Molodezh (Youth) Zhanar Bukanova has revealed today.
"According to the World Health Organization, suicide rate in Kazakhstan is 15 per 100,000 people. Actually, Kazakhstan is ranked 10th among the world's most suicidal countries," Ms Bukanova said at the extended session of the social and cultural development committee under the Majilis, lower chamber of the Kazakh Parliament in Astana.
Global suicide statistics, released by UNICEF and WHO, shows that Kazakhstan had the highest rate of suicide among teenagers in 2010-2013.
"High suicide rate among teens is an acute problem for Kazakhstan nowadays," Z. Bukanova added.
Global suicide statistics, released by UNICEF and WHO, shows that Kazakhstan had the highest rate of suicide among teenagers in 2010-2013.
"High suicide rate among teens is an acute problem for Kazakhstan nowadays," Z. Bukanova added.
INC News, 23/09/2014
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