Friday, December 30, 2016
Thailand: Lese majeste law in focus as new year approaches
INC News, 30/12/2016 - source: © AlJazeera
Kenya: IVF hoped to save northern white rhino from extinction
INC News, 30/12/2016 - source: © AlJazeera
Ambasciatore greco scomparso a Rio, corpo carbonizzato nella sua auto data alle fiamme
INC News, 30/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Russia: Festive trains delight Muscovites in the run up to New Year
INC News, 29/12/2016 - source:©RuptlyTV
Russia: St. Petersburg's World Cup stadium officially completed
INC News, 29/12/2016 - source:©RuptlyTV
Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 29/12/2016
INC News, 29/12/2016 - source:©TGLa7
Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (29.12.2016) 29 декабря 2016 «НТВ»
INC News, 29/12/2016 - source:©HTB Novosti
Colombia :si definitivio del parlamento all'accordo di pace tra il governo e le Farc
INC News, 29/12/2016 - source:©euronews
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Our alternative film for the night - Based On a True Story 2016 ❣ Switched At Birth ❣
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©Guadalupe John
Автомобиль без крыши. Неудачную погрузку в Москве засняли очевидцы
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©Russia 24
Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 28/12/2016
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©TGLa7
Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (28.12.2016) 28 декабря 2016 «НТВ»
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©HTB Novosti Sivodnya
Доллар по 280 тенге: эксперты рассуждают о том, что ждет Казахстан в 2017
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©KTKnews
Люди без тепла, рост преступности и скачок цен на продукты – итоги года ...
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©KTKnews
Avvelena le figlie e tenta il suicidio, Gela sotto choc: "Che colpa avev...
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©
Tre amici morti in un incidente a Natale, dolore ai funerali
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©
Cadillac Deville 1988, guidarla è come sentirsi in un film
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source:©
The proof that the Duchess of Cambridge sticks to just six staple wardro...
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source: ©24 News Today
Deraglia un treno nell'Uttar Pradesh, India del Nord, 2 morti e 30 feriti
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Doping: da Mosca le prime ammissioni "Fu cospirazione istituzionale ma Putin non c'entra
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Sud Corea: mandato d'arresto per l'ex Ministro della salute
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Russia: problema tecnico ha causato l'incidente aereo del Tupolev precipitato
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Usa: Trump Tower evacuata per un pacco sospetto, ma sono giochi
INC News, 28/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Советские пылесосы, вафельницы и игра "Ну, погоди" в Рязани
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:©BBC News Rus
Polish doctors conceal medical conditions to avoid abortions
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:©AlJazeera
George Michael's £100m fortune 'will go to his Godchildren': Offspring o...
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:©24 News Today
'Step Up' actress, 46, who vanished on her way to Christmas Day dinner i...
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:©24 News Today
Siria, i maggiori gruppi di opposizione affermano: "mai invitati ai negoziati
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:© euronews
Indonesia: manifestazioni contro il governatore cristiano di Giacarta a processo per blasfemia
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:© euronews
Turchia al via il processo per il tentato golpe di luglio. Alla sbarra 29 poliziotti
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:© euronews
Argentina: si dimette il ministro delle Finanze, "in un anno 1.700.000 p...
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:© euronews
Pearl Harbour: attesa per la storica visita del premier giapponese Abe
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:© euronews
Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 27/12/2016
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:© TGLa7
Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (27.12.2016) 27 декабря 2016 «НТВ»
INC News, 27/12/2016 - source:© HTB Novosti
Monday, December 26, 2016
Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 26/12/2016
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©TGLa7
Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (26.12.2016) 26 декабря 2016 «НТВ»
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©HTB Novosti
Russia: Team leader gives details of search operation from Black Sea
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Latvia: People lay flowers for Tu-154 crash victims outside Russian Embassy
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Russia: Turkish Ambassador Dirioz joins mourners outside Alexandrov Ense...
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Russia: Submersibles arrive for Tu-154 search and rescue operation in Sochi
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Сестра погибшей на борту Ту-154 артистки Трофимовой: лучше бы она потеря...
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Zajárova: "Entendemos por qué Kiev se alegra por la muerte de los milita...
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Hackers can break into in-flight entertainment, change data – report
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
‘Revealing such a secret takes your life away’ – UBS whistleblower
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Archive footage of Russian Alexandrov Ensemble performing in Moscow
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
DISTURBING: Inside Aleppo school used as rebel control center
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
‘Alexandrov choir’s concerts were magical’: Artists worldwide mourn lost...
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
George Michael: le prime reazioni all'ennesimo lutto del 2016
INC News, 26/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Russia: Archive footage shows Russia's 'Red Army Choir' performing in Mo...
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: ©Ruptly TV
Russia: Aircraft dispatched with divers and rescuers to help with Tu-154...
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: ©Ruptly TV
Russia: Putin and Nazarbayev offer condolences to families of plane crash
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: ©Ruptly TV
Iraqi Christians Return to Battle Scarred Churches to Celebrate Christmas
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: ©CCTV+
Argentina: Blind and deaf explore universe at interactive planetarium
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
France: Catholic charity throws Christmas party for poor Parisians
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
Security Increases at Churches Across the US After FBI Warning
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: ©abcNEWS
Dozens of royals attended a church service at the Sandringham Estate today.
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: ©24 News Today
Papa Francesco: "i bimbi emarginati siano al centro del nostro Natale"
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: © euronews
Russia: è precipitato nel mar Nero l'aereo del ministero della Difesa russa
INC News, 25/12/2016 - source: © euronews
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Программа Центральное телевидение (24.12.2016) 24 декабря 2016 «НТВ»
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©Zentralnoe Televidenie
Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 24/12/2016
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©TGLa7
European gov'ts had all info needed to prevent Berlin terror attack
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©RTNews
'We had 4 years of pain, of war & blood' Aleppo celebrates Christmas
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©RTNews
Man charged in two violent home invasions involving seniors
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©CTV News
Chinese Aircraft Carrier Liaoning Takes Part in Aircraft Drill over Yellow Sea
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©CCTV+
Russian real GTA / Погоня за лихачом в казанском аэропорту, таран терминала
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©El_san
Carrie Fisher Reported to Suffer Cardiac Arrest on Trans-Atlantic Flight
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©abcNEWS
Rockettes hit back at dancer who says she will perform at Trump's inaugu...
INC News, 23/12/2916 - source: ©24 News Today
Friday, December 23, 2016
Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (23.12.2016) 23 декабря 2016 «НТВ»
INC News, 23/12/2016 - source: ©HTB Novosti
Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 23/12/2016
INC News, 23/12/2016 - source: ©TGLa7
Thursday, December 22, 2016
In Germania è caccia al terrorista, ma di Amri nessuna traccia
ÌNC News, 22/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Nazioni Unite: fu un attacco aereo a distruggere un convoglio di aiuti u...
ÌNC News, 22/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Trapianto di organi, pornografia, prostituzione. Aumentano le vittime
ÌNC News, 22/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Polonia: nuovo avvertimento Ue su stato di diritto, a Varsavia non si ferma la protesta
ÌNC News, 22/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
The Lost Tapes: The Hunt for the Black Boxes of Eastern Airlines 980
ÌNC News, 22/12/2016 - source: ©abcNEWS
Michelle Obama's Stunning Outfits as Told by Designers Who Dressed Her
ÌNC News, 22/12/2016 - source: ©abcNEWS
Polar bear chills out for 26th birthday with icy treats in Singapore's heat
INC News, 22/12/2016-source: © Reuters
Италия: 17 похищенных картин великих мастеров вернулись из Киева в Верону
INC News, 22/12/2016-source: © euronews
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Russia: Student accused of trying to join IS apologises for her ‘childis...
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Russia: Putin calls for alcohol tax increase after bath oil deaths
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (21.12.2016) 21 декабря 2016 «НТВ»
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©HTB Novosti Sevodnya
Il Telegiornale di La7 -Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 21/12/2016
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©TGla7
Berlino, la lunga attesa per Fabrizia. Lo zio: "È un momento difficile"
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©
Papa Francesco a spasso per Roma, fotografato in un negozio di ortopedia
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Security expert explains change in Berlin truck attack suspects
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©CBC News
Con l'esperimento Alpha il CERN svela il segreto dell'antimateria
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Baby gorilla Afia gets a reassuring hug from her foster parent after her...
INC News, 21/12/2016 - source: ©24 News Today
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
В Кирове пассажиры, возвращавшиеся домой с пьяной вечеринки, убили таксиста
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©PEH TB
Активист попытался заставить полицейских оштрафовать самих себя
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©PEH TB
Алматыда тәуелсіздіктің 25 жылдығына 25 түп ағаш отырғызылды (15.12.16)
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Xabar24
Петропавлда төбесі опырылған мұз сарайына 15 млн теңге жұмсалған
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Xabar24
Колхозшы ықшам ауданы көмірден көгілдір отынға ауысты (15.12.16)
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Almaty TV
В Москве задержан подозреваемый, который ранил ножом оперативника
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Отравление "Боярышником": обнаружено уже два подпольных цеха
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Иркутск в трауре: число жертв метилового спирта продолжает расти
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Программа СЕГОДНЯ в 19.00 (20.12.2016) 20 декабря 2016 «НТВ»
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©HTB Novosti
Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 20/12/2016
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©TGLa7
Projectile Sex Toys Help Foil Robbery At California Erotica Store
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Wochit News
VW Agrees to Buyback or Repair 3 Liter Engines for Emissions
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Wochit News
В Петропавловске обрушился крытый каток, где тренируются дети
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©KTKnews
Назарбаев выразил соболезнование в связи с гибелью посла России в Турции
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©KTKnews
Roma, l'incredibile storia di Gabriel: "Vivo in una capanna ma vorrei una casa per i miei figli
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©
Россия, Турция и Иран готовы стать "гарантами" перемирия в Сирии
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Call to ban all-ages dance parties in Toronto renewed after overdose
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©CTV News
Chinese Elements in Film "The Great Wall" Attract Global Audiences
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©CCTV+
Berlin Attack: Merkel Says We Have to Assume This Is Terrorism
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©Bloomberg
Donald Trump wins Electoral College - as attempts to cause rebellion turn to farce
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©24 News Today
Andy Murray cracks a smile! Tennis player is crowned Sports Personality ...
INC News, 20/12/2016 - source: ©24 News Today
Monday, December 19, 2016
Кровавый "Боярышник": растет число жертв отравления косметической настойкой
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
ФАС подозревает производителей смартфонов в ценовом сговоре
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Путин: ответом на убийство посла станет усиление борьбы с террором
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Состоялся экстренный звонок между Путиным и Эрдоганом. Подробности
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Il Telegiornale di La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 19/12/2016
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©TGLa7
France: IMF chief Lagarde convicted over €405m payout, avoids jail
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Turkey: Wife of assasinated Russian ambassador leaves hospital weeping
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Switzerland: Gunman opens fire in Muslim prayer room – injures three
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Putin: "Reforzaremos la lucha contra el terrorismo y lo notarán en su piel esos bandidos
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Portavoz rusa: "El embajador era una persona entregada a su oficio"
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©RTNews
New South Carolina Bill Proposes "Porn Filters" on Personal Computers
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©Wochit News
Women fare better than men after heart valve replacement
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©Wochit News
Malware Gooligan: scoprire se il vostro account Google è stato hackerato
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©
Ресторан "НКВД" в Москве возмутил пользователей соцсетей
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©BBC News Rus
Footage of Russian Ambassador Shot Dead in Turkey | 'We die in Aleppo, y...
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©Spotlight
Truck drives into Berlin Christmas market; several killed, at least 50 i...
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©PressTV News
Hong Kong book sellers in fear after publishers’ disappearances
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
After Black Eye Friday - Mad Saturday: Christmas party chaos continues a...
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©24 News Today
Russia: aereo ministero Difesa si schianta al suolo in siberia, "13 pass...
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Blitz militare in Cecenia: uccisi 7 "militanti islamici" secondo Kadyrov
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
È morta Zsa Zsa Gabor. Avrebbe compiuto 100 anni in febbraio
INC News, 19/12/2016 - source: ©euronews
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Американские обзывалки: сибирский кандидат и путинские кибернавты
INC News, 18/12/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Программа «Добров в эфире» (18.12.2016) 18 декабря 2016 «РЕН ТВ»
INC News, 18/12/2016 - source: ©PEH TB Novosti
Mum Shares Pride As 9 Year Old Become's National Geographic's 1st Transg...
INC News, 18/12/2016 - source: ©The Huffington Post
Germany: It's Krampus o' clock! Festive Christmas devils hit Munich market
INC News, 18/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Croatia: 42 migrants hospitalised after discovered packed into van
INC News, 18/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Germany: New high-speed 'Swift' passenger train arrives in Berlin
INC News, 18/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
USA: Fallen tree kills 1, injures 5 during wedding party in LA
INC News, 18/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Russia: Calexit supporters open Californian embassy in Moscow
INC News, 18/12/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
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