Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Ukraine imposes total flight ban on Russia
Ukraine has completely closed its airspace to Russian airlines, including overflights, according to Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk.
"Russian airlines and Russian aircraft are not entitled to use Ukrainian airspace anymore," announced Yatsenyuk during a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
According to Ukraine's Prime Minister, the decision was made because Moscow didn’t suspend its ban on Ukrainian airlines. He added that the Ukrainian government has instructed the country’s state air traffic service to inform Moscow about the flight ban.
Read article clicking HERE
INC News, 25-11-2015 / via RT
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
The media bias between Paris and Beirut - The Listening Post (Lead)
In the midst of the Paris attacks, more than 4 million people checked-in to Facebook to mark themselves as "safe" after the social media site activated its rarely-used Safety Check tool.It also introduced a feature that allowed users to overlay the colours of the French flag on their profile pictures to express solidarity with the victims of the attacks.These features prompted many to question a potential double standard: Where were they when dozens were killed in bomb blasts in Beirut a day earlier, or when 149 people lost their lives in Garissa, Kenya back in April?Critics accused the site of valuing the lives of Western victims more than those in the Middle East and other regions. Meanwhile, journalists covering the story were accused of making unfair accusations, using divisive terminology and xenophobic reactions
INC News, 23/11/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
YAKUTSK (SIBERIA) - Ancient frozen lion cubs found in Siberian glacier may be cloned
Russian researchers have come across a truly unique finding of two frozen, perfectly preserved cave lion cubs in Siberia whose DNA may be cloned in the future.
The Yakutia Academy of Sciences unveiled the two cubs of the ancient predator that became extinct more than 10,000 years ago, and held a press conference where they shared the details of their discovery on Tuesday, November 17.
Collectors who were looking for mammoth tusks in the Abyysky District, in Yakutia, in Eastern Russia, unearthed two carcasses of furry animals. The photos of the discovery were later sent to experts for examination - and it was confirmed that these were cave lion cubs.
Read article HERE
INC News, 23/11/2015 - via RT
AMERICA - Rikers prison guard ‘raped a female inmate for 20 mins while 2nd guards watched’
A federal lawsuit has alleged that a corrections officer at Rikers Island jail sexually abused a female inmate on a bus for 20 minutes, and his colleague watched the rape as it was happening.
The guards’ names are Figueroa and Pearson, and the woman who sued them was not identified, in accordance with standard practice in rape cases, New York Daily News reported.
Read this story of violence clicking HERE
INC News, 23/11/2015 - via RT
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Quando l'amore é musica del Tango - Intervista a Mariel Martinez
En las decenas de
veces que hemos asistido a un concierto de música de tango con solistas y
orquesta, siempre nos habíamos preguntado cual es el lugar que ocupa un
cantante en una música que usualmente es de baile. Recordando una antigua
entrevista que un reportero realizó a la gran cantante italiana Milva (famosa
por cantar Bertold Brecht), en la que ella definió el cantar la música de Astor
Piazzolla como un orgasmo, tuvimos nosotros la oportunidad de entrevistar,
justo antes de a su vez viaje a Argentina, a una de las voces más emergentes de
canto porteño, Mariel Martínez.
De voz cálida y bien afinada, con carácter profundo y
su dulce cara siempre sonriente, muy teatral y hábil en su repertorio. Con sus
canciones, su forma de ser y apariencia, te pierdes en lo que es la música del
De voz
cálida y bien afinada, con carácter profundo y su dulce cara siempre sonriente,
muy teatral y hábil en su repertorio. Con sus canciones, su forma de ser y
apariencia, te pierdes en lo que es la música del tango.
en Buenos Aires y viviendo en Madrid desde 2002, Mariel Martínez es la cantante
de tango mas famosa en Europa. Cuenta con 5 discos producidos por Litto Nebbia
que se venden en Argentina, Francia, España para el sello discográfico Melopea,
por su álbum “Esos otros Tangos” fue nominada como mejor artista femenina de
Tango para los Premios Gardel 2014 .

carrera está en constante expansión y dirigida a la consolidación de una
experiencia larga y fructífera, que continuará incluso en 2016, con otros
conciertos que presentará en España, Rusia, Portugal y Ecuador.
por muchas estaciones de radio y televisión en España y Argentina, Mariel dio
paso a nosotros de INC News, para mostrar como lo importante en la carrera de
una cantante además de la voz es la propia personalidad del Tango, y para dar
una presentación de sí misma hermosa, una mujer sencilla, una cantante
enamorada de su trabajo y con alta cultura musical.
El 2016
estará lleno de actividades y a su vez en su mundo del canto, seguirá
trabajando en satisfacer su carácter terco y combativo para llevarlo al éxito,
debido a su constante atención en el estudio de un pedazo de canción artística
que no es fácil de llegar al conjunto de los jóvenes modernos.
siento una fuente Tanguera, canto como una forma de arte, la canción es mi
forma de expresar mi amor por Argentina.
2- Mi experiencia más hermosa fue
sin duda de haber cantado en Rusia.
3- Al cantar Tango lo mas importante
es la interpretación del repertorio, sin duda, mucho más que la música en sí y
que la propia voz, lo más importante es la poesía.
4- Mi vida es mi carrera y mi
carrera es mi vida. Me gusta viajar, hace bastante tiempo que llevo la cámara
de vídeo a todos lados. También me gustaría ser actriz, hacer películas, pero
creo que lo primero es confirmar un buen nivel como cantante y artista, luego veremos.
Mikhail Lermontov /Mira Kartbayeva for INC News, 22/11/2015 - ©INCNews
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
London exhibition sheds light on Antarctic expedition 100 years ago
An exhibition is shedding new light on the Antarctic expedition by British explorer Ernest Shackleton a hundred years ago.His ship was trapped in ice for months before he led his men to safety.Al Jazeera's Jessica Baldwin reports from London.
INC News, 19/11/2015 via AL JAZEERA
Soviet-era radioactive waste haunts Kyrgyzstan
One of the legacies of the Soviet era has been the abandonment of radioactive waste in countries that were once part of the USSR.In Kyrgyzstan, 92 nuclear dump sites are threatening not only people, but also the environment.Al Jazeera's Robin Forestier-Walker reports from the town of Mailuu Suu, where the government says it urgently needs millions of dollars to clean up the problem.
INC News, 19/11/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Counting the Cost - Dubai Airshow and the battle for the skies
In this special edition from the Dubai Airshow, we look at the impact of falling oil prices on the aviation market, the subsidies row surrounding three Gulf carriers and the future of the airline industry.Two years ago, the bi-annual event made headlines after Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways made orders over $150bn pushing them to the forefront of global aviation.Since then, falling oil prices have left the airlines in a stronger position but unrest in some parts of the region have taken their toll.Some of the biggest players in the business, Tim Clark, the president of Emirates Airline and Akbar al-Baker, the CEO of Qatar Airways tell Counting the Cost's Kamahl Santamaria how they are maintaining altitude in these turbulent times.We also speak to al-Baker about the subsidies row where he addresses accusations by US carriers that Qatar Airways received billions of dollars in state support allowing it to lower ticket prices and lure customers away from the US and Europe.
INC News, 15/11/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
In Search of Putin's Russia - Reclaiming the Empire
Twenty-five years after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia seems to be on the rise once again, reasserting itself as a regional and global military power.Looking at its intervention in eastern Ukraine and the volatile civil war in Syria, this episode of In Search of Putin's Russia sees journalist and filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov explore Russia's attempts to rebuild its standing in the world by confronting unrest at its borders and beyond.But why is Putin so determined to involve the country in international conflicts?Nekrasov tries to find out if the idea of annexing Crimea is one shared by the population at large and reflects a nostalgia for the glory days of Russia's past.We meet Ukrainians who have fled to Russia, obtained citizenship and refuse to go back.Nekrasov visits the Republic of Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region adjacent to war-torn Chechnya which has become the most violent province in the North Caucasus.We meet residents who have endured years of oppression, had their homes vandalised and destroyed by the state to quell dissent. Does the biggest threat to Russia's grand ambitions actually come from within?
INC News, 15/11/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
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