Saturday, October 31, 2015


Для всех семей, участвующих в недавнему авиакатастрофе в Египте, мы отправляем наши искренние соболезнования в этот момент очень трудно для всех.


To all families involved into the recent airplane crash in Egypt, we send our sincere condolences, in this moment really difficult for everybody.


Air Crash in Sinai-'We are flying home:' Grief & disbelief in Russia over shocking Sinai air crash

INC News, 31/10/2015 - via RT

Unieke kijk in bordeel

De állerbeste Bond-girls!

'Panda's haten Nederlandse bamboe'

No severe weather at time of crash

Bucharest nightclub fire death toll may soar

Index: 16-Year-Old Girl in Intensive Care After Getting Bubonic Plague

Friday, October 30, 2015

Поселок Никель стал перевалочным пунктом для беженцев

Игрушки вне закона: обнаружен магазин, где товары для детей продавались ...

В США арестована 85-летняя серийная воровка

Edizione delle ore 13.30 del 30/10/2015

Программа «Сегодня» 19.00 (30.10.2015) 30 октября 2015 «НТВ»

''Алматыэлектротранс'': Вопрос о закрытии трамвайного депо не стоит

Учитель труда в Алматы превращает карандаши в произведения искусства

В Шымкенте мужчина совершил самоубийство в одном из ТРЦ

Пресс-конференция Сергея Лаврова по итогам встречи в Австрии

Корреспондент RT Arabic пострадала в результате применения слезоточивого...

«Дикий запад» Тима Керби: Украина - Империя зла или страна американских ...

Банк Японии пока не будет расширять стимулирование экономики - economy

"Планета бизнеса": защита интеллектуальной собственности повысит… - busi...

Премия WISE AWARDS 2015: победители из Кении и Ганы - learning world

США: услуга "котята напрокат" поможет бездомным животным

Мэр Рима передумал уходить в отставку

SPECTRE - Final Trailer (Official)

Roma, il sindaco Marino ci ripensa e va alla guerra contro il Pd

Uber offers 'kitten delivery service' to support cat shelters

Werken met Daniel Craig is een droom

ABN-AMRO terug op de beurs

Cirque du Soleil's Avatar prequel

INC News, 30/10/2015

Look at this wicked Halloween setup in Calgary

Lufthansa CEO: GermanWings Is Right Market Defense

INC News, 30/10/2015

Pakistan: Quake damage much worse than expected


INC News, 30/10/2015

Antarctica's science seekers


INC News, 30/10/2015

What Happens to Our Brains When We Get Scared


INC News, 30/10/2015

Military Takes Drastic Action, Shooting the Runaway Blimp


UNC News, 30/10/2015

World’s most mysterious whale observed for first time

The elusive Omura’s whale has been documented for the first time ever by an international group of scientists, over a decade after the mysterious mammal was described as a new species.
Previously, no living Omura’s whales had been observed in the wild, according to the study published in the Royal Society Open Space journal.Researchers confirmed that they are tracing the first-detected living population of Omura’s whales.
Read complete article HERE
INC News, 30/10/2015 - via RT

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Развода по-татарски три года ждут: Казань предлагает России "семейное ра...

"Будущие интеллектуальные лидеры России" собрались в Ярославле

Российские фармацевты предлагают свои аналоги

Завершена реставрация Угловой Арсенальной башни Кремля

Несколько нелегалов на юге Москвы жили в мусоросборниках

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 2100 (29.10..2015) 29 октября 2015 «1 канал»

Преступники расстреляли мужчину из дробовика в собственном дворе

Выставка "Взлет и падение Ингрид Бергман. И взлет": жизнь легенды - musica

Опера "Дурная слава" по фильму Хичкока: как противостоять авторитаризму?...

Movie 12 ОСТЕОХАНДРОЗ здоровье


INC News, 26/10/2015

Almaty TV - News of the day 29/10/2015


INC News, 29/10/2015

Воздержание от еды Будьте здоровы


INC News, 29/10/2015

Movie 09 САМЫЕ КРАСИВЫЕ МАШИНЫ с миру по нитке


Movie 17 ЦИРК наш Алматы

Movie 07 ЛЕТО АЛМАТЫ наш Алматы

Movie 16 УБОРКА БЕЗ ХИМИИ потребитель

Students Turn To Sugar Daddies To Foot University Bill

Cosmic Walk: NASA astronauts perform maintenance outside of Intl Space S...

Svezia. Case per rifugiati incendiate: d'ora in poi non sarà reso noto d...

Austria, Slovenia mull fences to curb refugee inflow

'Verstop jezelf niet als jood'

Dit zijn de nieuwe Waterlelies!

Dia de los Muertos brings creativity to life

You've never seen a Rube Goldberg machine THIS slow

Assault by baby carrot?

Tens of thousands lose power because of runaway blimp

Homeowners Sue Over Horror Film

Mars, Jupiter and Venus come together for rare display - BBC News

Raw: Runaway Blimp Comes Down in Pennsylvania

Un dirigibile militare si è staccato dal cavo che lo teneva legato ad una struttura all’Aberdeen Proving Ground, nel Maryland, e sta ora volando senza controllo sulla Pennsylvania. Lo fa sapere, non senza una nota di imbarazzo, il Pentagono. 


An unmanned Army surveillance blimp that broke loose from its mooring in Maryland, finally came down in a wooded hollow near Muncy, Pennsylvania, as people gawked in wonder and disbelief at the big, white, slow-moving craft.

INC News, 29/10/2015 - via AP

Shattered dreams: Immigrants in lock up

Exclusive: Myanmar agents "triggered Buddhist-Muslim violence"

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Is dit het lelijkste gebouw van NL?

Rugby zonder benen

Глава ФИФА Блаттер: футбол попал в политические разборки

Вести.net: Microsoft зажала Moleskine

"Звездные войны" могут превратиться в реальность

"Открытые инновации": как поддержат ученых государство и бизнес

Серия жестоких убийств взбудоражила Усть-Каменогорск

Выставка достижений венгерского автопрома - economy

В Лондоне отпраздновали 40-летие The Rocky Horror Show

Movie 04 tor rus 28 10 15

Ue, fine dei costi di roaming dal 2017. Il nodo della "net neutrality" -...

BP, tagli e utili in calo a causa della flessione dei prezzi del greggio...

Europe toughens its stance in bid to slow migration surge

Catalan ex-premier investigated for money laundering and tax fraud

Meanwhile in Russia: Half tonne of caviar discovered in speeding hearse

‘Toestand Máxima is zorgelijk’

Koning: ‘Ik maak me zorgen’

Koning opgelucht over Maxima

'Look ma! No Hands!' - CBC Reporter trys out Tesla Autopilot

Gay priest criticises 'homophobic' Catholic Church - BBC News

FBI Investigating Classroom Takedown in South Carolina

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

КУӘГЕР 26.10.15

Un avión de BA parte el tren de aterrizaje con 100 personas a bordo al t...

¿Influirá en su dieta saber que comer carne procesada es cancerígeno?

Chinese workforce shrinks, robots fill factories

Schoolgirls die in stampede during earthquake evacuation

The heirs to 'El Chapo's' drug empire?

Baby giraffe at the Calgary Zoo

Should you stop eating meat?

Over 260 Dead in Massive Asian Earthquake

Fisherman Rescues Canada Whale Boat Victims

How a false rape allegation sparked ethnic violence in Myanmar

WHO links processed meat consumption to cancer

Boozy Comet Lovejoy | ABC News

Alarming New Warning About Some of Our Favorite Meats


INC News, 27/10/2015 - via ABC News

Monday, October 26, 2015

В Москве вспоминают жертв "Норд-Оста"

Житель Экибастуза построил собственный самолет

Подозреваемый мужчина напал на Боту Жуманову из-за денег

В Семее одна старшеклассница избила другую до ушибов и сотрясения

Часть посевов все-таки осталась под снегом в Костанайской области

В Алматы отменят плату за парковку

Настоящую резню устроил злоумышленник в доме шымкентского предпринимателя

Montagne, laghi e acque cristalline: l'Oman che non ci aspetteremmo - life

Cheerleader with Down syndrome gets huge surprise

CBN Global Update: October 26, 2015

Suicidal woman pulled from bridge railing by bus driver & passengers

Sarena voor burn-out gewaarschuwd

Flats onbewoonbaar door brand

Missverkiezing voor bush-babes

Maxima ontbreekt tijdens ontvangst

Guitar Hero maakt comeback

Massive earthquake shakes South Asia


Magnitude 7.5 quake said to have originated in northern Afghanistan is also felt in areas across Pakistan and India. In that area is not so rare sisma so strong.

INC News, 26/10/2015 - via Al Jazeera

Exclusive: "Strong evidence" of Genocide in Myanmar


Was not enough the genocide of the last War, now we have to consider what was this
kind of mass of people killed.

INC News, 26/10/2015 - via Al Jazeera

Gadgets To Keep You Safe| ABC News

18-Month-Old Syrian Baby's Miraculous Survival

Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Дороги России": трассы Северной Осетии

Будни и праздники наследниц известных фамилий

Ушла из жизни ирландская актриса Морин О'Хара

Крупное ДТП в США: есть жертвы и десятки пострадавших

Maureen O'Hara, "reine du Technicolor", est décédée

E' morta Maureen O'Hara, la diva del Technicolor

Video surveillance hailed as potential 'game-changer' in halting latest ...

European relations in the spotlight as Poland votes in general election

Hollywood legend Maureen O'Hara dies at 95

MTV EMA 2016 in Rotterdam

Film industry's gender imbalance

Women Make Change - A Family Matter: Saving Papua New Guinea's mothers

Tough task ahead for Guatemala's next president

Argentina elections: Voters prepare to pick new president

Six months on: The reality on the ground in post-quake Nepal

NUOVI TREND? E se i tatuaggi potessero animarsi?

Che cosa c’è di più trendy dei tatuaggi? I tatuaggi che possono “muoversi”. Il duo Oskar & Gaspare hanno proiettato a Lisbona delle animazioni sul corpo di alcuni ragazzi e ragazze e trasformato i loro tatuaggi in disegni in movimento basati sul design originale dei loro tatuaggi. In sostanza, la pelle loro è diventa non una vera e propria tela, ma animata con il videomapping: si tratta del primo evento del genere al mondo. INC News, 25/10/2015- via La Stampa

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Darth Vader candidato sindaco in Ucraina

Quartet: calls for calm between Israelis and Palestinians

Mexico's head of tourism: 'Our goal is to infor...

Movie director's son joins al Qaeda

New details about deadly ISIS hostage rescue

Wheelz does double back flip in a wheelchair - BBC News - (also in Italian)


Aaron "Wheelz" Fotheringham is 22 and from Las Vegas, Nevada. Aaron, who was born with spina bifida, was adopted into a family of six children and used a wheelchair from an early age. 
Wheelz went to his first skate park aged 8 with his older brother and after watching from behind the fence, his brother challenged him to drop into the bowl himself. He gave it a go, landed on his face but was hooked from that moment. Now Wheelz is the only person to land a double back flip in a wheelchair and is continually pushing himself to see what tricks he can do next.

Aaron "Wheelz" Fotheringham ha 22 anni ed è di Las Vegas, Nevada. Aaron, che è nato con la spina bifida, è stato adottato da una famiglia di sei figli e utilizza la sedia a rotelle fin dalla tenera età.
Wheelz andò al suo primo skate park all'età di circa 8 anni, con il fratello maggiore e dopo aver visto il recinto da dietro, il fratello lo ha sfidato a far cadere nella buca se stesso. Provò ad andare ed atterrò di faccia, ma dal quel momento fu attirato per sempre. Ora Wheelz è l'unica persona ad effettuare un doppio back flip stando su una sedia a rotelle e spinge sempre di più sè stesso a d altri limiti e trucchi da poter fare.

INC News, 24/10/2015 - via BBC News

Who controls Myanmar's jade industry? BBC News


Myanmar (also known as Burma) will be going to the polls in just over two weeks, the first elections since a nominally civilian government was introduced four years ago, ending nearly 50 years of military rule. 
But a new report from transparency campaigners Global Witness has found that the country's lucrative jade industry - worth a staggering $31bn (£20bn) last year alone - is still largely in the hands of the former military junta. That is almost half of the country's entire income. But as Jonah Fisher reports, very little of that money makes it into state coffers.

Myanmar (anche conosciuto come Birmania) andrà alle urne in poco più di due settimane, dal momento che un governo nominalmente civile è stato introdotto quattro anni fa, al termine di quasi 50 anni di governo militare, con le prime elezioni.
Ma un nuovo rapporto da attivisti per la trasparenza Global Witness ha scoperto che la lucrativa industria della giada del paese - valutata circa $ 31 miliardi (£ 20 miliardi) solo lo scorso anno - è ancora in gran parte nelle mani dell'ex giunta militare. Questa è quasi la metà del reddito complessivo del paese. Ma come riporta Giona Fisher, molto poco di quel denaro rende nelle casse dello Stato.

INC News, 24/10/2015 - via BBC News

Texas Looks Ahead to Likely Weekend Flooding


Una nuova era fatta di uragani ci aspetta, o solo il malessere del nostro pianeta malridotto da noi?

INC News, 24/10/2015 - via AP

Raw: Hurricane Patricia Makes Landfall in Mexico


La speranza é che entrando nell'entroterra si declassifichi a 4 o meglio a 3

INC News, 24/10/2015 - via AP

Expert: Computers Failed To See Patricia's Surge


Non sempre l'alta tecnologia arriva dove Madre Natura e'. Occorreranno ancora altri anni per poter predire correttamente cosa potrebbe accadere di ora in ora,come previsione del tempo.

INC News, 24/10/2015 - viaAP

Friday, October 23, 2015

В Домодедове задержаны контрабандные черепахи и змеи из Мексики

Восходящая порнозвезда из Челябинска обвинила родителей в истязаниях

Отапливамая остановка за 10 миллионов тенге в Астане: Через две недели с...

В ФРГ полиция расследует поджоги на почве ненависти к беженцам

Западные СМИ продолжают придумывать страшные сказки о кампании РФ в Сирии

Президент Франции и греческий премьер провели переговоры в Афинах

Opportunity: doveva essere un rover a vita breve, invece su Marte sta meglio che sulla Terra!

Questo video ripercorre il viaggio di Spirit e Opportunity, le due sonde marziane partite nel 2003, atterrate nel gennaio 2004 e da allora in esplorazione sul pianeta rosso.
Spirit - che dopo 6 anni di lavoro si è fermata - arrivò su Marte il 3 gennaio 2004; Opportunity, ancora in funzione, atterrò il 24 gennaio.

I loro dati - in breve - sono:

Anni di operatività:
Immagini grezze scattate:
Km percorsi:
Maggior pendenza superata:

(Da Focus Italia)

INC News, 23/10/2015

México se estremece ante la inminente llegada del superhuracán "Patricia"

La testimonianza di Julien Hababou: "Molti pensionati arsi vivi"

Yudashkin Dazzles Fans at Paris Show




INC News, 23/10/2015

James Bond Tells Sky News There Is Too Much Surveillance

WikiLeaks exposes CIA Chief’s emails on torture tactics, Iran, Afghanstan

Rats are on the rise, New Yorkers complain

Rusia exige fin de apoyo extranjero a terroristas en Siria

Is Ferrari Stock Overpriced?

See black hole shred passing star

Is this the ship that will take humans to Mars?

Assad would welcome Russian support for anti-ISIL rebels - Putin

Breaking bread in troubled times: 'Hummus for Peace' launched in Israel

Online Training Academy Helping Firefighter Shortages

Haiti's Violent Riots Not Stopping Children's Food Ministry

47 people charged in human trafficking across Canada

Jury hears audio of teen's standoff with police

Room gets 4 out of 5 stars

Stunning New Report on Secret Service Reveals Agents Sleeping on the Job

New ACS Mammogram Guidelines Spark Controversy

Shocking 911 Calls Detail Home Invasion Attack

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Омск под снегом: в городе выпала месячная норма осадков

Транспортный коллапс в Омске, объявлено штормовое предупреждение

В Калининграде задержан 70-летний организатор интим-притона

В департаменте ЖКХ Москвы заявили, что 93% дворников-мигрантов заменили ...

EU calls mini summit over Balkans struggle to cope with refugee crisis

Boze ex danst op brandend dak

Burgemeester in wijk babylijkjes

Vergunning voor gepeste koffiebaas

Iedereen zag dat Udo gevaarlijk was

Zonnekoning Rochdale voor rechter

Drone video captures Cuba's stunning countryside

'Back to the Future' self-lacing shoes now a re...

Kids and guns: Coping with an accidental shooting

WikiLeaks publishes CIA chief's personal info online

Ohio Firefighters Held Hostage at Gunpoint

More than 570 children killed in Yemen war since March

Single Mother of Four Trapped in Her Car For Days

Person of Interest Arrested in Deadly Arizona Road Rage Case

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

В Актау приговорили убийцу ребенка

Сбившим младенца в Алматы женщинам вынесли приговор

Полицейских задержали в Уральске по подозрению во взятке

В ДВД Астаны изучают видео с грубым задержанием девушки

В Брюсселе прошла демонстрация в защиту климата

"Свидетель" 20.10.15.

Marine Le Pen appears in French court on charge of inciting racial hatred

Terminally ill boy gets an early Christmas from Ontario town

Today is Back to the Future Day

China-UK relations in 2 minutes - BBC News

Netanyahu Holocaust remarks condemned - BBC News

Danniella Westbrook's tears at domestic violence refuge - BBC News

Child Dies in Road-Rage Attack in NM

Economy at the heart of Argentina elections

L'"ultimo bacio" tra le due stelle prima della catastrofe

A 160 MILA anni luce da noi ci sono due stelle che ballano a un ritmo scatenato. Osservando la Grande Nube di Magellano, una delle galassie satelliti della nostra Galassia, un team di astronomi ha infatti individuato due stelle molto giovani e massicce che orbitano l'una intorno all'altra circa una volta al giorno. E andando a spiare ancora meglio questa danza frenetica, gli scienziati hanno scoperto che le due stelle sono così vicine da toccarsi, formando quella che gli astronomi chiamano una stella binaria a contatto.

Leggere l'interessante articolo QUI

INC News, 21/10/2015 - via Repubblica

Egitto: in corso il restauro della barba di Tutankhamon

Migranti: Slovenia chiederà a Ue l'invio di rinforzi a confine con Croazia

Critiche planetarie per l'accoglienza di Londra al presidente cinese

Famiglie riunite tra le due Coree, abbracci e lacrime

Cina-GB: Xi Jingping a Londra per rafforzare una relazione che spaventa ...

India: giudicato colpevole il tassista di Uber che aveva stuprato una cl...

Crisi dell'acciaio in Gran Bretagna ed Europa: le accuse di "dumping" al...

Meet the 'Back to the Future' Fan Building Tricked-Out DeLoreans

6 Fires in 2 Weeks Has Investigators Looking Into a Possible Arson Myst...

'Miracle Baby' Born Without Most of His Brain Defying Odds | ABC News

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

В ОП предложили ввести православный аналог халяльной и кошерной пищи

Хэллоуинский астероид, мчащийся к Земле, стал неожиданностью для ученых

В шымкентские квартиры потоком хлынула ржавая вода

‘Jihadisten verspreidden haat’

‘Sabia en Geert rijk door SBS6’

Oscar Pistorious released from prison

Federal government creating registry to help track drones

Early Snowfall Cuts Autumn Short for Parts of US

Benghazi 'Disconnect': Clinton State Dept. Ignored Pleas

Flood of Mideast Migrants Rerouted in Europe

Zimbabwe's elephants killed with cyanide

Mexico's teachers to be tested for proficiency

Rowing Workout Craze

New 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Trailer Released

Daily Earth Photographs

New Study Says No Amount of Alcohol Is OK for Expectant Mothers

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Little Girl Gives Coins To A Street Musician And Gets The Best Surpris...

Yes, this is what we expect could happens all over in the world: carry the

orchestra directly to people on the road. Too many drama's every day we

must combat. Why not sometime to seat on the road and listen pure music?

INC News, 19/10/2015 - via web

Пациентов в России будут информировать о реальной стоимости услуг

Куда уходит российская рыба

В убийстве жены хоккеиста подозревают двоих мужчин

Самарканд: сказочный город на Шелковом пути - life

Словения и Хорватия ввели квоты на ежедневное пересечение границы беженцами

Ангольский оппозиционер: "Если со мной что-то случится - виноват президент"

Где живут астронавты перед полетом в космос? - BBC Russian

Петербург-Лондон: столицы двух империй - BBC Russian

Prawn sex-change boosts male yields, say scientists

Colonia: eletta sindaco Henriette Reker, ferita sabato

Angola: rapper Luaty Beirao in sciopero della fame da 29 giorni

Stabbing victim to become Colognes's first female mayor

Detained Angolan rapper blames president for his hunger strike

Gordon in therapie voor trauma

Raw: 2 Hurt After Car Veers Into Motorcycle

A woman is hospitalized after a car veered into the motorcycle she was riding with her boyfriend on a rural back road in Texas. Video shows the motorcycle passing the car on a two-lane road when the car veered into it, upsetting the motorcycle.

Our comment is that not only in Europe who create accident escape.

INC News, 19/10/2015 - via AP

Raw: Guinness Declares Longest Baguette In Italy

Path to Greek citizenship made easier for children of refugees

Incredible Video of a Mountain Biker's Cliff Dive

The Dangers of Taking Photos on Train Tracks

Sunday, October 18, 2015

В Атырау идет закладка продукции в стабилизационный фонд региона

Chinese smartphone companies push Apple aside

Приморские дайверы нашли сундук с "сокровищами"

"Скорая" не успела спасти челябинца: Росздравнадзор проведет проверку

Искусство выше политики: чехи раскупили все билеты на концерт российског...

ИГИЛ можно разгадать. Реплика Александра Проханова

Германия: акции протеста против ксенофобии после нападения на кандидата ...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

"У каждой кошки - свой талант": театру Куклачева - 25 лет - BBC Russian

Movie 03 16 10 15 рус




I read yesterday that in the European media has been written about the position taken by some Italian doctors on the vaccination of children. To say that I was surprised is granted. Wander in because of my work, I have had many opportunities to discuss with doctors of various nationalities, so my opinion is a little part of those who are not scientifically trained or educated.
I wander substantially as such a thing can happen, nowadays, in a society ultra technological and super specialized like the Italian.
It is assumed (I think anywhere in the world) that a doctor, just because such person is the most cultured and scientifically prepared by all the others in certain subjects.By then it assumes that if a doctor takes a particular decision, it should be taken in good faith.
So if parents ask for advice on how or what must be done to vaccinate their children, we expect a response well adapted.
Opposite it seems that some doctors have taken rash decisions, advising against mandatory vaccinations decided not by a group of politicians, but by a team of very competent and so expert on the issue.Team who now accuses doctors of negligence and not sufficiently informed on the subject.
This flaw (or to put it in the jargon "bugs") in the information system doctor-patient, is perplexing, because those who are not medically or scientifically prepared, poses a risk to your health, believe the opposite.
Although worldwide there are doctors and doctors, it should certainly do all the same brush, but I think that a deep reflection on updating scientific doctor should be made to avoid expensive mistakes tremendous health of people which believes blindly what they are told.

Mira Kartbayeva for INC News, Aktau, 18/10/2015 - ©INCNews


Ho letto ieri quello che nei media europei è stato scritto in merito alla presa di posizione di alcuni medici italiani circa le vaccinazioni dei bambini. Dire che ne sono rimasta meravigliata è scontato. Nel girovagare per via del mio lavoro, ho avuto molte occasioni di poter discutere con medici di varie nazionalità, quindi il mio parere è un pò di parte di coloro che non sono scientificamente preparati o colti.
Mi chiedo sostanzialmente come può accadere un fatto del genere, oggi come oggi, in una società ultra tecnologica e super specializzata come quella italiana. 
Si da per scontato (credo ovunque nel mondo) che un medico, proprio perchè tale, sia la persona più colta e scientificamente preparata di tutti gli altri in certi argomenti. Si da quindi per scontato che se un medico prende una determinata decisione, essa debba essere stata presa secondo scienza e coscienza.
Per cui se dei genitori chiedono consiglio  su come o cosa deve essere fatto per vaccinare i propri figli, ci si aspetta una risposta ben adeguata.
Sembra invece che alcuni medici abbiano preso decisioni avventate, sconsigliando le vaccinazioni obbligatorie decise non da un gruppo di politici, ma da un team di persone molto competenti e quindi esperte nel ramo.Team che ora accusa di negligenza i medici e di non essere sufficientemente informati sull'argomento.
Questa falla (o per dirla nel gergo informatico "bug") nel sistema di informazione medico-paziente lascia perplessi, perchè chi non è medico o scientificamente preparato, pone a rischio la propria salute, convinto del contrario.
Sebbene nel mondo intero esistano medici e medici, non si deve certamente fare di tutta l'erba un fascio, però credo che una profonda riflessione sull'aggiornamento scientifico del medico  debba essere fatta, per evitare tremendi errori costosissimi sulla salute di persone che si fidono ciecamente di ciò che viene detto loro.

Mira Kartbayeva for INC News, Aktau, 18/10/2015 - ©INCNews

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Friday, October 16, 2015

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Recently Euronews has changed head Quarter and they posted a clip to show to everybody their new house! From INC News our best wishes to wonderful friends INC News, 16/10/2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

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Захарченко: "у нас не было и сейчас нет "Буков" - BBC Russian

'We didn't shoot down MH17' says rebel leader - BBC News

92-year old has driving lessons for first time in 50 years - BBC News

Lib Dem blogger's naked run after election bet - BBC News

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Подсудимый порезал себя в зале суда в Алматинской области

Женщина родила в самолете на пути с Бали в Лос-Анджелес

Женщина родила ребенка в самолете компании China Airlines во время перелета Бали — Лос-Анджелес на высоте 9 000 метров благодаря помощи врача, оказавшегося на борту. Воздушное судно благополучно приземлилось в точке назначения, мать и ребенок чувствуют себя хорошо.

INC News, 14/10/2015 - via RT

В Москве проходит Международная похоронная выставка

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Влог: на съемках репортажа про поиск тел украинских солдат - BBC Russian

Jupiter's Great Red Spot in 4k - BBC News

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

На юго-западе Москвы произошел крупный пожар

Итоги СЕАТЕС в Токио - hi-tech

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LIVE: MH17 final report confirms Buk missile hit plane, Netherlands

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Animation 'shows fate of flight MH17' - BBC News

MH17 Ukraine disaster: Missile confirmed to have downed plane - BBC News

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 crashed as a result of a Russian-made 9M38 Buk missile, the Dutch Safety Board says. The missile hit the front left of the plane, as a result of which part of the plane broke off, it said in a final report into the disaster. The West and Ukraine say Russian-backed rebels brought down the Boeing 777. But Russia claims a missile was fired from Ukrainian-controlled territory. The report will not apportion blame but says airspace should have been closed. Dutch Safety Board gave the following reason for the crash.

INC News, 13/10/2015 - via BBC News

Inside the Vulcan bomber's cockpit - BBC News

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Drug crash video released by Sussex police - BBC News

Inside the reclusive North Korea - BBC News

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DWTS Switch-Up Week Creates New Chemistry on the Dance Floor | ABC News

'Historic pioneering endeavor’: NASA reveals plan for human mission to Mars

NASA’s goal for Mars is to have human missions there by the 2030s. It will require performance research, testing technologies and advancing human health to enable deep space, long duration missions.
The space agency revealed its plans reach the Red Planet in a 36-page report released last week, entitled NASA’s Journey to Mars: Pioneering Next Steps in Space Exploration.
The time to enter in the science-fiction already arrived. We are now developing the plan to move the first pioneers to another planet, where to establish another "humanity".
Please, have a look of this article produced by RT, clicking here.  You will find many things new.

INC News, Schiedam, 13/10/2015 - via RT/Nasa

Monday, October 12, 2015

Russian photographer captures our glorious galaxy with stunning snaps

By day he is an ambulance driver. However, by night he likes nothing better than to capture the stars and the sky. Photographer Boris Dmitriev has produced some stunning space photographs, capturing the sheer beauty of the Milky Way.
Dmitriev has been taking pictures for over a decade and has always been interested in science. 

Mira Kartbayeva for INC News, 13/10/2015 - Almaty-via RT

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Rock stars vs Trump: Aerosmith's Steve Tyler latest rocker to ban tycoon from using his song

Aerosmith frontman Steve Tyler has demanded that Donald Trump stop using the band’s song “Dream on” in his campaign. It’s the third time a rock musician has filed a lawsuit against Trump during his presidential campaign.
Tyler has sent Trump a cease-and-desist letter, saying that the use of the song “gives a false impression that he is connected with or endorses Mr. Trump’s presidential bid,” AP reported.
It’s the second warning coming from Tyler: at the end of August, after a rally in Mobile, Alabama, he asked Trump not to use the song. However, the Republican presidential candidate and real estate tycoon ignored the warning.
Now, the lawyers of Aerosmith frontman are serious, saying that “if Trump for President does not comply with our demands, our client will be forced to pursue any and all legal or equitable remedies which our client may have against you.”
Tyler and the band’s guitarist Joe Perry are Republicans, and Tyler even visited the GOP debate in August as Trump’s guest.
So, the current lawsuit is not personal or political, one of Tyler’s lawyers said: it’s just about copyright and legal permission to use the song.

INC News,12/10/2015 - via RT