Wednesday, September 30, 2015

День Веры, Надежды, Любови и Софии - рекордный по числу молодоженов

Тихвинский завод поможет Америке с вагонами

В Нью-Йорке прошла акция протеста против Порошенко

Эксперт: Объединение усилий в борьбе с ИГ в Сирии — самый разумный шаг

Первые Tesla Model X, наконец, переданы владельцам - economy

Греция: эхо банковских каникул - economy

3 квартал стал худшим для бирж за 4 года - economy

Дефляция в еврозоне в сентябре составила 0,1% - economy

Из шахтеров Донецка в художники Киева - BBC Russian

​Kazakhstan Wants to Move the UN to Asia

Kazakhstan has been on an extended campaign to break into the circles of global power, and while this goal was on display in Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev's address at the UN General Assembly debate today, it was wrapped within a rather dull speech that kept back from controversy. Kazakhstan is seeking a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council (you can read an op-ed on the bid from Kazakh Foreign Minister Idrissov here), and Nazarbayev peppered his speech with ideas for what the future of the UN should look like. The last time Nazarbayev addressed the UN was in 2011. In the intervening years, Kazakhstan's foreign ministers have delivered remarks at the general debate.
Nazarbayev got off to an awkward start. Either the Kazakhs had not notified the UN that Nazarbayev would be speaking in Kazakh, there was a technical glitch, or the interpreter was simply not prepared. Either way, Nazarbayev launched into his speech in Kazakh. About a minute into speaking, he was interrupted and asked to take a seat while the confusion was sorted out. After a few minutes, Nazarbayev was invited back to the podium to begin again.
The speech reads in part like an ode to the UN, but also in part as a veiled criticism of the institution and the global order that established it. Nazarbayev remarks both that 70 years have passed since a world war and that for 70 years the world has not found an effective way to resolve military conflict. He notes that the UN was established by 51 states at a time when the majority of the world were colonies. Now there are 193 independent states. Nazarbayev's underlying message was that it's time the UN reflect the world of today, rather that of 70 years ago.
Nazarbayev frames his ideas for the UN in familiar terms — that of a 30-year plan, which conveniently matches up with his ambitions for Kazakhstan to join the top 30 economies by 2050. His five overarching points address economic issues, nuclear weapons, the erosion of international law and weakening of global institutions, terrorism, and lastly, sustainable energy. Surprisingly, perhaps, the final two only merited a single paragraph each, but the first three were elaborated at length.
Read the entire article HERE
Almaty, INC News, 30/09/2015 -  via AK ZHAIK

Дочь Пола Уокера судится с Porsche

Mumbai court condemns five to death for deadly train bombings

Spianata Moschee. Nuovi scontri tra palestinesi e esercito israeliano in...

VW: carmaker to announce action plan

Searching for Nefertiti - British archaeologist is on the trail

This movie's goal is to evoke the feeling of vertigo

Movie 00 upravdom пондготовка к ОЗП в частном секторе 30,09,15

The Stream - On death row: Botched executions

Holograms Protect Handicapped Parking Spaces | ABC News

Lady Gaga Named Woman of the Year | ABC News

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Соленые реки Марса: невероятные перспективы Красной планеты для человека

Хранилище судного дня

Песня о Беркуте. Специальный репортаж Александры Коневской

Tesla начинает продажи кроссовера Model X - corporate

Дефляция наступает на еврозону: в Испании - 1,2%, в Германии - 0,2% - ec...

NASA Reveals Details Of Mars Discovery

Swipe | Sewers Keep The Internet Flowing - Plus Broadband Jargon Explained

Tesla, è l'ora del crossover elettrico: arriva la Model X - corporate

Hajj: questions raised over death toll

‘Terugroepactie VW onvermijdelijk’

‘Mansveld moet nederig zijn’

Raw: Afghans Fight To Take Back Kunduz

Corruption cases highlight Brazil's big challenge

Women fight for education in Pakistan's tribal belt

Florida Alligator Attack Victim Recalls Battle for Her Life

Kim Zolciak-Bierman Withdraws From the Ballroom

Сурдоаудармашылар күні

Автокөлікті пайдаланбау күні

Үйіңізде болу керек 10 гүл



Testing Allows Cancer Patients to Skip Chemo

Raw: Wife of Dolphins Player Arrested at Stadium

Analysis: Finding water on Mars

Typhoon Dujuan kills two and injures dozens in Taiwan

Syria war dominates UN summit

Monday, September 28, 2015

Зарплату в 500 долларов получали проститутки в Алматы

Водители алматинского автопарка заявили, что их облагают данью

Il futuro delle PMI, vere potenze economiche d'Europa - real economy

Volkswagen, col riacquisto delle quote finisce la partnership con Suzuki...

Europe's carmakers 'tricking' drivers on fuel efficiency, new report claims

Prairies get the best supermoon view

Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Faces Sentencing

Is the 'Man Bun' Contributing to Baldness?

Rare super moon radiates light over Paris and London

South Sudan: Breaking the rules of war - BBC News

The artist who takes 17 years for a painting - BBC News

'Bigorexia': Muscle dysmorphia 'now affects one in 10 gym-going men' - B...

Family: Meeting Pope 'Like Being with a Friend'

Pope says 'God weeps' for sex abuse of children

Catalonia separatists claim victory in regional polls

Selfies Can Be Harmful

Sunday, September 27, 2015




Oggi sono salito in macchina, una Polo, per andare in città e mi è venuta una riflessione circa la VolksWagen, visto che la stavo guidando. Sono fortunato ad aver comperato la Polo nel 2005, così non ho i problemi degli altri. Ma alla fine mi sono chiesto di quali problemi si stia parlando.  
La mia Polo non ha il problema delle emissioni pericolose bandite dai Governi e quindi non fa parte di quel numero incredibile di vetture che sono state commerciate con una voluta alterazione dei sistemi di controllo elettronico delle emissioni.
Nessuno di coloro che avevano comperato una delle vetture incriminate è colpevole, certo, però viene spontaneo chiedersi un paio di cosette, in merito.
Qui si sta parlando di VW, della casa produttrice più famosa del mondo, quella che vende più macchine di tutte e per di più tedesca, quindi legata al marchio di fabbrica, legata al concetto di chi compra prodotti tedeschi, fino a ieri considerati il top sul mercato.
Come è potuto accadere che una potenza mondiale delle auto come la VW sia caduta in questo pantano? O meglio come mai si sono trovati a dover manipolare un programma elettronico, per poter vendere le auto? Forse tutta la catena di produzione era ferma alle vecchie normative che non prevedevano determinate cose, e quindi il dover riprodurre tutto sarebbe costato un patrimonio? O forse si era visto che manipolando il programma si poteva costruire a meno costo ma allo stesso prezzo di prima?
Certo è che il mondo ora si chiede questo, come me, e se davvero la Germania è la potenza industriale per eccellenza o una truffa legalizzata. Per sicuro il rischio più grosso lo corre la Nazione: il nome Germania come produttore industriale per eccellenza può venire oscurato, benchè le Borse abbiano reagito abbastanza bene, al colpo iniziale. In una epoca come la nostra attuale, dove la tecnologia sta superando ogni limite, pare che l'uomo la manipoli a suo piacimento, e tutto sarebbe bello se il piacimento fosse per un mondo migliore e non per truffare il prossimo.

Mikhail Lermontov, Schiedam, 27/09/2015 for INC NEWS - ©INCNews


Today I got in the car, a Polo, to go into town and I got a reflection about the VolksWagen, given that I was driving. I'm lucky to have bought the Polo in 2005, so I have not the problems of others. But in the end I asked what problems you're talking about. My Polo does not have the problem of hazardous emissions banned by governments and thus is not part of that incredible number of cars that were traded with a deliberate alteration of the electronic control systems of emissions.
None of those who had bought one of the cars indicted is guilty, of course, but it is natural to ask a couple of things, about.
Here we are talking of VW, the world's most famous manufacturer, one that sells more cars for all and moreover German, then linked to the trademark, linked to the concept of those who buy German products, until recently considered the top in the market.
How did it happen that a world power cars like the VW has fallen into this quagmire? Or rather why they have had to manipulate an electronic program, in order to sell cars? Maybe the whole chain of production was still the old regulations did not provide for certain things, and then having to play everything would cost a fortune? Or maybe it was seen that by manipulating the program could be built in less cost and at the same price as before?
What is certain is that the world now asks this, like me, and if indeed Germany is an industrial power par excellence or a legalized scam. For sure the biggest risk it runs the Nation: the name Germany as industrial manufacturer par excellence can be obscured, though the stock markets have reacted quite well on the break. In an era like our present, where technology is exceeding all limits, it seems that the man hand pieces at will, and everything would be fine if it were the wish for a better world and not to cheat others.

Mikhail Lermontov, Schiedam, 27/09/2015 for INC NEWS - ©INCNews

Археологи нашли древнейшую улицу Москвы

Открытие станции "Котельники" позволило втрое снизить поток траспорта к ...

В Москве проходит международный фестивать «Круг света»

Владимир Путин: Россия предлагает США сотрудничество в борьбе с «Исламск...

Black hole 30 times larger than thought possible

Pope Blesses and Hugs Philadelphia Inmates

Pope Talks Social Media, Culture of Loneliness

Raw: Crowds Dance, Cheer For Pope

Global Citizen festival aims to help fight poverty

Saturday, September 26, 2015

"АвтоВести" от 26 сентября 2015 года

Установлена личность подозреваемого, расстрелявшего медиков с Симферополе

Анатомия атома. Начало. Часть 1

Калининградские фермеры сняли рекордный урожай капусты

Минсельхоз выходит на тропу войны с пальмовым маслом



Tra poco più di un mese Expo Milano 2015 chiuderà e passerà il tedoforo delle mostre internazionali ad Astana, per la Expo 2017.
I milioni di visitatori della mostra, assieme all'interesse commerciale di migliaia di aziende, si sposteranno nella nuova capitale del Paese sulla via della seta con differente interesse: in Italia fu alimentazione ed ambiente, in Kazakhstan sarà l'Energia il polo di attrazione. Se in Italia l'ecosistema e la alimentazione stanno dimostrando che si può fare tutto per salvare il nostro Pianeta, in Kazakhstan si dimostrerà che il problema energetico  riveste la stessa identica importanza e che la tecnologia e il sistema industriale devono dare il loro contributo a non distruggere il già debole ecosistema, ma evolvere in nuove risorse che permettano la evoluzione umana non a partire dal fuoco alla bomba atomica, ma dal fuoco alla energia alternativa, che permetta questa continua super veloce evoluzione del genere umano non solo im poche Nazioni, ma ovunque.

Da Paese di poche migliaia di nomadi, a potenza industriale, con il suo ultimo ingresso quest'anno nel WTO, con la sua geniale idea di costituire con Bielorussia, Russia ed altri Paesi asiatici il nuovo contrapposto commerciale degli altri poli come America, Europa, China. Nel 2017 Astana dovrà dimostrare di essere il Kazakhstan una delle migliori potenze energetiche e di ecosostenibilità più attentiva al binomio ambiente-vita umana versus energia-produzione.

Sarà compito dei nuovi giovani managers che sono stati a studiare all'estero, a dimostrare al mondo che la loro Nazione è tornata ad essere "la via della seta", mantenendo le proprie tradizioni guardando alla propria evoluzione, sino ad arrivare ad essere non più l'Eldorado dell'occidente, ma un paese ricco e colto perchè ha imparato dagli errori altrui ad essere migliore, per se stesso e gli altri.

MIRA KARTBAYEVA, for INC News, 26/09/2015 - Almaty ©INCNews


In just over a month Expo Milano 2015 will close and will pass the torch bearer of international exhibitions in Astana, for the Expo 2017.
The millions of visitors to the exhibition, together with the interest of thousands of commercial companies, will move to the new capital of the country on the Silk Road with different interest in Italy was power and environment in Kazakhstan will be the energy the center of attraction.
If in Italy the ecosystem and the power are proving that you can do everything to save our planet, in Kazakhstan it will prove that the energy problem is of exactly the same importance and that the technology and the industrial system must do their part to not destroy the already fragile ecosystem, but evolve into new resources to enable the human evolution away from the fire to the atomic bomb, but by fire to alternative energy, which allows this continuous super fast evolution of mankind not only im many nations, but everywhere.
From country of few thousands of nomads in industrial power, with its latest entry into the WTO this year, with its brilliant idea to set up with Belarus, Russia and other Asian countries an opposition as new commercial of the new centers against supremacy of America, Europe, China. In 2017 Astana will have to prove that Kazakhstan should be one of the best power Nation in energy and sustainability with more attention on environment-human life versus energy-production.

It is the task of the new young managers who were studying abroad, to prove to the world that their country has again become "the Silk Road", maintaining their traditions looking at its evolution, until getting to be no more the Eldorado of the West, but a rich and cultured country because it has learned from the mistakes of others to be better, for himself and others.

MIRA KARTBAYEVA, for INC News, 26/09/2015 - Almaty ©INCNews

Germania: nell'est i rifugiati non ritrovano l'accoglienza ricevuta a Be...

Why is the state dinner with China important?

Pope Francis leaves students with homework

Christian Refugees: 'Please Pray for Us'

Friday, September 25, 2015

Watch this drone flying like a bumble-bee

Папа Римский прибыл в Нью-Йорк

Беженцы ждут помощи от Европы

Германия выделяет дополнительно свыше 4 миллиардов евро на нужды беженцев

Носимые технологии из России: от виртуальной реальности к управлению сно...

Successioni transfrontaliere - utalk

Il Papa a New York salutato da una folla impressionante

Rifugiati: l'Europa, tra sogno e realtà

Simplifying cross-border inheritance - utalk

German states to receive more funds to cope with migrant crisis

Dertiger valt voor 70-jarige| Trailer: The intern

Where will Pope Francis stay in NYC?

Scientists ask to open 'Doomsday Vault'

Russian Czar's remains exhumed

Naghmeh Abedini Recalls Husband's Imprisonment

Saeed Interrogated, Tasered, Threatened with Charges

New Orleans Eatery Celebrates 175th Anniversary

The Stream - Searching for a home in Europe

Dengue fever outbreak hits Malaysia

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Автомобили SEAT были также оборудованы мошенническим ПО Volkswagen - eco...

Крупнейший производитель молока сумел увеличить прибыль - economy

Dopo lo scandalo Volkswagen, a rischio la reputazione delle auto tedesch...

'Wasberen zijn niet te stoppen'

Zo lang is de tong van een giraffe

Vluchtelingen weg door taartenbeurs

Palestinian teen killed

Emerging Market Currencies Continue to Get Slammed

Talking Barbie, Drones Are Kids' New Tech Toys

Spencer Horsman Escape Artist Stunt Goes Wrong | ABC News

Pope Francis Memorializes Abraham Lincoln, MLK

Fotograaf Volkert spreekt

Engste trailer ooit? | Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

r komt een eind aan de Paranormal Activity films. Vanaf 22 oktober is het doodenge slot in de bioscoop te zien. Bekijk hier de trailer.

INC News, 24/09/2015 - Schiedam, via De Telegraaf

Boeing bags bonanza aircraft deal with Beijing

Pope raises hot topics during Washington visit

Can VW recover from its emissions rigging scandal

Al Jazeera journalists freed from Egypt prison

Helpful Tips for Training Your Dogs | ABC News

Amy Schumer Lands a Book Deal | ABC News

911 Calls Reveal Terrifying Moments in Phoenix After Cars Had Been Shot

Pope Francis Shows Personal Touch When He Rides Through D.C.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Раскопки в Зарядье: найдена Великая улица и Кривой переулок

"Погода 24": первые заморозки и лед на дорогах

15 минут у терапевта и 22 у гинеколога: новые рекомендации Минздрава

Приемный отец-педофил сядет на 16 лет

Двор многоэтажки в Усть-Каменогорске уходит под воду

iPhone 6s и iPhone 6s Plus уже можно купить... в Китае

На воде! - hi-tech

В Москве открыли самую большую мечеть в Европе - BBC Russian

Pope Francis Offers Blessings, Kisses Along Parade Route

Polar dinosaur species discovered in Alaska

#Pizzarat becomes internet sensation

Happy Birthday ruled out of copyright - BBC News

Drone video shows migrants' arrival - BBC News

Pope Frances Heads to White House

Pope Greets Crowd Before White House Visit

Obama Welcomes Pope Francis to White House

Taxi driver charged with murder

Catholic Church in US hopes for papal boost

Pope's Unpredictability Complicates the Security Detail for His U.S. Visit

Paus Franciscus aangekomen in VS

Premier bekogeld met eieren

11 jaar cel na ruzie om Nutella

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Adres geschrapt; al weken geen post

Milwaukee Zoo Welcomes New Baby Giraffe

Mecca project seeks to clear misconceptions about Prophet Mohammed

ЕС: главы МВД попробуют распределить еще 120 тысяч нелегалов

Массовая медитация в Лондоне в Международный день мира

Как далеко зайдет Россия в Сирию?

Forget autographs, Pope Francis likes to trade hats

Stars Gather for Burberry Fashion Show

Drought starves California's giant sequoia trees

Nasty Chinese bug lets hackers into Apple computers

Car maker Volkswagen under fire

The Stream - The weight blame

Index: Apple Pulls More Than 3 Dozen Apps From the iTunes Store

Chilling New Details in Boston 'Baby Doe' Murder Involving the Little Gi...

Mysterious Explosion in Texas Disintegrates a House and Injures 3 People

Monday, September 21, 2015

Как проходил фестиваль национальной кухни "Той Казан-2015"

Ученые с помощью беспилотников построили веревочный мост

Чудеса науки: театр молний «Теслаториум» в Санкт-Петербурге

Инновации: в чем рецепт успеха? - BBC Russian

‘Schilderijen aanwinst voor Amsterdam!’

'Baby Doe' mother speaking to police

Conservative volunteer disagrees with Stephen Harper on niqabs

Giant Pumpkin Breaks North American Record

Baby Doe's Mother Held on $1M Bond

Baby Doe's Godmother, Father Speak Out

Canadians suffer with surge in lyme disease

Pope Meets With Cuban Leaders During Historic Visit

High School Student Charged as Adult in Sexting Case

Apple's Chinese apps fall victim to large-scale cyber attack

Tiger kills zookeeper in New Zealand

WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO: Aboriginal protester accidentally engulfed in flames

Congress Prepares to Welcome Pope Francis

Man Charged in Selma Church Shooting

No rain for six months: El Nino and Indonesia

What is El Nino?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

В Швеции планируют выпустить детский браслет — телефон с GPS-датчиком

В Москве прошел Большой Екатерининский бал

КамАЗ Антона Шибалова побеждает в гонке «Великая степь – Дон»

Kruikenzeikers geëerd met likeur

'Animal plus technology equals human' - BBC News

New York mired in bid to clean up toxic canal

Threats, raids and arrests: Turkey's media clampdown - Listening Post (L...

Francia: un'Arca di Noè contro i cambiamenti climatici

Georgia: condannato alto dirigente dell'opposizione

Turchia: oltre duemila rifugiati bloccati a Edirne, città al confine con...

British author Jackie Collins dies

Pope Francis Travels to Cuba Ahead of US Visit

What Can You Do If an Online Order Doesn't Arrive on Time?

Pennsylvania Woman Rescued From Burning RV

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Русофобия в моде: The Daily Beast пытается повысить свой рейтинг за счет RT

Воронежские спасатели уничтожили 389 снарядов времен ВОВ

Priest discovers 'secret' family connection in ...

Is Pope Francis Dividing American Catholics?

Winnipeg on Mars

iON Camera Targets Women to Compete With GoPro

US Coast Guard Interdicts Drugs Worth Over $11M

EPA: VW Purposely Violated Clean Air Standards

Obama Discusses Criminal Justice Reform

Clear Air Turbulence Rattles Plane

Friday, September 18, 2015

Московские врачи провели уникальную операцию беременной женщине

"Вести.net": защита для "Яндекс. Браузера", дешевый интернет от Yaliny

Последствия землетрясения в Чили с высоты птичьего полета

Дни до Универсиады в Алматы будет отсчитывать специальный таймер

Иран: самолеты - на защиту гепарда

Ученые рассказали о создании спермы человека в пробирке

Евростат опубликовал доклад о мигрантах

Do You Know The Facts About Gonorrhoea?

Refugee path through Slovenia under threat as train traffic cut with Cro...

French scientists reveal details of breakthrough in infertility treatment


High School in Louisville, Kentucky on lockdown after active shooter reports

Police in Louisville, Kentucky are responding to a call of an “active shooter” at Western High School.
Western, and the nearby Waller-Williams Environmental School, have both been placed on lockdown.

No further info

INC News, 18/09/2015 - via Web

Distillery District shootout under investigation

Donald Sutherland weighs in on Canadian election

5 things we learned from MI5 chief - BBC News

Bus Flips Into Pond Near Tampa

Bridal Collections Unveiled at Pakistan Fashion

Osservando questa collezione, viene spontaneo pensare che sotto certi aspetti gli stilisti

di mezzo mondo potrebbero trarre ispirazione per le prossime collezioni, specialmente

per  i colori.

INC News, 18/09/2015 - via Ap

More Communities Becoming 'Dementia Friendly'

Clergy Abuse Victims Skeptical of Pope Visit

101 East - White Gold

Hajj 360 - experience the journey to Mecca in 360 degrees

Indonesia up in smoke

Thursday, September 17, 2015

На прививку становись: стартует очередная вакцинация

Жители подтопленных карагандинских поселков до сих пор живут в сараях

Моллюски по-русски: втрое вырос спрос на отечественные мидии

Музыкальные сады Уильяма Кристи - musica

Ципрас идет ва-банк


"El ballet en Cuba es como el fútbol en España" - Entrevista

Graban el momento exacto en que el terremoto sacude Santiago, Chile

Un corresponsal de RT en Español se ve afectado por el gas lacrimógeno l...

Morning Stories | Bex On Masculinity And Femininity

Morning Stories | Shelina's Message To Feminists

'Ik overweeg aangifte tegen Ratelband'

Witness - Chinese Dreamland

Kicked down in Hungary, saved by Spain

Texan schoolboy Ahmed Mohamed invited to the White House after his arres...

Tsunami alert in Chile after quake

Former Slaves Head For Home

Raw: Zion Flood Victim Bodies Recovered

The bodies of at least six people who died in Monday's floods have been recovered from Zion National Park in southern Utah. One body remained missing late Wednesday.

INC News, 17/09/2015 - via AP

Michael Kors Goes for 'earthy Elegance' at NYFW

Illegal ivory trade driven by China demand

Inside Konkola Deeps, the world's wettest copper mine

Powerful 8.3 magnitude earthquake rocks Chile

Kanye West Unveils New Fashion Collection | ABC News

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Фактор страха: британские телевизионщики запустили реалити-шоу-сенсацию

Московская соборная мечеть готовится к открытию

ОНФ: на АЗС торгуют топливом, запрещенным в РФ

В Германии открылся международный автосалон

Новые функции и возможности iOS9

Греция: миграционный поток на остров Лесбос нарастает

Владелец Zara поднял прибыль на четверть - economy

Frecia, rifugiati siriani a Lesbo: "siamo disposti a tutti pur di restar...

AB InBev verso l'offerta per SABMiller, nascerà un colosso della birra -...

Droni contro il bracconaggio in Messico - hi-tech

Is climate change to blame for this?

On the ground at the Serbian border with Hungary

'I don't know why anybody would do this to her'

Renzi presenta alla stampa i 20 direttori dei musei nazionali

Ungheria blindata, sciopero della fame al confine

Diritti gay: pace fatta tra Elton John e Putin?

Charlie Hebdo nella bufera. Pioggia di critiche per le vignette sul picc...

Jaguar car sets record for tallest loop the loop

Facebook considers "dislike" button

Merkel placates German regions over refugee numbers

Hunger strikers dig in to protest over Beirut rubbish crisis

Charlie Hebdo criticised for cartoon 'mocking drowned Syrian boy'

Refugees shun the sea for the overland route into Europe from Turkey

Sir Elton and Putin discussed gay rights on the telephone. Or did they?

Pope Francis Has Revived, Ruffled US Catholics

The Disappeared: Thousands Missing in Mexico

Serena Williams Unveils Clothing Line at New York Fashion Week | ABC News

Monday, September 14, 2015

Еврозона: промышленный рост ускорился - economy



Детский депозит



Alta tecnologia e moda - hi-tech

L'Opec alza le stime 2016 della domanda per il suo petrolio - economy

Toshiba, risultati annuali in rosso dopo lo scandalo dei dati gonfiati -...

Robot da archeologia subacquea - futuris

Bioscoop verbiedt popcorn

Paarden Prinsjesdag: (on)geschikt?

Paters zingen voor bier

Foamy mess at Pearson International Airport

Syrian boy's death 'touched millions' - BBC News

Mass migration was a constant concern since WW2 - BBC News

What is artificial intelligence? - BBC News

Hospital computer 'predicts death' - BBC News

A hospital in Boston is using artificial intelligence to revolutionise the way care is provided in its emergency department. Patients at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center are linked up to a super computer which automatically collects and analyses data about their condition. 
Although the computer is intended to assist rather than replace human medics, it can sometimes accurately suggest what is wrong with a patient before a doctor has made their diagnosis.

INC News, 14/09/2015 - via BBC News

Police: Kentucky Trooper Is 2nd To Die This Year

Inside Story- Can the Schengen treaty survive?

Months after Nepal quake, aid money fails to trickle down

'Right-to-die' debate rages in the Netherlands

Egyptian forces kill Mexican tourists in error

Behind the Scenes of 'Dancing With the Stars' Season 21

Twins Expecting Twins! | ABC News

A New Miss America is Crowned | ABC News

US Open: Джокович выиграл 10-й титул Большого шлема, одержав победу над ...

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Мужчина нокаутировал бабушку у кассы в "Пятерочке"

Продукты, палатки и полевые кухни долетели до Сирии

Националисты в Одессе требуют освободить подозреваемых в убийстве Олеся ...

В Петергофе прошел Праздник фонтанов

В Польше и Словакии прошли акции за и против приема беженцев

Венецианский фестиваль: "Золотой лев" Лоренцо Вигаса

Topless FEMEN disrupt Muslim conference in France, get kicked

EU states hollow out NY Fed: Lowest gold reserves in decades remain

Killing not just pain: Strong painkillers make people drug addicted

German riot police smash innocent bystander unconscious during Hamburg c...

Stunning GoPro: Russian Cosmonaut duo perform 5 hour spacewalk outside ISS

More migrants drown as boats capsize off Greek coast

Hungary speeds up fence building as criticisms mount

Munich train station filled to capacity by transiting migrants

Night of surprises in Venice as debut film from Venezuela grabs Golden Lion

Thousands In India Bathe In River For Kumbh Mela

Saturday, September 12, 2015



ENGLISH                             THE TRANSFORMED STEPPE

The foundation for my Saturday editorial came alone to my mind after watching the histrionics dedicated to 550 year anniversary of Kazakh statehood after declaring themselves as “Kazakh nation”. The tremendous show was presented to public of Astana and to the world society on11-12th September 2015 at “Barys” Ice Palace. The critics of the country have valued the show as the biggest spectacle as ever been organized in the country. The technical and main part of the show was credited to Italian producer and architect Marco Balich, who is the author of many opening ceremonies at the Olympic Games. Around 4,000 actors, singer, dancers and even military soldiers were involved in the show that lasted 1,5 hours and split into 7 parts.
Undoubtedly the government has granted main support and willing to spend 22 billion KZT for the festivity at the country level.
Further on I devote my editorial to all of you Italian readers, because I was able to read in your newspapers, the news which a lot excited me, and then I dedicate my words to thank you and our President Nazarbayev.
Recently appeared the official news (you can read Annex link HERE) that one of the greatest exponents of Italian architecture, Marco Balich, author of the Tree of Life in Expo Milan, will be the one who will manage the opening of Expo 2017 in Astana, at the behest explicit of Nursutan Nazarbayev.
This means that much of the Asian Expo will be culturally subject to the Italian architecture and cultural trends, with definitely a benefit of Kazakhstan itself. Not only: this article, which will spread into my territory, will bring benefit to everyone who will finally come to visit the oldest area of Asia, where (apparently) been born primordial humankind.
I have no words to express my solidarity in knowing that an Italian architect will be the author of so much beauty in Astana (formerly beautiful and modern in itself). What this architect has done in Italy is considered a true work of art and it is right that this news is disseminated properly.
Who knows, maybe one day all of us of the INC and some of you, we can meet on this occasion?

ITALIAN                              LA STEPPA TRASFORMATA

La base per il mio Sabato editoriale é venuto da solo nella mia mente dopo aver visto l'istrionismo dedicato all'anniversario dei 550 anni della statualità kazaka, dopo la dichiarazione di Stato come "Nazione Kazaka". L'enorme spettacolo è stato presentato al pubblico di Astana e alla società mondiale il giorno 11-12th settembre 2015 al "Barys" Ice Palace. I critici del paese hanno apprezzato lo spettacolo come il più grande spettacolo mai stato organizzato nel paese. La parte tecnica e principale di esso è stato accreditato al produttore e architetto italiano Marco Balich, che è l'autore di numerose cerimonie di apertura di Giochi Olimpici. Circa 4.000 attori, cantanti, ballerini e persino soldati sono stati coinvolti nello spettacolo che è durato un'ora e mezzo e diviso in 7 parti.
Indubbiamente il governo ha concesso il supporto principale spendendo 22 miliardi di KZT per la festa, a livello nazionale.
Oggi quindi dedico il mio editoriale a voi tutti lettori italiani, perchè ho potuto leggere, nei vostri quotidiani, una notizia che mi ha entusiasmata molto, e quindi dedico le mie parole per un ringraziamento a voi e al nostro Presidente Nazarbayev.
Recentemente è comparsa la notizia ufficiale (la potete leggere nell'allegato link QUI) che uno dei maggiori esponenti della architettura italiana, Marco Balich, autore dell'albero della Vita della Expo Italiana, sarà colui che gestirà la inaugurazione della Expo 2017 in Astana, per volere esplicito di Nursutan Nazarbayev. Questo significa che gran parte della Expo asiatica sarà culturalmente soggetta alla tendenza culturale ed architettonica italiana, con sicuramente un beneficio per il Kazakhstan stesso. Non solo: questo articolo, che diffonderò nel mio territorio, porterà beneficio a tutti quelli che vorranno finalmente venire a visitare il più antico territorio dell'Asia, ove (pare) sia nato il genere umano primordiale.
Non ho parole per esprimere la mia solidarietà nel sapere che un architetto italiano sarà l'artefice di tanta bellezza in Astana (già bella e moderna di per sè). Quello che questo architetto ha fatto in Italia è considerato una vera opera d'arte ed è giusto che questa notizia venga diffusa correttamente.
Chissà mai che tutti noi di INC e qualcuno di voi ci si possa un domani incontrare?

RUSSIAN                                ПРЕОБРАЖЖЕННАЯ СТЕПЬ  
Основой для названия очередной субботней статьи стала театральное представление к 550 летию казахского ханства, прошедшая в Астане 11-12 сентября. «Такого шоу еще не было в Казахстане» - оценили критики нашей страны. Руководил технической частью постановки всемирно- известный продюсер из Италии Марко Балич, у которого на счету открытие нескольких олимписких игр. 
Подсчитали около 4 000 артистов, в 1,5 часовом представлении, которое было разбито на 7 частей. Несомненно грандиозная подготовка со стороны правительства, где поланируется потратить 22 млрд. тенге на празднование масштабного мероприятия по всему Казахстану.
Я посвещаю свою статью всем итальянским читателям. Прочитав в одной из местных газет новость, которая удивила меня я посвещаю вам данную колонку и хочу поблагодарить президента РК Назарбаева. Недавно появилась новость (читайте далее по ссылке) о том, что один из образцовых архитекторов Италии Марко Балич, автор «Дерева Жизни» Экспо-Милан будет отвечать за открытие Экспо-2017 в Астане явно по заказу Нурсултана Назарбаева. Это означает, что большинство Азиатских мероприятиий в ЭКСПО станут культурным предметом для итальянской архитектуры и трендов в культуре с очевидной пользой для Казахстана. Впрочем, не только нам казахстанцам это событие, принесет пользу, а всем тем, кто посетит западную часть Азии, где вероятнее всего появился первобытный человек. У меня заканчитвается словарьный запас для того, чтобы выразить свою солидарность в адрес этого события, итальянский архитектор будет автором такой красоты в Астане (оснавательной красоте и модной в проявлении). Все что сделал этот архитектор в Италии считается настоящим произведением исcкуств.
И возможно мы сотрудники INC выпустим специальный репортаж в ходе этого события? 

Mira Kartbayeva, for INCNews, 12/09/2015 - ©INCNews

Города, с которых начинался "ЛУКойл", отмечают юбилеи

"Главная сцена": бесконечные сюрпризы и веселые уральские рокеры

Горизонты атома от 12 сентября 2015 года

В Москве проходит Международная Арт-ярмарка

«Космическая прогулка» Геннадия Падалки и Михаила Корниенко

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Итальянцы вышли на "босой марш" в поддержку мигрантов

Debt at record level

Death Toll Rises at Mecca's Grand Mosque

Police Release Interrogation Tapes in Kayak Murder Mystery

День Каталонии: 1,5 миллиона манифестантов в Барселоне

Friday, September 11, 2015

"Мисс Алматы-2015": Регина - это сила!

Владимир Путин и Сильвио Берлускони спустились в подвалы «Массандры»

Страна начинает празднование 550-летия Казахского ханства

Дарига Назарбаева стала заместителем премьер-министра страны

Завтраки в мире подешевели - economy

Банк России прогнозирует глубокий спад экономики - economy

"Свидетель" 10.09.15.

Refugees: ‘Thanks for shelter, but we wouldn’t need it if West hadn’t in...

New device could save millions from septic shock

Lotta alla sopravvivenza: il pegno delle riforme greche - reporter

Hungary considers "state of crisis" over mass migration

Mannen klungelen met pumps

What Can We Do About Emerging Cybersecurity Risks?

U.S. officials accused of altering intel on ISIS

Traps, bombs inside James Homes' apartment revealed

Bugging out: America's first edible cricket farm

Radical Islam Post 9/11: 'They Have Tentacles Everywhere'

Authorities Appeal for Help After Another Phoenix Shooting | ABC News

How Did This Olympic Runner Become a Las Vegas Escort?

Salmonella Outbreak Due to Cucumber Contamination

Kees nu zelf 'opgelicht' in buitenland

Koreaanse opa als baby-sit

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Nederland bezit nieuw wereldrecord

Путь беженца: из Сирии в Стамбул, из Турции в Европу

Программа "Энергетика" от 10 сентября 2015 года

Борьба с пробками по-астанински: детей просят отправлять в школу на расс...

На Корсике появилась бактерия, уничтожающая сельхозкультуры

Таяние ледников в Италии угрожает экологической системе горных хребтов -...

iPad Pro, iPhone 6S и другие: Apple "рассекретила" новинки

Группировка ИГ выставила на продажу пленников

Мигранты приостановили железнодорожное сообщение между Данией и Германией

Египет: "розовое такси" как средство от сексуальных домогательств

Rare rhino calves caught on camera in Java - BBC News

Turkish election "impossible" as violence spreads

Islamic State militants offer prisoners 'for sale'

Italy: bad weather hits the south

Pink Taxi strikes back against sexual assaults in Egypt

Strandpaviljoen uit de brand

‘Apple heeft prima portfolio’

Wife faces possible 4th trial after second acquittal

INC News, 10/09/2015 classifica

Eight Arrested Protesting Giant Hawaii Telescope

Pope Embracing Technology to Attract Followers

Sewage Blights Vast Swaths of Rio

3 Boys Found Stabbed to Death in Car in LA

Flight 93 visitor center set to open in PA

Karachi 'water mafia' sucking dry Pakistan's pipelines

Hungary to deploy army to stop refugees from crossing border

British Airways Jet Bursts Into Flames at Las Vegas Airport

Apple iPhone 6S FULL Presentation 2015 | iPhone & Apple TV Highlights of...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Microsoft против США: суд решит вопрос о доступе властей к данным иностр...

В алматинском диспансере во время ремонта душевнобольных детей оставили ...

Перевозчики беженцев скрытой камерой - BBC Russian

Not So Private: Microsoft faces off with US govt over emails from Ireland

No Space Drama! Intl Space Station crew hold high flying presser

De snelsten met een rollator

Dogs love to swim in pools

Rage room

Lice advice

Queen Elizabeth II Now Longest-Reigning Monarch

Monasteries Take Pope's Green Message to Heart

‘Goed nieuws voor Nederland’

Deze modellen gaan het maken

US Taking to the Sky in Drug Smuggling Fight

Vintage cameras and film photography in Hong Kong

The Stream - Should buying and selling sex be a crime?

Almost 100,000 children starving in Yemen's al-Hodeidah

Nicole Arbour "Dear Fat People" YouTube Video Criticized

Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis Out of Jail

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Завод буровых установок открылся под Костромой

5 новых перехватывающих парковок появятся возле метро в Москве

Депутаты предлагают упразднить ЦОНы

Rolls-Royce перевыпустил кабриолет Dawn - economy

КУӘГЕР 07.09.15

Tajik authorities find guns, arrest 14 in swoop on former minster's supp...

Brooks returns to work as head of News UK

Giga meerval gefilmd

‘Opvang vluchtelingen hapert’

'Snel Belgisch volkslied leren!'

Asielzoekers komen in kermistrucks

‘Circus Renz is alles voor mij’

Verdeeldheid over vluchtelingen

Uniek kijkje in Oranjezaal

Aurora Borealis like you've never seen before

Refugees facing increasingly harsh conditions

Olympian Clara Hughes reveals doping infraction

Tory candidate caught urinating in homeowner's coffee mug

Myanmar's Lethwei fighters bare their knuckles

The 'vital' role of mobile phones for refugees & migrants - BBC News

In addition to food and water, another essential is being provided at the train station (in Budapest) to the refugees and migrants - somewhere for people in transit to charge their mobile phones. As the BBC's Gavin Lee has been finding out, the phone can be an important lifeline in the long journey to other countries.

INC News, Sciedam, 08/09/2015 - via BBC News

Raw: Rare Leopard Cubs Make Debut in Russia

Tre cuccioli di un raro esemplare di leopardo, sono venuti alla luce nello zoo di

Rostov-on-Don, nel sud della Russia. Benvenuti ai tre pardotti!

INC News, Schiedam, 08/09/2015 - via AP

UK drone strike kills British ISIL fighters in Syria

Monday, September 7, 2015

Германия: добро пожаловать с долей прагматизма

Великобритания все-таки примет беженцев, но только легальных

Иранский авторынок - поле битвы западных брендов - economy

Австрийцы и немцы перевозят беженцев из Венгрии

В Версале вновь осквернили "королевскую вагину"

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Ungheria, catena solidarietà per trasportare rifugiati verso Austria e G...

Cracking the code: the growing role of coding in education - learning world

Jouw Marktkraam gat in de markt

'Gordon voorlopig niet naar huis'

'Man ontbreekt op rouwadvertentie Ariane Meijer'

'Hoop dat Gordon snel weer lacht'

Lion killer breaks his silence

Is the U.S. doing enough to help Syrian refugees?

Using Virtual Reality to Change the Face of Journalism

A New Way to See the World: Google Revamps Street View

UpFront - Web extra: Daniel Ellsberg on incapacitation in the US

Morocco becomes transit point for refugees

Frustration grows as refugees wait to register in Lesbos

Chad's ex-leader goes on trial for crimes against humanity

Concern as Russia reportedly increases presence in Syria

Kurdish group claims deadly attack on Turkish troops

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Патриарх Кирилл призвал хранить единство народов исторической Руси

Пожар в Домодедове почти на сутки погрузил аэропорт в хаос

В крупных городах США растет уровень насилия с применением огнестрельног...

Искусство в обыденном: канадский фотограф снимает советские автобусные о...

В Молдавии проходит антиправительственный митинг

Два антиправительственных митинга, организованных гражданской платформой Demnitatea si adevar и лидерами внепарламентской партии «Наш дом — Молдова», проходят в столице Молдавии. На центральной площади Кишинева собрались несколько тысяч человек.

INC News, 06/09/2015 - via RT