Thursday, April 30, 2015

Amy Winehouse's family slam biopic about the dead singer - cinema

Baltimore mayor: Curfew could end early

Inside a human smuggling ring

Airbnb nightmare renters leave home trashed

Raw: Sea Lion Rescued From San Francisco Street

Raw: Death Toll Climbs on Mount Everest

Running on empty in Yemen

Nepal quake teen "surprisingly well" after five days trapped: doctor

Hunting Shopping Spree at World's Sixth Biggest Pyramid

The defiant cellist of Baghdad

One Woman's Journey to Find Her Birth Mother: Part 1

April 30, 2001: First Space Tourist #TBT

Celebrities Finding Love Online?

Best Teacher of 2015?

BASE Jumpers Fly Off Dubai's Tallest Residential Building

Алматинцы спели любимые песни Батырхана Шукенова

В ЮКО расстреляли сотрудников АЗС

В Актобе прямо в школе найден повешенным учитель

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Go after the money say Europe's top crime fighters - on the frontline

Nepal hiker: 'I felt like I was going to die'

Everest earthquake puts Nepal's economy at risk

The woman who was stalked for 12 years - Victoria Derbyshire

Migrant Crisis: Helicopter view of deadly route - BBC News

Baltimore Mom Video Sparks Parenting Debate

Unlikely Facebook Star Shares Tips on Living With Modest Means

What Investors Don't Like About Twitter's Earnings

Cancer Drug Costs Could Reach Six-Figures

Raw: Protesters Out After Curfew, Smoke in Air

Actress Debi Mazar: We Can All Be 'Younger'

Former reporter discusses media's role in Vietnam war

Gothenburg's Green Port; Yangtze Porpoise & Britain's Leftover Cafe

Evolution of Dance: Behind the Scenes at 'Good Morning America'

Meet the New Victoria’s Secret Angels

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Строительство токамака ИТЭР во французском Кадараше - hi-tech

Евродепутаты воюют с пластиковыми пакетами

Темпы роста экономики Великобритании упали в два раза - economy

HIV self-test kit goes on sale in UK

Ex-Muslim: Koran Revealed a Religion I Did Not Like

Canada sends help to Nepal

Ottawa woman learns her partner is safe in Nepal

Nepal: Google, Facebook Turn on People Finder Tools

Tsarnaev Defense Makes Case Against Death

Dogs Working With Drones to Save Avocados

Raw: Rioters Burn Cars in Baltimore

Nepal earthquake: Were Nepal prepared for a major earthquake?

Argentina re-nationalises railway system

Elderly British Couple Set to Wed After Nearly 30 Years Together

Nepal Earthquake: Death Count Rises as Search Efforts Continue

Monday, April 27, 2015

Хороший пример заразителен - проект "CITyFiED" - hi-tech

Zebrafish "inner ear" imaging wins science video prize

Mexican students invent eco-friendly motorbike

"Adaline - L'eterna giovinezza", il tempo, l'amore e l'immortalità nel f...

A wheelchair for the developing world

Loretta Lynch sworn in as attorney general

Fury 325: Ride Along on One of the World's Scariest Roller Coasters

Gay Marriage Battle Heads Again to Supreme Court

White House Unveils Obama State China

African migrants arriving in Italy left to fend for themselves

Tracce tedesche nel Caucaso - life

Your Future Office Space Might Be on Wheels

Best Before Date: UK business man turns supermarket ‘trash’ to cash

Shattered Dreams: Newburgh a city in decline in NY State

Pope Francis prays for victims of Nepal earthquake

Peru celebrates native percussion instrument, the cajon

Nepal: Helicopters evacuate injured from Everest base camp

Nepal earthquake death toll tops 3,000

Baltimore protesters damage cars,12 arrested

Sunday Scrum: Responding to Nepal earthquake

Armenian mass killings: Iranian author's diary in animation - BBC News

Hundreds Mark Anniversary of Chernobyl Disaster

New Rubik's Cube World Record

25-Year-Old Man Meets the Retired Cop That Saved Him When He Was an Infant

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Sunday Editorial of INC News


Dopo aver letto che il Vaticano ha rifiutato l'accreditamento dell'Ambasciatore francese perchè omosessuale, aver seguito i casi dei bambini transgender americani e per ultimo il caso di Bruce Jenner, mi sto chiedendo se davvero la teoria dell'errore di Mamma Natura sia valida o no. Con le ultime tecnologie e gli ultimi studi tecnologici, nei quali pare compulsivo ossessivo il poter avere nell'immediatezza un robot che sia uguale agli androidi di Blades Runner per soddisfare le richieste umane, ci si sta avvicinando sempre più alla realtà dei films di fantascienza di anni passati. Oggi come oggi, non ci si emoziona più alla nascita di un bimbo, ci si dedica subito il tempo necessario a fargli usare uno smartphone appena uscito dal grembo materno, piuttosto che cantargli la ninna nanna. Ma ciò che lascia perplessi è la attuale vita sessuale degli individui. Ora persino nei questionari, le tradizionali due caselle che indicano a quale sesso si appartiene, sono cambiate e da due sono già passate a quattro. Le coppie di fatto non sono più solamente eterosessuali e se uno dei due partners della coppia decide di cambiare sesso, starà sempre con la compagna anche se dello stesso sesso. I fanciulli americani considerati già a 4 anni di età dei transgender, alla fine, fanno riflettere solo su una cosa: visto che la evoluzione della specie umana ha richiesto oltre 10 mila anni, non è che per caso Mamma Natura abbia deciso di modificare questa specie di genere maschile per ottenere solo una distinta specie, più facile da gestire? Vi invito alla riflessione, perchè sono sempre più numerosi i casi di cambiamento di sesso e ciò che lascia perplessi è che prima era l'adulto a chiedere il cambiamento di sessualità, ora lo si chiede già da fanciulli . Pari passo tecnologia e scienza biologica ci regaleranno un futuro forse pieno di androidi e di una semplice razza umana unicamente al femminile, come forse deve essere stata agli inizi del "brodo primordiale". Ma sarà poi possibile tutto ciò che vediamo? E se davvero due più due non facesse 4?

After reading that Vatican has rejected the French Ambassador's accreditation because of his homosexuality, I have followed the cases of  transgender American children,  and finally the case of Bruce Jenner, having wondering if indeed the theory of error of Mother Nature is valid or not. With the latest technology and the latest technological studies, in which seems exists the obsessive compulsive disorder to have in the immediacy a robot that be equal to the androids of Blades Runner to meet human demands, we are getting closer and closer to the reality of science fiction films in the past years. Nowadays, there are more thrills to the birth of a child, it is sensible now the time to let him use a smartphone just out of the womb, rather than sing him a lullaby. But what is puzzling is the current sexual life of individuals. Now even in the questionnaires, the traditional two boxes that indicate which sex to which you belong, have changed and from two have already passed to four. Unmarried couples are no longer only heterosexual, and if one of the two partners in the couple decides to change sex, will always be with his/her partner, even if the same sex. The American children considered transgender already at 4 years old age,at the end, we have to suppose or think only one thing: considering that evolution of the human specie has taken more than 10,000 years, it is not by chance that Mother Nature has decided to change this species of the male gender to just get a distinct species, easier to manage? I invite you to reflect on this possibility, because more and more are now the cases of sex changing and what is puzzling is that on the beginning was an adult which is seeking the change of sexuality, now already for children you have to ask. Together technology and biological science will give us a future full of androids and perhaps a simple human race only as women, as perhaps should have been in the beginning of the "primordial broth." But could be possible all that we are seeing? 

Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News, 26/04/2015 

Photographs emerge of deadly avalanche on Mount Everest

Raw: Man Rescued From Building in Nepal

Raw: Nepal Quake Kills Dozens in India

Nepal declares state of emergency after killer quake

Chileans evacuated after volcanic mudflows

Motociclisti pro-Putin indesiderati in diversi paesi europei

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Native American actors walk off Adam Sandler movie set

Karl Lagerfeld on The Exchange with Amanda Lang

Eli Glasner review : Ex Machina 4.5 stars

At 99, AP Reporter Recalls Italian Campaign

Teams Shovel Ash From Sagging Roofs After Volcano Eruption in Chile


Come in occasione di altri terremoti - il primo fu quello di Haiti nel 2010 -, Google partecipa alla ricerca di persone dopo il sisma in Nepal, con la piattaforma Google Finder, per aiutare familiari e amici ad avere notizie dei propri cari.               
Cliccando sul link qui indicato   
si può inserire il nome di una persona ("I'm looking for someone"), o fornire informazioni che già si hanno ("I have information about someone"). Al momento sono già 300 le richieste o segnalazioni.

INC News, 25/04/2015 - via ANSA

Проблемы Европы: Национализм в Венгрии - BBC Russian

The Saturday editorial of INC News


When this morning we received the dispatch from agencies that had occurred a 7.9 degree earthquake in Nepal, my thought was going to Calbuco volcano, in Chile, and how today's science is unable to tell us what about could be our existence.

Mother Earth has given a new strong jolt, as if to make itself understood that we have to stop playing with our destiny. Sure, my words are poetic and dedicated only to emphasize a geological occurrence well known by specialists, those specialists who gave the world the signal "alarm setting", for which the term tolerability of climatic and environmental stability has been anticipated recently on 2050, the year after which each individual will have its own responsibility for what should happen.

We understand very well that humans can not do anything to prevent earthquakes or volcanic eruptions such as at present, but it is natural to observe that life is constant state of degradation  on this planet, once considered the flagship of the Universe.

Perhaps, having better treated before our Mother Earth, these hundreds of deaths from the earthquake and before the thousands of deaths due to Tsunami, would be less and much further in time.

Will never do something really good, the humanity, for the its own future?

Myra Kartbayeva, for INC News - 25/04/2015

Проблемы Европы: Безработица в Греции - BBC Russian

Darkest Side of CERN- Destruction of Souls -Critical!!!!

Thousands mark Gallipoli centenary

FIRST IMAGINES FROM NEPAL - Powerful Earthquake Rocks Nepal

Turkey says term 'genocide' incorrect

Earthrise - Conserving Rare Species & DIY Environmental Activists

Friday, April 24, 2015

Time-lapse Footage: Amazing space shots capture ‘Southern Lights’

Spring Offensive: Taliban resurges in Afghanistan

Russian cadets preparing for 70th Victory Day celebrations (Drone footage)

Il deambulatore intelligente guida gli anziani nella giusta direzione - ...

La grande musica a Baku - le mag

Angelina Jolie makes plea for Syrian refugees

Japanese businesses test using robots in stores

RAW: Hubble Space Telescope images

First story on CBC News about YouTube in 2006

Armenian mass killings - explained in 60 seconds - BBC News

The first Air Force One is wasting away in the desert

#AJStream leads: #StateStreet, 'Mums and Maids', #‎40NămQuáĐủ

Reviving Ecuador’s organ donor debate

Thursday, April 23, 2015

'Safest bike ever' devised by British entrepreneur

Growing Up Transgender: Malisa's Story | NBC Nightly News

Gallipoli peninsula tourists help keep battle memories alive

Why the Mediterranean traffickers aren't the problem

Armenia: 'Genocide' as a word 'exactly sho...

Arguing the case for gay conversion therapy - Victoria Derbyshire

Loretta Lynch Confirmed As Next Attorney General

Mexican Girl Forcibly Brought to US Returns Home

Obama Takes Responsibility for Hostage Deaths

Mexican police accused of massacre in Michoacan

​Kazakhstan plans to launch visa free regime for 16 states by summer

Kazakhstan plans to introduce visa free regime for 16 states, said Gulnar Kurbanbayeva, deputy chair figure of the board of the national business chamber. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, NSC, the National Business chamber have developed and support the project on visa free regimes jointly with the Ministry on Investments and Development - it is continuation of that pilot project with 10 states. Their number will increase to 26," he said.
"Hopefully by summer we will have a new normative-legal act, which will open access to our state without visas," she added.
INC News, 23/04/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

Kazakhstan plans to create logistics terminals at Baltic Sea and Persian Gulf

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (Kazakh railways) is considering the issue of logistics terminals construction at the Baltic Sea and the Persian Gulf, Kazinform reported.

"We are considering projects on construction of logistics terminals at the Baltic Sea and the Persian Gulf, which will allow connecting export centers and ensure access to the World Ocean," Vice-president of the company Bauyrzhan Urynbasarov said at the International Conference "Transport corridors of Eurasia: New ways of cooperation." 
Bauyrzhan Urynbasarov noted that Kazakhstan Temir Zholy is trying to adapt to the current market requirements. He stressed that the company is moving from providing purely rail services to a full range of multimodal transportation and logistics services.

The company integrates sea, air and road transportation, ports and airports infrastructure, as well as a network of terminals in a single structure working on the principle of 'one window'.

INC News, 23/04/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

Video-recording rights crunch

Nederland Zingt Dag 2015: Opening ochtendprogramma

Obama:'Climate Change Can No Longer Be Denied'

New Jersey Landslide Leaves Homeowners on Edge

"I Wish My Teacher Knew:" Teacher Asks Young Students to Finish Sentence

Yemen: Guns but no drugs in hospital - BBC News

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Hubble turns 25

В Карагандинской области бездомными остались 80 семей

Tesco, maxi-perdita da quasi 9 miliardi di euro nel 2014 - economy

Hundreds rescued over 3 days of storms in Australia's east

Marriage Supporters Flood High Court Ahead of Case

Armenian Betrayal? Obama Shuns the Word 'Genocide'

'Why I abducted my son and moved to India' Victoria Derbyshire

New Urgency in Mediterranean Migrant Crisis

South Africans blame 'broken promises' for rising xenophobia

Survivor recalls Mediterranean migrant boat tragedy

Inside the lockup

Sextortion victim shares his story

10 Listeria Illnesses Linked to Blue Bell Foods

Teens Compete, Help Shape Future of NASA

Vietnamese Community Ready for Pope's US Visit

Parents, Friends Grapple with Social Media Struggle of 'Oversharenting'

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Watching the Watchers: Code Red plans 'to hold govts' feet to the fire'

В Атырауской области погибли 70 пеликанов

Self-confessed Nazi goes on trial in Germany

Google Shakes Up the Search World Again

“Little fix diet pills cost Eloise her life”- Victoria Derbyshire

U.S. pair sentenced in Bali suitcase murder

Cybersecurity Threats: What Lies Ahead in 2015?

The Latest on Mars One Colonization Plans

Japan bullet train beats its own speed record. It's fast!

South Carolina newspaper wins prestigious Pulitzer prize for Public Service

YouTube FanFest to feature Toronto's own Superwoman

Armed man taken into custody following 6-hour stand-off

Female CEO claims 'A woman should not be president...

Police: Still Don't Know How Suspect Died in MD

Monday, April 20, 2015

Dashcam RAW: Siberian gale flips roof off 2-storey building in Chita

Benzene diet? No, thanks. California farmers angry at fracking wastewate...

Siberian-style Snowboarding: 1800 bikini-clad Russians set skiing world ...

In Vaticano da Francesco una delegazione dei Rabbini europei

Spain: Teacher killed by pupil 'armed with crossbow'

Glittering prize: Rare diamond up for auction in New York

Man dies in Baltimore police custody

Extra Security in Place for Boston Marathon

Video: ISIS Executes Ethiopian Christians in Libya

Getting to know Karla Homolka - the fifth estate

Virtual Reality Experiences Driven by Immersive Art

Facebook Plans to Monetize WhatsApp

La rana de "cristal" deja ver sus entrañas en Costa Rica

Shroud of Turin Goes on Display in Italy

China and Pakistan plan $46bn of trade and investment

Foreigners seek investment opportunities in Cuba

Siberia's tug of war over Lake Baikal's water

earthrise - Crowdsourcing Data to Tackle Pollution

Migrants arrive in Sicily a day after hundreds drown in dangerous crossing

La tragedia del mare sulla stampa di tutta Europa

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Thousands march at Auschwitz to remember Holocaust victims

Корреспондент LifeNews подводит итоги недельного эксперимента

Автопробег «Дорогами славы» достиг Смоленска

Male suicide rates: 'My father left and took his own life' - BBC News

Iraq's Yazidis: 'We don't know how many were killed' - BBC News

Еженедельная программа Вести.net от 18 апреля 2015 года

"Вести. Городские технологии" от 18 апреля 2015 года

2015 NASA Rover Challenge underway in Alabama

17 días de Festival de Teatro en Caracas

14-Year-Old Spider Girl Fearlessly Climbs to the Top

Saturday, April 18, 2015

В московском Кремле открылся 11-й сезон развода караулов

Raw: Dozens Killed in Afghanistan Blast

North Carolina Mom Vanishes, Leaving Baby Behind

Exonerated Death Row Inmate Meets Prosecutors Who Put Him There

Корреспондент LifeNews решила освоить самый древний инструмент-диджериду

Кампания против стандартов модельной внешности - BBC Russian

Several injured in Fresno gas line explosion

New app is like Facebook for pot lovers

Tons of WWII silver recovered from ocean floor

Rare 100-carat Diamond Up for Auction

Transgender Man Could Make History as Men's Health Cover Star

Friday, April 17, 2015

Бургер vs пицца: Италия вышла на тропу войны с McDonald's

Молдавские экспортеры ищут замену России - economy

"Not Silent", una campaña para recordar a Ana Frank en el 70 aniversario...

Inundaciones en Sao Paulo tras lluvias torrenciales

ISS night-vision timelapse: Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, Marseille, Milan,...

Putin put on spot by English farmer John Kopiski

Lo scandaloso "Bakur" di Çayan Demirel & Ertuğrul Mavioğlu. - cinema

Relief Efforts Still Going Strong after Illinois Twister

More places to buy beer in Ontario

Cyberterrorism : is there a European response ? - utalk

'Bakur' screening ban causes controversy at the Istanbul International F...

Families of Germanwings crash victims attend memorial in Cologne

Syria war: 'Chlorine' attack video moves UN to tears - BBC News

Sunni versus Shia explained

Toronto a hub for human trafficking, report says

Thursday, April 16, 2015



Getting around without draining your phone battery

Do Body Cameras Work? | Debunker | NBC News

CNN crew forced to run amid ISIS rocket fire

Only in Canada: Bagpipe lessons over Skype

Why Did Taylor Swift Ditch Spotify for Rdio?

South Africa: Xenophobic violence against foreigners spreads - BBC News

Clinton Foundation Under Fire for Receiving Foreign Donations

Доходы Eurostar упали, но виноваты обстоятельства - economy

La rivincita del vinile, Noel Gallagher primo nella nuova classifica dei...

Check out the Mona Lisa... in chalk!

Supermodel Gisele Quits the Catwalk

Unprecedented migration crisis on the Mediterranean

Woman Meets Her Doppelganger for the First Time

Pope Francis' iPad Sells for more than $30,000

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Активистка FEMEN прервала пресс-конференцию главы ЕЦБ

Уже через три дня в Казахстане нельзя будет продавать насвай

"You're a human being & worth more than a meal from a dumpster" BBC News

JUST IN: Protester attacks ECB president Draghi, disrupts presser

Google rivals' complaints explained - BBC News

'Entopreneurs' Feed Appetite for Edible Insects

Наводнение в Казахстане глазами очевидцев

Wilson undergoes double mastectomy; Sledge dies at 74

Google accused of cheating competitors

Abraham Lincoln "appartient à l'éternité" - le mag

Chine : 7% de croissance seulement au premier trimestre - economy

Sao Paulo Fashion Week: attesa per l'ultima passerella di Gisele Bundche...

Movie-makers and critics pull out of Istanbul Film Festival amid censors...

Reserve deputies under scrutiny after Tulsa shooting

SpaceX rocket blasts off, but landing 'too hard for survival'

Ikea monkey and friends need your help

How Drones Are Patrolling the World's Deadliest Crossing

Keeping an eye on US police

Nebraska Man Produces A Commercial To Sell His 2002 Ford Taurus

US Apartment Rents Projected to Rise Again

Terminator Genisys Official Trailer (2015) Arnold Schwarzenegger Exclusive

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Expo 2015: cibo e arte in mostra alla Triennale di Milano - le mag

"Avengers: Age of Ultron": quando la tua creatura vuole sterminare l'uma...

Children of the Holocaust: Stars without a Heaven

The schoolgirls who escaped from Boko Haram

How the 'Favorite Child' May Affect Sisters and Brothers

Платформа (седьмая серия)

Репортер телеканала «Звезда» подорвался на растяжке в Донбассе (18+)

Kardashian baby baptized in Jerusalem's old city

Dominique Crenn attends the Parabere Forum, Bilbao Spain

Chimp takes down drone

Experts: US Overlooking its Biggest Threat, China

Octopus turned shutterbug

The Top Five Passports for Global Travel

Cheryl's Birthday: Singapore's maths puzzle SOLVED - BBC News

News from Kazakhstan in Russian

Group of Young Scientists Send Doughnut into Space

Legalize this: Weed should be first to go, synthetic drugs next step – U...

Protest on Abuja streets on anniversary 200 schoolgirls went missing

At least five shot in anti-government protest in Guinea

Islamic State breaches Iraq's largest refinery, then repelled

Monday, April 13, 2015

‘Second class Americans’? US fails to rescue its citizens in Yemen… it’s...

Dolce&Gabbana Summer 2015 Advertising Campaign

Kanazawa: la nouvelle perle du Japon - target

El uso de teléfonos inteligentes, reflejado en nuestra actividad cerebra...

Kanazawa, la "piccola Kyoto", perla dell'artigianato giapponese - target

'There's no crying in blacksmithing'

Judge sentences Jodi Arias to life without parole

California Drought Could Last a Decade: Fishman

Incredibile Parigi-Roubaix: passa treno, tragedia sfiorata

Who is Mr. Snowden? New doco reveals whistleblower's personal story, esc...

IS claims Libya embassy attacks

Bangladesh's bloggers and the limits of speech - The Listening Post (Lea...

Mtv Movie Awards, J.Lo e Scarlett regine del red carpet

Братья Запашные организовали пострадавшему при обстреле Донецка ребенку ...

Movie 00 10 04 15 каз

Armenian fans mob US reality star Kim Kardashian

Ucraina, Pasqua ortodossa a San Michele, simbolo dei moti di Maidan

Grecia. Pranzo Pasqua ortodossa offerto dal Ministero Difesa

Protesters rally against Brazil's president

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Adventure time: Crossing the icy expanses of Lake Baikal by motorbike

"Furious 7" races to top of the box office

Two hundred Palestinian couples in mass wedding

Mayo Clinic News Network Headline 4/13/15

Turkey protests after Pope Francis cites Armenian 'genocide'

Il bimbo dà l’addio al suo adorato pesciolino rosso

Per molti è solo un pesciolino rosso. Un premio da ricevere a una fiera del paese, sballottato in un piccolo sacchetto di plastica incurante del suo benessere. Ma non per questo bimbo il cui addio al suo adorato amichetto pinnato ha commosso migliaia di persone sul web. Prima il bacio d’addio, poi la “sepoltura” nel water di casa e infine le inconsolabili lacrime . #emozionipure

U.S. celebrity Kim Kardashian visits Armenian town of Gyumri

Pope Francis refers to 'genocide' over WWI massacre of Armenians

Is Pope Francis too liberal?

Inside the DMZ; one of the world's most dangerous pl...

Hillary Clinton 2016 Announcement: Find Out About the Potential Presiden...

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Российские десантники и военнослужащие КСОР ОДКБ провели совместные учен...

Scientists in a spin over synthetic spider silk

Les orthodoxes ont "le feu sacré"

Vigilia di Pasqua ortodossa con la cerimonia del fuoco sacro

Students make doggy wheelchair

Too Young to Lose - the fifth estate

Brain Training investigation: Mind Games (CBC Marketplace)

Why are Venezuelans signing a petition for Obama? BBC News

Apple Watch: The Most Funky Features

Incredibles 2: Director Announces Official Sequel

Friday, April 10, 2015

Apple watch finally shows its face

Stunning Time-lapse: ISS captures Europe lighting up the world

Tased Inmate knock outs detention officers in Arizona jail

Новые станции алматинского метро откроют через неделю

Sandra Bullock's intruder appears in court, Taylor Swift's mom has cancer

Scandalo Libor: multa record in vista per Deutsche Bank - economy

Una stella dell'est al Royal Ballet - le mag

Taylor Swift’s Mom Has Cancer

Кризис миграции: провал политики ЕС - utalk

France's Chauvet Cave replica to display 36,000 year old art

¿Que tan bien oye su hijo? Lo que los padres deben saber

Hang Son Doong: la cueva más grande del mundo vista desde un drone

UKIP candidate revealed as porn star- BBC News

Ope: 'I was trafficked into UK prostitution' - Victoria Derbyshire

Boston Bomber: Death Penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Exclusive: Inside Kenya killing dormitories - BBC News

Ukraine: Exiled Crimean Tatars cook up a new life in Kiev- BBC News

Russia Hacked White House in 2014 | NBC Nightly News

Iraq: l'Isil ha liberato 216 yazidi

Croatia marks International Roma Day

A yoga class for those with disabilities

Raw: Italian Man Kills 3 in Courtroom

Toronto Cop Dyes Hair Pink to Take Stand Against Bullying

Dinosaur Discovery: 5-Year-Old Finds Bones

Usa, il sesso sul cofano del bravo poliziotto

ITALIA - L’uomo che fa la modella e sfila sulle passerelle della moda milanese

Si chiama Stav Strashko e, nonostante sia un uomo, di professione fa la modella. Tutto grazie al suo fisico sottile e androgino, allo sguardo vellutato e ai suoi lunghi boccoli biondi. Stav, che vive a Milano con il fidanzato, è stato notato per strada cinque anni fa da un cacciatore di modelle che gli ha offerto la prospettiva di una carriera nel mondo della moda. E, in effetti, Stav ha già sfilato per marchi famosi come Ray-Ban, L’Oreal e Diesel e ha girato anche questo spot conturbante per la Toyota.

Reporter super sexy molestata negli spogliatoi

ITALIA - Belen e il video hard, Corona furioso

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Спорт 07.04.15

"Свидетель" 07.04.15.

Iran’s last Shah - the fifth estate

Tsarnaev found guilty in Boston Marathon bombing

The ties that bind Greece and Russia - BBC News

Palestine urges safe passage for Yarmouk refugees

Canada to bomb ISIL in Syria - Highlights

Kenyan students remembered as suspects appear in court

China's piano craze fuels production boom

Australian Boy with Autism Found in Woods, Details Emerge

Greek rioters clash with police, hurl petrol bombs, torch cars during an...

"It was too late ...the baby had already drowned"- Haiti flood victim

В Казахстане обостряется ситуация с паводками

Kenya, terzo e ultimo giorno di lutto nazionale per Garissa: grande vegl...

Politics Aside: Docs Treat Gaza, Israeli Patients

Nicaragua Canal: A Game Changer in Central America?

Flower creates a stink

How the Sharing Economy Is Impacting Travel

Is Fracking Causing Earthquakes in Oklahoma?

Is It Time to Add Energy to Your Portfolio?

Leader profiles: Nigel Farage, Nick Clegg, David Cameron, Ed Miliband & ...

Growing up transgender - Victoria Derbyshire

Father's hunger strike to stay with his family - BBC News

7 Dead in Small Plane Crash After Duke-Wisconsin Game

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Welcome Their First Child

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Is Nuvaring more harmful than other birth control?

Al Shabaab Attack: Families Identify Loved Ones | Short Take | NBC News

Raw: NYPD officers talk down woman threatening to leap from Kosciuszko B...

WARNING GRAPHIC: Alleged Etan Patz killer Pedro Hernandez Second Confession

Chinese Foreign Minister in Russia

Colleges Help City Kids Join Robotics Craze

Counting the Cost - Extra - EU milk quotas dry up

A piece of Africa in the Philippines

White House Easter Egg Hunt: 9-Year-Old Sophie Steals Show

Dozens of Passengers Work Together To Save Woman

Cleveland Police Officer on Trial in Killing of 2 During Car Chase

Lane Bryant Takes Aim at Victoria's Secret in New Campaign

Violence across Syria

Monday, April 6, 2015

‘Overcome disability of fear’: Nick Vujicic born limbless and inspirer of billions to RT

Dangerously beautiful: Stunning images of Chilean volcano that may soon ...

Firewheel down the hill: Thousands witness 3000 yo pagan ritual in Germany

Yemenis face water shortage amid fighting

South Korea ferry disaster protest

Thousands of Jews flock to Jerusalem's Western Wall for holiday prayer

How Baublebar Aims to Upend the Jewelry Industry

Meet the Teen Who Wants to Kill Cancer

China school abuse: Search for justice after son raped - BBC News

Remembering the Civil War, 150 Years Later

Rains dampen hopes of Kashmir's tourism industry

Kenyans worry about radicalisation after Garissa attack

Florida Woman Gives the Easter Bunny a Helping Hand

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Social Media: Sacrificing privacy for sake of success

Questions about sailor rescued at sea

Иран и "шестерка" договорились о сокращении ядерной программы - BBC Russian

Female rangers fight rhino poaching in South Africa

Floods hit Indian-administered Kashmir

Rhino Wars: South Africa's record hike in poaching


Skatepark, bank, pizzeria: Churches in Europe get creative to draw worsh...

Mechanical Olympics: Robogames 2015 kick off!

Pope Francis marks Good Friday

From Exodus to Resurrection - Easter & Passover in Jerusalem – April 3, ...

Dog Walking Again Thanks to Prosthetics

The Pitfalls of Booking Hotel Rooms Online

Woman Lied About Having Emotional Illness So She Could Fly With Dog

Nightmare Customer Service Calls

Death Row Release After 30 Years

Thursday, April 2, 2015

SWITZERLAND - Iran nuclear deal framework announced

The United States and other world powers have agreed on the general terms of a deal meant to keep Iran's nuclear program peaceful, a major breakthrough after months of high-stakes negotiations. The deal, announced Thursday evening in Switzerland, calls for Iran to limit its enrichment capacity and stockpile in exchange for the European Union lifting economic sanctions that have hobbled Iran's economy. Iran also agreed to enrich nuclear materials only at one plant, with other nuclear facilities converted for other uses, said Federica Mogherini, foreign policy chief for the European Union.
INC News, 02/04/2015 - via CNN

Deadly snakes 'milked' to create potent new anti-venom

Marks & Spencer, segnali di ripresa. Inalterate le previsioni di margine...

Grecia, schizza lo spread. Atene avrebbe fondi solo fino al 9 aprile - e...

Ferro in caduta libera, pesa la frenata dell'economia cinese - economy

Schuller in 2006: Heterosexual marriage 'more excell...

Foreigners Joining Jihadist Groups at Record High

Updates from the scene of the Garissa attack

Concern in India over spread of Rotavirus

ISIL attacks Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria

April Fools Pranks 2015: Top 4 Tweets & Jokes

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Carte di credito straniere, scatta l'obbligo di processare i pagamenti in Russia

California running out of water

Can technology steer a plane away from disaster?

Milla Jovovich welcomes second child

Inside a camp where children are for sale

Finding a 'cure' for obesity

Gaza Man "duped" Into Selling Banksy Artwork

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Алматинец, открывший огонь по парковщикам, заявил о шантаже

Самую красивую арестантку выбрали в Шымкенте

Celebrations in Nigeria as ex-military ruler Buhari wins presidency

How to prevent the next aircraft tragedy

Christina Hendricks Unveils New Jaguar

Raw: Homes Threatened by Washington Landslide

7-year-old Girl Gets 3-D Printed 'Robohand'

Adoptee From S. Korea Faces Deportation From US

Cubans Living in Homes Seized From Americans

Designer Buildings Lure Luxe Buyers in Florida