Saturday, February 28, 2015

Woman Behind Bars Share Stories Of Pre-Prison Lives

How did ISIS recruit "Jihadi Bride"?

'Nemtsov murder is act of political terror, provocation'

Usa: passi avanti nel disgelo con Cuba

Народные и военные песни исполнили в алматинском метро

Во Владивостоке сотрудники цирка приютили двухнедельного гималайского ме...

Ciudadanos depositan flores en el lugar donde ha sido asesinado Boris Ne...

Big Hurdle: Immigrates finding it hard to communicate in New York

Hidden Poison? The Unexpected Places Sugar Lurks

Whale-watching Scientists Spot Baby Orca

Raw: Frozen Waves Off Nantucket

Inside Story: Destroying human history

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Spy Cables: Decoded - Episode two

The Spy Cables: Decoded - Episode one

ISIL video shows destruction of Mosul artefacts

'Jihadi John' Named: Who's the Man Behind the Mask?

Beyonce Shares Workout Secrets

'It follows' will send chills down your spine - cinema

London calling: why home-loving Hungarians are flocking to British capit...

What you need to know about opening a bank account abroad - utalk

Christians risk their lives to retrace Jesus' footsteps

NY Employer: Man Accused in Plot About to Quit



Ballet dancers hope for normalised US-Cuba relations

- Mexico's Disappeared

Solar Flight, YouTube for Kids & Roboy - Science & Technology on Downstream

Most Popular Types of Stores in Each State Revealed

The Color of a Dress Ignites Debate on Social Media

Llamas Run Loose in Arizona

Thursday, February 26, 2015

TRASPLANTE DE CABEZA IMPRESIONANTE. Experimentos prohibidos en humanos. ...

Spacewalk video: NASA astronauts outside ISS

FBI: Three men attempted to join ISIS

Nuova strategia europea per l'energia per rompere la dipendenza dalla Ru...

Francia, a gennaio cala il numero di disoccupati - economy

Psychopathic Porn: The X-Rated Path of Destruction

Pakistan: Rape victim's plea after gang rape filmed - BBC News

Islamic State Suspect Described As 'Lost'

Seventy-Car Pile-Up Shuts Down Interstate 95 in Maine

Giuliana Rancic Publicly Apologizes for Offensive Comment

Avalanches claim up to a hundred lives in Afghanistan

Amnesty report blasts UN, governments for not doing protective duty

Monday, February 23, 2015

The LHC is preparing to restart

The LHC is preparing to restart at almost double the collision energy of its previous run. The new energy will allow physicists to check previously untestable theories, and explore new frontiers in particle physics.

When the LHC is on, counter-rotating beams of particles will be made to collide at four interaction points 100 metres underground, around which sit the huge detectors ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb.

In the video above, engineers and technicians prepare these four detectors to receive the showers of particles that will be created in collisions at energies of 13 TeV. The giant endcaps of the ATLAS detector are back in position and the wheels of the CMS detector are moving it back into its "closed" configuration. The huge red door of the ALICE experiment is closed up ready for restart, and the access door to the LHC tunnel is sealed with concrete blocks.

How Snapchat and WhatsApp Are Disrupting Tech

Fish Farm of the Future Goes Vegetarian to Save Seafood


El joven mexicano que triunfó en EE.UU. fabricando drones

UN envoy heads to Syria in bid to contain fighting

Colombia creates safe habitats for threatened jaguars

John Travolta Gives Scarlet Johansson Awkward OSCARS Kiss

OSCARS 2015: Best Picture, Speeches, and Red Carpet Moments?

OSCARS 2015| 87th Academy Awards: FULL ABC News Coverage

President escapes house arrest

The Oscars: The red carpet in 60 seconds

Julianne Moore talks Alzheimer's and "Still Ali...

Friday, February 20, 2015

Drone soars over a Mil V-12 - world’s largest-ever helicopter

Tribute to photojournalist Andrey Stenin killed in Ukraine

Niagara Falls climber: 'You can feel the Earth shake...

Secrets from Bin Laden's hideout revealed

Arrest in Las Vegas Road Rage Shooting

Downstream - Low-cost high-impact health tech that could reshape the world

ISIL fighters seized Libyan university

Greece urges extension of bailout deal

The Stream - Whitewashing Hollywood

Getting Gorgeous Glutes

Revolutionizing the Runway Through Imperfection

Oscar Statues Made in America

New Alien Movie: Sigourney Weaver to Return as Ellen Ripley?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Drone buzzes soviet 70s architecture legend in Moscow

just for relax...



How to Boost Sexual Energy

Maidan, 1yr on: Ukraine plagued by violence, striving for stability

Footage of Ukrainian troops surrender in Debaltsevo

Istanbul, gravi disagi a causa della neve, cancellati 300 voli

Grexit explained - with kebab

Life-Threatening Cold

Sub-Zero Temps from Midwest to Mid-Atlantic

Китайский Новый год: Год козы или барана? - BBC Russian

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

New Media Influencers Get Set to Impact Fashion Week

Пресс-конференция Владимира Путина и премьер-министра Венгрии

Как в Лондоне пробовали сало - BBC Russian

Народный контроль за халал-продукцией



Filmmakers aim to bring Northern Lights to big screen

Winter Blast Moves North Up East Coast

New York’s Time Square a victim of its own success

Monday, February 16, 2015

Creeping-Bear to RT: Facebook 'fake name' ban excludes native Americans ...

"Their blood will not be wasted"- mourner in Egypt

Femminilità in vetrina a New York - le mag

CBN Global Update: February 16, 2015

Raw: Mardi Gras Parades Rolling Early

UN representative to Somalia says still long way to go in fight against ...

Russia's rare cats protected from poachers

The Listening Post - Lead Story - The media reaction to the Swiss Leaks

Woman Stung on Plane by Stowaway Scorpion

Un-Retouched Cindy Crawford Photo Sparks Body Image Conversation

Offending radicals in Denmark "just another day at the office"

Taking a walk on the wild side at New York Fashion Week - le mag

Kurds and Turkish police clash on anniversary of PKK leader's capture

More than 2,000 boat migrants are brought to Sicily during a weekend of ...

Egypt warns of retribution against ISIL after apparent killing of 21 Egy...

Largest Theft Ever? Hackers steal at least $300mn from 100 banks

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Hollywood’s Biggest Stars Fight to Keep Mega Mansions

Woman Admits to Harrassing Couple Who Bought Home She Wanted

ISIS Recruiter Speaks

India: Would you pay $18,000 for GOLDEN EYES?

INC News Commentary of the week 15 February 2015

Wombs for Rent in India (RT Documentary)

Human Cannonball Reaches Milestone

Raw: Animals 'Tie the Knot' on Valentine's Day

Siberian tiger population makes dramatic recovery

The Listening Post - The rise of slow journalism

Palestinian couple separated by occupation

Scientists study extreme racers in Canada's Yukon Arctic Ultra

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Addio a chi ha inventato la Nutella!! E' morto Michele Ferrero

"Mister Nutella" non c'è più. Michele Ferrero 89 anni, proprietario dell'omonimo gruppo dolciario è morto oggi pomeriggio a Montecarlo, dopo mesi di malattia. Lo ha reso noto la stessa azienda di Alba, dove verrà allestita la camera ardente. Non è ancora stata annunciata la data dei funerali.

INC News, 14/02/2015 - via Repubblica

DANIMARCA - Copenaghen, spari durante convegno su Islam

Copenaghen, spari durante convegno su Islam Sparatoria in un caffé di Copenhagen dove era in corso un dibattito su Islam e libertà di espressione. Secondo le prime ricostruzioni, due uomini avrebbero aperto il fuoco e sarebbero poi fuggiti a bordo di un'automobile. Al dibattito erano presenti Lars Vilk, uno degli autori delle celebri caricature di Maometto pubblicate del 2005, e l'ambasciatore francese Francois Zimeray - via Repubblica

DENMARK - One dead after shooting incident in Copenhagen

One civilian was killed and three police were wounded on Saturday in shooting at a public meeting in the Danish capital Copenhagen attended by the controversial Swedish artist Lars Vilks, police and the Danish Ritzau news agency reported.
Danish police confirmed one civilian had been killed in a shooting and said the suspects had fled in a car. Ritzau said both Vilks and the French ambassador, who was also attending, were both unharmed, but that three police had been wounded. The gathering was billed as a debate on art and blasphemy. Just over a month ago, 17 people were killed in France in three days of violence that began when two Islamist gunmen burst into the Paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, opening fire in revenge for its publication of satirical images of the Prophet Mohammad.
INC News, 14/02/2015 - via Euronews

Is it ever ok to avoid paying tax?

Pope Francis elevates 20 new cardinals many from developing countries

Migrants reach Lampedusa after rescue operation saves 700

Canada: Valentine's Day mass shooting plot foiled say police

'Stop in name of the Great Barrier Reef'

Apple CEO Tim Cook: We Don't Want Your Private Information

Raw: Carnival Dancers Take to the Streets

Analyst: US Has to Deal With Cyber Security

Brainstem Implants Help Deaf Children Hear

'50 Shades,' The Musical

Woman Lives in Apartment with Ex-Husband and New Husband

Interessantissimo clip di Maurizio Molinari di La Stampa: Anziana sfida i miliziani Isis “Demoni, Allah vi punirà”

Il video postato su Internet consente di seguire il confronto fra la donna, a piedi in una strada sterrata, e i jihadisti a bordo di un fuoristrada metallizzato.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Ukraine Violence Continues Despite Peace Deal

Truce talks break down in Syria's Homs

KAZAKHSTAN - President proposed to launch action "Made in Kazakhstan"

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has proposed to launch the action in all the trade networks "Made in Kazakhstan".
"Let's launch the action "Made in Kazakhstan" to create sections with Kazakhstani goods in all the trade networks. Akims of the regions must control it," he said. "Let's address to all Kazakhstani people calling them to be patriots in this complicated situations and buy Kazakhstani goods," he continued, reports referring to kaztagIn his words, it is necessary to continue organization of forums on Kazakhstani consistence, conclusion of memorandums.

INC News, 13/02/2015 - via AK ZHAIK


Ukraine ultranationalist leader rejects Minsk peace deal, reserves right 'to continue war'

RNA: la ''molecola dottore'' del nostro organismo - futuris

MINSK - Security Guard Smothers Russian Journalist to Prevent Her Questions

A video of a security guard physically smothering a Russian journalist to prevent her from asking a question at the Minsk peace talks has appeared online, on the same day that a prominent press watchdog criticized Ukraine, Belarus and Russia for limiting freedom of the press.The video, which was uploaded Thursday to YouTube, shows Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Belarussian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko parting ways after talks in Minsk on a cease-fire deal in eastern Ukraine.
A female reporter from Russia's Rossia 24 television can be heard trying to ask Poroshenko how he thought the talks had gone, but she is cut off in mid-sentence. When the camera pans around, a security guard can be seen physically holding the woman to his chest to prevent her from speaking.
INC News, 13/02/2015 - via Moscow Times

RUSSIA - 4 Hospitalized After Shooting at Moscow Bar Popular With Expats

Four people were reportedly hospitalized after a group of drunken men who were turned away from popular expat hangout Bourbon Street opened fire on the bouncer and surrounding crowd.
Viktor Sokolovich, a regular at the bar in the central Kitai-Gorod district, told The Moscow Times on Friday that he is personally offering a $1,000 reward for any information that leads to the arrest of the shooters. He said that four of his friends, including the doorman, were wounded in the incident and that all were Russian. Local television station 360° Podmoskovye reported that four victims were hospitalized.
Sokolovich's reward was also offered on the bar's Facebook page. The bar declined to comment when called by The Moscow Times on Friday.
Read article HERE
INC News, 13/02/2015 - via MoscowTimes

LIBIA - Situazione precipita: Ambasciata Italiana invita i connazionali a lasciare il Paese

Dopo la conquista da parte dell'Is di una stazione radio nella città di Sirte, l'ambasciata d'Italia a Tripoli ha dato indicazioni ai connazionali di lasciare "temporaneamente" la Libia. Lo si apprende alla Farnesina.
I jihadisti della filiale libica dello stato islamico (Is), infatti, hanno formalmente preso il controllo di Sirte, a 500 chilometri a est di Tripoli, tanto da istituire il loro quartier generale in un edificio nella zona centrale. Inoltre, un gruppo di appartenenti allo Stato Islamico ha fatto irruzione e assunto il controllo di Radio Sirte, una stazione radiofonica dell'omonima città costiera. La conferma viene da alcuni siti internet vicini ai jihadisti su cui sono state pubblicate foto in cui appaiono guerriglieri negli studi armati di kalashnikov.

Leggi articolo QUI

INC News, 13/02/2015 - via Repubblica

GRECIA - Scoperta una coppia preistorica abbracciata

Un team di archeologi ha scoperto gli scheletri abbracciati di una coppia preistorica. Il ritrovamento è stato fatto in Grecia, nella zona del Peloponneso, e gli scheletri - secondo quanto si apprende da un comunicato del ministero della Cultura - sarebbero di un uomo e di una donna e risalirebbero a circa 6000 anni fa. La scoperta è stata fatta nella grotta di Diros e secondo gli archeologi che stanno lavorando nello scavo i due avrebbero vissuto nel 3800 avanti Cristo. "Le sepolture doppie e incrociate sono molto rare e quella di Diros è una delle più antiche rinvenute finora al mondo - si legge nel comunicato - nei pressi dello scavo anche le tombe di un bambino e di un feto, oltre a un ossario di circa 4 metri. Siamo abbastanza certi che questa zona sia servita come luogo di sepoltura per migliaia di anni" (afp)

Deaths in Pakistan sectarian attack on mosque in Peshawar

Do European cinemas show too much American film? - utalk

Sweeping changes in Greece - reporter

Confide makes the internet less permanent

At least 19 killed in Pakistan mosque attack

Justice Ginsburg: I drank before president's speech

Construction Begins: DC Museum to Bring Bible Alive

A Harvard Mad Scientist Invented Ice Cream That Has Skin

Finding Romance On The Platform

Millions Bracing For Extreme Winter Weather

Oscar Contender: Benedict Cumberbatch Opens Up

Stunning Video in ‘American Sniper’ Trial

Expedia Buys Orbitz for $1.6B

Thursday, February 12, 2015


'It's Not Just A Pink Bus, It's About Our Democracy'

Vertebrate Paleontologist Jon Tennant Discusses Dippy The Dinosaur Moving

Alabama Same-Sex Marriage Begins With Resistance | NBC Nightly News

La donna in oro sul tappeto rosso di Berlino - cinema

Chemical factory blast: Toxic orange smoke spews from explosion site, Spain

Poroshenko outlines details of Ukraine ceasefire plan

Why is Med so deadly for migrants?

All Aboard the Love Train in Philly

Raw: Crash Kills Bob Simon of CBS '60 Minutes'

Valentine's Day Movies

Night At The Zoo

Little League Scandal: Adults to Blame for Stacking Lineup of Championsh...

The Art of Getting Your Book on the Best Seller's List

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Microchips implanted under the skin of office workers

Russia's migrant workers feel the pain

'Ceasefire deal' reported for eastern Ukraine

President Jimmy Carter's 'call to action' on women's rights

Keecker, il robot che trasforma ogni parete in uno schermo

Egitto: strage allo stadio. Oltre 40 morti al Cairo. Campionato sospeso

Can Saudi Arabia Survive Oil Plunging to $20?

Five of the Most Important (and Awesome) SpaceX Launches

John Heilemann: Obama Is Running Out the Clock on Russia

Meet Sam Cossman, the Man Behind `Volcano Diver’

Grammys 2015: Top Moments From Music's Biggest Night

Raw: Fatal Accident on NJ Turnpike

Bale and Portman "hypnotized" by Malick

Raw: Las Vegas Hotel Imploded

Monday, February 9, 2015

Teen Reveals to Police How He Impersonated Physician Assistant

Future of sex: No touching involved

Томское ТВ2: телевидения нет, журналистика остается - BBC Russian

ITALIA - La casa più bella del mondo: premiato palazzo di Torino

ITALIA - Finaalmente qualche cosa di innovativo! Giorgio, l’unico maschio del nuoto sincronizzato

Halle Berry Launches New Lingerie Fashion Line

Navi senza fumo - futuris


Boyhood e La teoria del tutto premiati ai Bafta londinesi

Camera rolls as ATV spins out, hits car and flees

Is your television spying on you?

Rare 'Shoeless Joe' Signed Photo Up for Auction

Grammy Fashion Mixes Traditional and Audacious

Beyonce and Miley Cyrus went for black gowns at Sunday's Grammy Awards while

 Madonna rocked one of the season's most eclectic red carpets in a burlesque-esque

 corset with matching thigh-high boots. (Feb. 8)

Williams Taking Himself Off Air Temporarily

Competition hots up at Berlin Film Festival

Eddie Redmayne scoops Best Actor at this year's BAFTAs

Sunday, February 8, 2015

City of snipers: BBC goes inside Benghazi

'My new life as an Indian wife'

What is 'body modification'?

Turkey boosts troop presence along Syria border

Iran says opportunity for nuclear deal is now

reVIEW interviews filmmakers behind ‘Hong Kong: Occupy Central’

Faultlines - Access Restricted: Abortion in Texas promo

The System - Prosecutorial Misconduct promo

Al Jazeer World - The Wooden Rifle promo

reVIEW: Al Jazeera’s Weekly News Highlights (Jan 30-Feb 5)

Sen. Ted Cruz on the Threat From ISIS

INC News Commentary of the week 8 February 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Estremismo al bando da scuola e carceri - the network

Measles Outbreak: Everything You Need to Know in 90 Seconds

Confide: The Snapchat Like App for Executives

Донецк: поездка с врачами "скорой" - BBC Russia


Бес тілді автобусшы

Raw: Two Volcanoes Spew Ash in Mexico

How to Survive a Plane or Train Crash

KAZAKHSTAN - B. Sagintayev participated in the first official meeting of EEU

The first sitting of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission within the established Eurasian Economic Union with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev was held in Moscow today, reports.The most topical issues aimed at ensuring the effective operation of the EEU were considered at the scheduled meeting of the Board of the Commission.
One of the main issues on the agenda of the meeting of the Council was regarding preparation of the protocols on the conditions of Kyrgyzstan accession to the EEU. "We have reached mutually accepted solutions, in general, the draft protocols on the conditions of Kyrgyzstan accession to EEU are ready. Expansion of the Eurasian Economic Union, in addition, increasing the common economic space, ensures attractiveness of the integration process and gives additional stability for economic development of the member- states of the union. This is the basis for deepening industrial and agro-industrial linkages, the development of transport and logistics, transit potential of the union. In the current difficult economic conditions, it is the most important factors, " said Bakytzhan Sagintayev.

Read article HERE

INC News, 05/02/2015 - via 

Twitter in stile WhatsApp: chat private di gruppo e video da 30"Twitter in stile WhatsApp: chat private di gruppo e video da 30" (afp) La mossa dopo il recente sorpasso

Nuova rivoluzione per Twitter. Il popolare servizio di microblogging ha introdotto la possibilità di creare conversazioni private tra più utenti in contemporanea e quella girare, montare e pubblicare video di 30 secondi (il doppio di quanto consentito da Instagram) e inviarli a propri follower accantonando così l'applicazione Vine. Due modifiche che di fatto cambiano l'essenza del social stesso. La prima trasforma Twitter in qualcosa di simile a Whatsapp o Facebook Messenger, sempre però nel rispetto dei 140 caratteri compresi link ed emoticon. L'altra permetterà di allegare un filmato al messaggio senza dover passare per un collegamento esterno. Entrambe le novità verranno rese disponibili nei prossimi giorni, rende noto ufficialmente Twitter, precisando che la funzione video sarà abilitata prima sulle piattaforme iOS e in seguito alle altre.

INC News, 05/02/2015 - via Repubblica

A Parigi sfila Armani e la donna torna desiderio

Dalle mani di uno dei migliori stilisti della nostra epoca, non poteva che nascere una sfilata degna di un re, che ricerca per la sua regina forme inusitate, fresche e nuove, che possano far risaltare la figura femminile come mai prima di adesso. (INC News,Mikhail Lermontov)

Parigi, alta moda: la sfilata di Ralph&Russo

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Three Easy Steps to Protect Companies From Cyber Attacks

Власти Бахрейна приостановили вещание нового телеканала вскоре после зап...

Из-за затяжного кризиса сотни греческих семей вынуждены жить в строитель...

Фермеры: отечественная курятина не в силах конкурировать с импортной

‘Control malfunction, engine failure’ – fmr pilot & safety controller on...

Three-Parent 'Designer Babies' in Britain's Near Future?

Revenge Porn Site Owner Convicted of Extortion

There Is A Rentable Igloo On Airbnb

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

'I lost 7 children to mitochondrial disease'

Дорога Цены на авто

Boiling Water Turns Into Snow In Siberia

Armare l'Ucraina? Gli Usa "valutano vasta gamma di possibilità"

Investigation reveals serious gaps in airport security

Halperin: Woman President Meme Is as Powerful as Ever

Bloomberg Game Changers: Ralph Lauren

Serbia & Croatia genocide cases 'idiotic' says Tim Judah

Obama Says Budget Is "fully Funded"

Kasabian on BAFTAs, BRITs Snub

Drones Offer Valuable Chance to Capture Hard-to-See Views

Katy Perry Causes Fans to 'Roar' at Super Bowl Halftime Spectacular

Monday, February 2, 2015

В Калининградской области прошли учения с использованием зенитных ракетн...

В Калининградской области прошли тренировки по боевой готовности расчетов зенитных ракетных комплексов С-300. Подразделения противовоздушной обороны Балтийского флота совершили марши в назначенные районы, где выполнили оперативное развертывание ЗРК С-300 в боевой порядок с целью обнаружения и уничтожения воздушных и баллистических целей.


Al Jazeera to continue to push for justice for other jailed journalists

Palermo: traffico illecito di rifiuti

Ryanair Beats 3Q Net, Raises Full-Year Profit Goal

Iconic Star Wars Characters Reunite for Exhibit

CDC: Toddler Foods Have Too Much Salt, Sugar

Up to 100,000 Philippine children working in sex trade

'Cashgate' scandal continues to haunt Malawi

Massive Winter Storm Sweeps U.S.

'Europe's interests come first', says new Greek government

Hungarians protest against PM's pro-Russian policies