Thursday, December 31, 2015
Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg Opens Up About Late Husband, New Year
INC News, 31/12/2015 - via ABC News
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Обезьян алматинского зоопарка угостят бананами и творожным тортом
INC News, 30/12/2015 - via KTKnews
Vladimir Putin calendar: The gift that keeps on giving? - BBC News
INC News, 30/12/2015 - via BBC News
Our Anniversary, shared with you all!

Today, exactly one year later, we can say that, thanks to our visitors and readers, we have achieved a good result, though not the final one, with 600,000 visitors from 15 countries (in the three pages which make up the site - the only first page reached 350 thousand), who read more than 30,000 news from everywhere and about every topic.
INC News does not stop there: 2016 will see the site expand with more novelty and the
Stay tuned, soon we are coming out even in the app, and all will be much easier to read or see or hear what happens in the world every day.
We take this opportunity to express all our warmest good wishes for the end of 2015 and the beginning of a very happy 2016!
The Staff of *INC* News Commentary BV, Netherlands
Mikhail Lermontov
Mira Martbayeva
Anniversario nostro, condiviso con voi tutti!

Oggi, esattamente un anno dopo, possiamo dire che, grazie ai nostri visitatori e lettori, abbiamo raggiunto un buon traguardo, sebbene non quello finale, con 600 mila visitatori provenienti da 15 Paesi (nelle tre pagine che compogono il sito - la sola prima pagina ben 350 mila), che hanno letto oltre 30 mila notizie di ogni dove e di ogni argomento.

Continuate a seguirci, presto usciremo anche in app e per tutti sarà molto più semplice leggere o vedere o sentire cosa capita nel mondo ogni giorno.

Lo staff *INC*News Commentary BV, Netherlands
Mikhail Lermontov
Mira Kartbayeva
Bolat Kartbayev
Mikhail Lermontov
Mira Kartbayeva
Spanish police find "birdman" held prisoner by family for pension
INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Ротенберг: хотелось бы видеть больше россиян в мировом автоспорте
INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Russia 24TV
28.12.15 Боевики ИГИЛ публично казнили 30 подростков за дезертирство в И...
INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via NewRussia ToDay
Monday, December 28, 2015
Stati Uniti, i tornado spazzano anche il Texas: i morti salgono ad almen...
INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews
Мексика: родители похищенных и убитых студентов хотят узнать правду
INCnews, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews
Sunday, December 27, 2015
В Жамбылской области открываются новые производственные объекты
INC News, 27/12/2015 -via Telekanal 24KZ
В Ставропольском крае горит санаторий «Ессентуки»
В Ставропольском крае произошел пожар в санатории «Ессентуки». Эвакуированы 150 человек, на месте работают пожарные. Рассматривается вопрос о применении авиации.
INC News, 27/12/2015 - via RT News
В Москву на лечение доставили тяжелобольных детей из Севастополя
Спецбортом МЧС на лечение в Москву были отправлены двое новорожденных детей из Севастополя. Их состояние врачи оценивают как тяжелое, малыши нуждаются в срочной высококвалифицированной медицинской помощи. На протяжении всего полета детей и их родственников сопровождали специалисты спасательного отряда «Центроспас» МЧС России и Всероссийского центра медицины катастроф «Защита» Минздрава РФ, а также сотрудники Севастопольского центра экстренной медицинской помощи и медицины катастроф.
INC News, 27/12/2015 - via RT News
Турецкий премьер встречается с иракскими курдами и не встречается с туре...
INCnews, 27/12/2015 - via Euronews
Saturday, December 26, 2015
В Оймяконе открылась резиденция якутского хранителя холода Чысхаана
Чысхаан – якутский дух зимы и хранитель вечной мерзлоты. Именно он передает жезл холода Деду Морозу из Великого Устюга. Чысхаан принимает гостей в ледяной пещере, передвигается же на санях с оленьей упряжкой. По легендам, каждый год Чысхаан выходит из Северного Ледовитого океана, чтобы встретиться со своей женой – Полярной звездой.
INC News, 26/12/2015 - via RT News
Все больше молодых людей в США не считают Рождество религиозным праздником
INC News, 26/12/2015 - via RT News
Matt Taylor, Rosetta mission scientist: ‘Hope we’re not alone in the uni...
INC News
Friday, December 25, 2015
Шварценеггер снимается в фильме об авиакатастрофе над Боденским озером
INC News, 25/12/2015 - via
Regno Unito: William e Kate alla messa di Natale senza George eCharlotte
INC News, 25/12/2015 - via Euronews
Betlemme celebra il Natale nel timore di tensioni israelo-palestinesi
INC News, 25/12/2-15 - via Euronews
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Thijs Römer vindt kerst niks aan
INC News, 25/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Bethlehem: Security preparations for Christmas celebrations - BBC News
INC News, 24/12/2015 - via BBC News
El Gordo: Senegal refugee wins €400,000 in Spain lottery - BBC News
INC News, 24/12/2015 - via BBC News
The fast news of De Telegraaf - 15 00 Plunderaars konden slag slaan
INC News, 26/12/2015 - via De
Listen to 3 year old's emergency call after pregnant mum falls down stai...
INC News, 24/12/15 - via BBC News
Казахстан берет в долг один миллиард долларов, чтобы закрыть брешь в бю...
INC News, 24/12/15 - via Informburo31
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Двойное ДТП парализовало движение на ряде улиц в Басманном районе Москвы
INC News, 23/12/2015 - via
В Москве прошла закладка многофункционального спорткомплекса "Динамо"
INC News, 23/12/2015 - via
BBC Biased? EU money to media giant cause accusations ahead of Brexit re...
INC News, 23/12/2015 - via RT
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Gered na 67 uur onder de modder
INC News, 23/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Onnozele dief zit vast in dak
INC News, 23/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Heftige aardverschuiving Peru
INC News, 23/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Syria conflict: Russia air strikes 'killed 200 civilians' - BBC News
INC News, 23/12/2015 - via BBC News
Report: Women Pay More Than Men Do For Basic Products | ABC News
INC News, 23/12/2015 - via ABC News
Индия ввела высшую меру наказания для несовершеннолетних насильников и у...
INCnews, 23/12/2015 - via Euronews
ООН обвиняет саудовскую коалицию в большинстве разрушений в Йемене
INCnews, 23/12/2015 - via Euronews
«Талибан» захватывает ключевые районы крупнейшей афганской провинции Гил...
INCnews, 23/12/2015 - via RT
Политолог: Ливии необходимо сформировать единое правительство для успешн...
INCnews, 23/12/2015 - via RT
Эксклюзивное видео из пригорода Дамаска, где проходят бои между сирийско...
INCnews, 23/12/2015 - via RT
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
За право стать мамой Матвея Захаренко борются две многодетные женщины
INC News, 22/12/2015 - via
Санта Клаус записал рождественское обращение к детям из своей резиденции...
INC News, 22/12/2015 - Telekanal 24KZ
Жас қанат ықшам ауданында жаңа емхана мен балабақша ашылды (21.12.15)
INC News, 22/12/2015 - via Telekanal Alamty
В порту Актау скопились турецкие фуры - раньше их путь пролегал через Р...
INC News, 22/12/2015 - via KTKnews
War veteran stabbed wife several times before throwing her off balcony, ...
INC News, 22/12/2015 - via
INC News, 22/12/2015 - via CBC News
Raw: Solstice Celebrated At Stonehenge
Celebrants of the solstice gathered at the ancient stone ruins of Stonehenge to watch the sunrise.
INC News, 22/12/2015 - via AP
SpaceX Sucessfully Lands Spent Rocket
This is really a very big improvement in aerospace science!
INC News, 22/12/2015 - via AP
Anti-Immigrant Protests Grow as Refugees Flood Europe | ABC News
INC News, 22/12/2015 - via ABC News
Monday, December 21, 2015
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Vrouw schept voetgangers Las Vegas
INC News, 21/12/2015 via De Telegraaf
The fast news of De Telegraaf - ‘Ik doe toch niemand kwaad?'
INC News, 21/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Оползень в Китае: многие люди успели убежать от цунами грязи
INC News, 20/12/2015 - via
Соседи считают жителей взорвавшейся квартиры психически неуравновешенными
INC News, 20/12/2015 - via
Исламофобия дошла до американского города, на 60% населенного мусульманами
INC News, 20/12/2015 -via RT
Bomb Scare: Air France jet makes emergency landing in Kenya after terror...
INC News, 20/12/2015 - via RT
Dutch driving instructors can trade lessons for sex
Tutto possibile ed accettabile, il dilemma appare se questa regola, non ben chiara, la si dovesse applicare a tutto: il falegname, l'idraulico, il gommista, il meccanico di auto, anche nei negozi di abbigliamento di classe e, perché no, perfino al supermercato. Se tanto misura tanto, il mestiere piú antico della storia potrebbe diventare forma di baratto. E questo andrebbe bene con certe persone attraenti, ma le altre? Curiosa decisione, che sicuramente avrá origine da qalche possibile truffa passata.
Driving instructors in the Netherlands can legally trade driving lessons for sex, government ministers have confirmed. While prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, this controversial form of exchanging sex for services has recently been a hot topic for debate: Some novice drivers have been learning the rules of the road in exchange for sex, in deals which the conservative opposition party ChristenUnie has labeled "illegal prostitution."
The Dutch government has been researching the appropriate legal stance on such transactions and concluded that offering driving lessons in exchange for sex is not illegal. However, it would be illegal if the transaction was to be reversed, with a learner driver offering sex for the lessons.
Source: Read clicking HERE
INC News, 20/12/2015 - via RT
Группа «Османские очаги» отрицает обвинения в угрозах в адрес депутата Э...
INCnews, 20/12/2015 - via RT
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Il genere umano, folle e magnifico: ecco le imprese più belle del 2015
Ecco l’annuale classifica dei migliori video virali del web del 2015 fatta dal canale YouTube di People Are Awesome. Come sempre è possibile osservare le follie e le stranezze di cui sono capaci alcuni rappresentanti del genere umano che arrivano fino a rischiare la vita ma anche dei gesti di rara bellezza e di grande capacità e allenamento. Ogni anno questa classifica si rinnova, lascia a bocca aperta chiunque la guardi e invoglia molti a tentare numeri ed esperimenti sempre più difficili per lasciarci ancora senza parole.
INC News, 19/12/2015 - via La Stampa
HOW IT WORKS: The International Space Station (1080p, 60fps)
Interesting clip, where astronauts show us the
INC News, 19/12/2015 - via
Inside Iraq Camp For Refugees Who Escaped ISIS: Part 1 | ABC News
INC News, 19/12/2015 - via ABC News
How Two Americans Planned Mission to Save Refugees From ISIS: Part 2 | A...
INC News, 19/12/2015 - via ABC News
Friday, December 18, 2015
The fast news of De Telegraaf - DiCaprio achter NL'se modellen aan
INC News, 18/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Nutella refuses to give girl named Isis personalized Nutella jar
INC News, 18/12/2015 - via CBC News
Earthrise - In Your Backyard
Climate change is no mystery. We know what we have to do to limit emissions and we know we need to change our
Melina Laboucan Massimo is a prominent activist who comes from the Laboucan Cree nation tribe in Canada. Their community's backyard is the famous Alberta tar sands; the size of Greece, it is the largest industrial project on earth. Massimo has been actively fighting exploitation of the tar sands for nearly a decade and her motivation is her close connection to her ancestral land.
INC News, 18/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Топ-модель Бар Рафаэль подозревается в уклонении от уплаты налогов
INC News, 18/12/2015 - via Euronews
Brasile: WhatsApp è tornato on line dopo un blocco di 12 ore disposto da...
INC News, 18/12/2015 - via Euronews
Royaume Uni - Union Européenne : un bras de fer pour l'instant cordial
INC News, 18/12/2015 - via Euronews
Woman Arrested for Alleged Stabbing Reportedly Sent Email to Newspaper
INC News, 18/12/2015 - via ABC News
New Study Reveals Cancer Caused by Lifestyle Choices Including Diet, Exe...
INC News, 18/12/2015 - via ABC News
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Путин - о Блаттере: "Вот кому нужно давать Нобелевскую премию мира!"
INC News, 17/12/2015 - Euronews
Marine Le Pen criticised for posting pictures of ISIL on twitter account
INC News, 17/12/2015 - via Euronews
Death toll mounts as Ankara continues its PKK clampdown in Kurdish towns
INC News, 17/12/2015 - via Euronews
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Poetin vergeet Nederlandse dochter
INC News, 17/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Испания: саксофон - способ избежать осложнений при операции на мозге
INCnews, 17/12/2015 - via Euronews
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Justin Trudeau says he would to talk to the Pope about Church-run Reside...
INC News, 16/12/2015 - via CBC News
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Исполнение мечты: баронесса фон Дрейер на свое столетие вернулась на родину
INC News, 15/12/2015 - via
Алматыда мереке қарсаңында сәбилі болған аналарға тосын сый жасалды (15....
INC News, 15/12/2015 - via Telekanal Almaty
Какау шәкірттері Францияны 4:2 есебімен жеңді (14.12.15)
INC News, 15/12/2015 - via Telekanal Almaty
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Wilders: 'Dit is een hele eer'
INC News, 15/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Новый экипаж МКС возьмет на орбиту седьмой эпизод фильма «Звездные войны»
INC News
The fast news of De Telegraaf - "Slapeloze nachten heel gezellig"
INC News, 15/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Eva Longoria Is Engaged, Josh Groban Is Heading to Broadway and More in ...
INC News, 15/12/2015 - via ABC News
Monday, December 14, 2015
Сын миллиардера взят под стражу по подозрению в убийстве матери
INC News, 14/12/2015 - via
Авиабаза "Хмеймим": бойцы тренируются на фоне взлетающих и садящихся сам...
INC News, 14/12/2015 - via
Владимир Путин принимает участие в работе IV Международного культурного ...
INC News, 14/12/2015 - via RT
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Clubje Fransen gaat IS te lijf
INC News, 14/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
Raw: Ohio Firefighters Battle Warehouse Fire
Firefighters are working to contain a massive fire at a warehouse in central Ohio and prevent it from spreading to other buildings.
INC News, 14/12/2015 - via AP
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Counting the Cost - Why is OPEC refusing to cut oil production?
INC News, 13/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Боксер Рой Джонс, получивший гражданство РФ, проиграл британцу Энцо Макк...
INCnews, 13/12/2015-via RT
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Корреспондента "России сегодня" выдворяют из Польши без суда и следствия
INC News, 12/12/2015 - via
Астананың сол жағалауында орталық мұз қалашығы қайта ашылды
INC News, 12/12/2015 - via Telekanal 24KZ
Sexual Abuse Victims Recall Crimes by Officer
The rape and sexual abuse victims of former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw spoke at a news conference Friday. Holtzclaw was found guilty of sex crimes against eight women, including Jannie Ligons
INC News, 12/12/2015 - via AP
San Bernardino shooting: How not to cover breaking news - The Listening ...
As televised news events go, it had a touch of the surreal about it.Two days after the San Bernardino mass shooting, scores of reporters stormed into the home of Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, two of the crime's main suspects, broadcasting live while rummaging through their personal effects.Airing images of family members and releasing sensitive material that only a few hours earlier had been part of an FBI investigation, the coverage brought the journalistic ethics of a number of news organisations into question.Hashtags like #Thisisntjournalism were trending while reporters were still in the house, live on air.The ensuing media coverage, which combines two big issues in the US right now - the so-called 'war on terror' and gun control - prompted Republican presidential contender, Donald Trump, to call for a blanket ban on Muslims entering the US, while several media outlets went into a frenzy focusing on the suspects religious beliefs as a primary motive for the killings.Talking us through the story are: Erik Wemple, The Washington Post's media critic; Kelly McBride, the vice president of the Poynter Institute; Ali Harb, a reporter with Arab American News and NPR's media correspondent David Folkenflik.Other stories on Our Radar this week: In Somalia, a journalist has died after a bomb was planted in her car and analysts are blaming the armed group al-Shabab. In China, four journalists have been suspended for a typo that claimed President Xi had resigned and Britain’s The Sun newspaper has apologised for an article that purportedly showed how easy it is for potential terrorists to travel across Europe, which turned out to be fake. Social media videos: the end of Journalism? Native social media videos are the next evolution in news consumption. Producers who were once battling with channel flicking are now trying to catch your eye online before you click past. And some news outlets Al Jazeera's AJ+, Buzzfeed and NowThis have so far enjoyed success with their online models . YouTube has just turned ten this year but thanks to Facebook's new video strategy and the rising popularity of platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, the audience for videos on social media has grown exponentially and the competition for audience share has grown very fierce. Short form text on screen and rapid fire visuals feature prominently in the native world, but how much does the quest for instant gratification affect the quality of the journalism? The Listening Post's Paolo Ganino reports on native social news videos and what this new genre says about how we consume news. Dutch filmmakers Sacha Harland and Alexander Spoor from the YouTube channel, Dit Is Normaal (This Is Normal) recently conducted an experiment on the streets of The Netherlands. They selected a few choice passages from the Bible, disguised it as a Quran, and then asked passers-by what they thought about the writings. The results say a lot about the unconscious bias that is present in many of us. The Holy Quran Experiment has racked up millions of views online.
INC News, 12/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Friday, December 11, 2015
В инновационное производство в технопарке "Москва" вложено около 500 млн...
INC News, 11/12/2015 - via
The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'Onschuldige Ajaxfans gestraft'
INC News, 11/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'Coalitie doodde drie leiders IS'
INC News, 11/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'Lesbisch drama flink in trek'
INC News, 11/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf
ISS trio lands safe & sound in Kazakhstan, 1st return from space after sunset
The Soyuz TMA-17m space capsule carrying three ISS crewmembers has returned from its mission and landed safely in Kazakhstan. It is the first time a crew has landed after sunset.
The trio, flight engineers Kjell Lindgren of NASA, Oleg Kononenko of Roscosmos (Russian Federal Space Agency) and Kimiya Yui of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, have been in orbit for nearly five months.
INC News, 11/12/2015 - via RT
UK petitions to block 'racist' Donald Trump from entering country
INC News, 11/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Argentina. Ultimo discorso da "Presidenta" di Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner
INC News, 10/12/2015 - via Euronews
Trafic d'antiquités : une manne considérable pour l'Etat islamique
INC News, 10/12/2015 - via Euronews
Argentine : bain de foule pour la fin de mandat de Cristina Kirchner
INC News, 10/122015 - via Euronews
Suspect in Deadly Planned Parenthood Shooting in Colorado in Court
INC News 10.12.2015 - via
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Al Jazeera World - Marriage and Divorce in Morocco
Moroccan family law is built around the Moudawana, a family code that governs marriage, divorce, child custody, maintenance and the division of assets.Adapting well-established traditions, it has been in existence since the 1950s; but, historically, marriage - and divorce - had always been in the hands of men.But in recent decades the Moudawana has faced pressure from civil society groups and women's rights campaigners to introduce reforms, prompting King Mohamed VI to appoint a commission to examine its principles and practice in October 2003.Its findings have resulted in more rights for women and updates to many of its rules, particularly in introducing new types of divorce, including for "irreconcilable differences".In Marriage and Divorce in Morocco we look at a host of areas affected by the family code including registration of marriage, division of assets, maintenance, domestic violence, rape, and the effects on men who find themselves in abusive relationships.We hear from lawyers, judges, social commentators and also ex-wives and ex-husbands - like Fadma Amzil, who had a Fatiha marriage, but which was not registered with the civil authorities."I only had a Fatiha marriage," she says. "He got married to another woman and their marriage was registered. My situation would have been different if my marriage had been registered."We also speak to critics of the code who argue that some discrimination has survived the 2004 reforms
INC News, 09/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA
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